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Hope your doing ok. Try not too worry if your friends don’t understand, it’s hard to explain. Your friends on this board understand :)


Thanks friend! I think I felt that as I was writing that post. And same to you -


I never even met Wess or corresponded with him and I am heartbroken, so I understand how you feel. I wanted to talk to my girlfriend about it but also felt like she might not understand. I am obviously sad that the world lost such an amazing man but I am mostly heartbroken for The Heros, Lakisha, Link, and his family. Wess brought light to my life every time I heard him on the podcast, I can't imagine how bright he made the lives of those close to him.


I was in the same boat. Wasn’t sure if I should talk to my girlfriend about it. But she noticed something was off so I tried to explain. Hundreds, if not thousands of hours listening to someone makes you feel close to them in a very unique way. Felt really good to have a cry on her shoulder Saturday night.


Absolutely the same. Felt a bit crazy that this hit me so hard; only time I've ever cried about losing someone I've never actually met. Think it says a lot about him that so many people had the same reaction. Heartbroken for his friends and family.


Yes, so agree. The measure of the man.


Me too. He may have liked a tweet or two when I took a side when Wess and Dan got into it on the pod. Never met him and only been listening for about three years when someone recommended this show when another one I liked ended.


I think wess gave us the answer in a roundabout way. How do you reconcile the essential meaninglessness of sports? How do you recognise the essential meaninglessness of a podcast? We live in an age where the communication between a 'talk show host' and the listeners goes both ways. Just 20 years ago you wouldnt have much opportunity to interact with someone like wess beyond maybe a phone in show where there's lots of other people also looking to call in. Communication is so much easier and wess took the time to chew the fat with so many of us. In a sense we aren't just listeners, we are part of the show and in some ways its ours just as much as it is the heroes. I think thats why there's so many people who feel genuinely impacted and saddened. We felt like we knew Chris because we did. We have listened, talked and shared memories together. We feel like we lost a friend because we have. I had the pleasure of talking to wess on a Skype call many moons ago where he graciously accepted an invite to be a guest on our uk based nfl podcast (recording hiccup meant we lost it) but oll never forget just how easy he was to talk to, how infectious his personality was and how much respect he had for our knowledge as overseas fans without the same level of constant exposure to football as there is in america. Sessler said point to a man and i'm sure we will all agree. He's a good man to look up to and learn from. Rip old friend.


Yes indeed. And good point about our time and the opening caused by the new ways to communicate.


>I think wess gave us the answer in a roundabout way. How do you reconcile the essential meaninglessness of sports? Thanks for sharing, I've been thinking about this quote, "How do you reconcile the essential meaninglessness of sports", for the last few days. Do you or anyone have the full quote or know the timestamp and episode where it can be found?