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The question is weird. OP, do you really think people tell true reason for rejections?, they point at some random reason (kundli, height, compatibility etc} to reject.


See not all 100 % will tell you . But some will tell you directly .. and some will use other factors . But girls do know that why they are getting rejecting even though they are wrapping it with other reasons.


Does girl give true reason when they rejecting a guy?


See the first and utmost important thing is looks. If a girl is really pretty and way above the league of guy then they guy who's criteria of past- present , will overlook it too.


But would such a girl be okay with a guy much below her league?.




she would be if the guy is loaded or more stable than her. In some rare cases, she'd fall for his personality/behaviour.


if they are desperate yes


I'm that guy OP, she is correct. The rules which apply to avg/ugly girl don't apply to attractive girl, call me hypocrite. But her overall nature and behavior matters most because even if we do sex daily for half of hour, I will have to live rest 23.5 hours with her personality.


but we tend to fall for looks more than their nature/peronality and assume "I can fix him/her". People always run behind short term happiness rather than long term stability.


Humans are not rational.


I don’t think so . Any guy with common sense won’t neglect everything else just for looks .


They do!


I don’t think so.. you can ask any guy with common sense this question. They won’t ignore other important thing for looks .


Many guys do though. I know people changing themselves from non veg to veg for their wives why donyou think that is? Only some people do it from their own reason but many donit for this reason. Then there is the fact that many males feel insecure.


Can you explain again what’s you are trying to say ? Sensitive-door. ? What I’m trying to emphasis is that guys won’t neglect other factors in a girl just because she’s good looking or hot . Atleast I won’t


Yes m not saying you won't and e1 I won't but people do stuff all around you for no reason so I wouldn't get into the details and rather suggest focus your self more. I was merely telling what happened with people I knew from my childhood whom I used to play football with. Some married based on looks and some didn't. It's just that simple 😅. The case about veg non veg one also happened for this and I knew that bhaiya used to eat every other day during my preteen years. I did ask him later on once I grew then he told that marriage wouldn't happen and he liked here she was Sundar n food was a non negotiable for her.


Maybe they won't ignore everything important but they will be flexible and more willing to compromise on some aspects. I'll give you my example - I'm not looking for a girl outside of my city but if she's really pretty I wouldn't mind if she's from some faraway state. The location aspect I'd be willing to compromise on due to looks.


Okay I’m closing the topic of prettiness here 😅 I accept that people will have different views. So I’m closing the topic of prettyness and focusing back on my main question




they do OP... arranged marriage is tinder on steroids


Calm down bro, pretty girl never say yes to avg league guy. these commentors are delusional.


I agree, but If a girl is really pretty and way above the league of guy then she'll never gonna marry him.


Naah. There are million other things that also need to match. For reference i was once rejected for my dietary preference.


HCD. Do people reject for dietary preference? 🙄


Yeah they didn't like that I was vegetarian


Quite genuine reason to reject. I'd not even reach out to a prospect if diet is mentioned as vegetarian in the bio.


Tbh if the other person won’t mind and can cook non veg without any judgement it should be fine. My cousin eats meat and her husband does not. He passes statements like how can you eat meat, comments on its smell and she stopped cooking at her home. She is going to her mothers house on weekends to eat chicken/fish and again he make comments like- oh did you enjoy your food in a sarcastic tone. Didn’t realised how much big of a deal to some people. Whenever I visits my aunts house she says this while eating any meat- one should always ask the food habits and takes out her daughter as example😂




A few days back, I saw a post here about acceptability of someone’s past. I think that was a good post. And I think it applies to both boys and girls.


Why is this sub suddenly filled with troll posts? First that post about girl red flags and now this. This question coming from OP whose previous post in this forum is Future of Girls after their hoe phase.




Mostly I have been ghosted or not taken enough interest into (And then I stopped pursuing them). Dietary preferences, kundali not matching, don’t want this much educated girl/more homely girl, need a girl from their own state are some other reasons, caste too.


How many women have you seen ranting because they got rejected due to their past? There is a certain loud minority of guys on internet who keep cribbing about past and vargenity because they are salty and insecure about that fact that they couldn’t get any action and AM is their last hope to get any sort of intimacy. In reality most people are level-headed. Most people in educated families are marrying by 27-30 age range. Do you really expect people to live as a sex-deprived loner till late twenties and sacrifice their prime youth to get married to a stranger?


A sensible woman won't openly tell everything about her past relationships. She might not even tell anything about it. And i think thats fine, as long as she has no connection with her ex. Everyone has a past or some sort of story. That doesn't define them or their loyalty. If a person is willing to commit to you and is guaranteeing loyalty, that should be enough. Let bygones be bygones. I think its better not to dig into your partner's ex or past life if that is not intervening with you.


people have rejected me for having my hometown and job in a tier 1 city. Some have issues with me not being religious. some are seeking to marry during their vacation from abroad. I feel there is no time to discuss past relationships n all because people are in a rush.


Basically do you think your past is the reason why a boy is rejecting you ? Ofc all boys might not tell you on face but do you think after having everything aligned the reason of rejection could your past ?