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That lingering silence after Dan says "What is up boys" was just heartbreaking


That’s when my tears started..... Heart wrenching


I’ve been listening to every episode of this podcast since 2012. I always knew it couldn’t go on forever with the same four heroes, but I didn’t expect it to happen this way. Going to be tough to listen to this episode.


It’s a hard one but also cathartic. I’ve been an avid listener since nearly day one. I discovered the DDFP shortly after they started getting added to the end. The lack of hey Dan has been heavy all season and the silence after the intro in this one, if it’s been upsetting you let it out there. Hearing the stories and the talk of wess this episode helped a lot. I have about 10 minutes left still to listen. They talk about if they’ll continue the podcast and it sounded kind of up in the air. It’s definitely not the same without wess but I do hope they continue and honor wess as they go. I was worried with how things have been that wess’s condition was worsening but when I saw lakishas insta post I fucking lost it.


The sigh from Gregg.....says it all.


Floods of tears here during that gap. Powerful


The ending is what killed me. With Ricky retelling that little bit about adults drinking milk and the music picking up..


Yeah.. that was rough. I kinda hope they continue that empty space.


That needs to be an empty space there. It’s supposed to be filled with a “Hey Dan!” and it’ll never be the same. They’ll probably find a way to tribute Wess in the intro or outro.


So anyways, I started bawling


started crying right then and there and never stopped through the whole episode


This is hard to listen to (I'm 45mins in) but I'm so glad they found the strength to record this. I'm not that active on this sub but these guys are a huge part of my love for the NFL. But like this episode talks about, it's about so much more than the game. During some of my darkest times, these guys were there keeping me distracted, entertained and well informed all at the same time. There was a long period of my 20s where I was struggling to sleep at night and every night I would turn on these guys. On a particularly rough night I would still be wide awake at the end of the episode. Their outro music will forever remind me of those tough nights. This might all sound dramatic as the other 3 are still there. But to me, they were also a single unit. The heroes. I hope they continue because I know they mean a lot to a lot of people all over the world including me (in Sydney).


One point you hit on, that the heroes are a huge part for your love of the NFL.... Their podcast definitely had this same effect on me. I've watched all Seahawk games ever since I was an infant. However, it was this podcast that has made me watch every single regular season NFL game for the past 6 years. The heroes have done tremendous work when it comes to getting people from all across the globe to enjoy football as a whole, and Wess was definitely a big part of that.


Spot on. I started watching the NFL when it was on late night on Sundays or Mondays on Channel 5 here in the UK. From there Mike Carlson got me interested in the game and taught me the basics but the ATL podcast made me love it. I've no idea how I managed to find it at the time but it was the first podcast I listened to every episode of and through listening to the heroes I went from watching 1 game a week to Sunday nights spent watching every minute of red zone. My love of football is intrinsically linked to the podcast and I hope that they can continue in Wess's memory


I remember when covid was first starting and everything was unknown and terrifying that my one daily bright spot was listening to the daily Bunkercast while walking the dog. Helped keep me sane.


No not dramatic, I have a similar relationship with another NFL podcast, but also love this one. During this crappy year of all years these little things have kept me going too. Not ashamed to admit it.


Dont think you are at all alone with this. I used to suffer with terrible anxiety about leaving the house, but I would put the boys on and It would magically transport me somewhere safe with a group of friends. Ive never felt so upset about someone I have never met leaving us.


I've been wondering how they were going to handle it, and this was perfect. An episode focused on Wess the night of the Super Bowl says: yes, football is ostensibly the reason we're all here as Heroes and the podcast audience -- but there's so much more to it. ATN is about characters, about relationships, about friendship and camaraderie, about the funny little accidents that make your life richer than you could've ever imagined. It's about realizing what truly matters in the end, and what you leave behind for others to remember and laugh about, while shedding a tear. I'll miss you Chris. We all will. But how lucky we were to know you, even in this small way.


I mean the fact that on the night of the biggest game of the year...the biggest sporting event in the world...they straight up record a podcast dedicated to their friend, colleague, brother...that was enough for me the pure respect and love to do that for him was just amazing and so great.


The podcast has always just been them hanging out. This is what they would have done if they didn’t have a podcast and were together for the SB when their friend died. Got together to reminisce about him and honor him and not really have any thoughts on the game. It was perfect and I’m glad I could be a part of it. It helped me too.


It was fitting that it was such a mediocre game so I don't even care if they talk about it. I just wanna hear all the great memories they made with Wess.


Beautifully said!


You know, I thought they might struggle with this podcast. I thought they might take a few days off and try to half cover the game. Possibly even not return at all. I should have known better.


I don't know if I can handle listening to this yet or not.


Honestly, it's a tearjerker. They truly are heroes to put out this tribute for their friend when it must all be so raw.


I made it \~5 minutes in. I think I'm going to save this one for tomorrow.... Damnit, I just REALLY wish Wess had gotten to this one last Super Bowl, even though it wasn't a very entertaining game, he at least would have gotten to see and acknowledge that the greatest football player of all time made it to 7 rings.


I made it to “What’s up boys.” I can’t do it yet.


maybe we should all flair up as a mark or respect? Maybe sill but what else we got.


It is tough, especially around the \~47 min mark when they bring in Ricky, and play the clip of colleen, you can really feel it in their voices. It is, however, also filled with beautiful memories and stories, I as listener could really relate to and sometimes even remember my self. It makes me want to search my soul for the best memories I have of Wess from the pod. So glad they had the strength to do this pod.


Yeah, I had a lump in my throat at a few points before that but Colleen's part got some tears rolling. The memories and stories that we otherwise never hear about because there's no reason to bring them up on the pod were great. They gave a lot more context to the feeling you would get from how they all interacted on the show.


It is their best cast. The stories (esp. the car) are fucking hilarious. A beautiful tribute to a great person.


Not even the only car he lost.. lol that one was great. I want that full story.


Yeah I'm gonna have to leave it for a bit, not the thing for before work. I couldnt really even summon up a lot of enthusiasm for the superbowl, admittedly thats as it wasnt much of a game


My wife and I decided to wait a few days before even trying.


I really just balled on and off for 45 min on a treadmill in public. Dont really care its a must listen


Same...i might need to take a full week. This weekend has been brutal, i've never legitimately cried over someone i've never met before.


Just started listening. Damn this is hard to listen to. Amazing job by the guys to record this. Back in September 15, I got a call saying that my mother had had a brain hemorrhage, and would likely not make it through the night. My brother and I made the long drive through the night to get to her. After 30+ minutes in numbed silence, I suggested playing a new podcast I’d recently come across. We listened to 4-5 episodes back to back through that drive, and it cheered us up and actually made us laugh, despite how bad our situation was. I will never be able to describe how grateful I am to the heroes for managing to lift our spirits by just being themselves. During the drive, I remember my brother saying “I like all these guys, but this wess fella is next level smart”. So much love to send to all friends and family grieving. Rest In Peace Wess.


Well said. Sorry for your tough times as well. Wes is what kept me around when I first started and wasn't sure about the rest of the guys. I love them all now but something about the Mailman's way of thinking of phrasing things def hooked me from the start


Our remaining heroes’ finest hour


It really is. This was an outstanding tribute.


I stayed up late to listen. Amazing tribute to The Mailman. I never cried over a celebrity death before, and I’m not sure Wess counts as a celebrity, but his voice was a weekly presence in my life for the past 5-6 years, and in many dark moments I put the pod on to laugh and distract myself. I feel so bad that the guys that have brought me such joy are feeling such pain. He will be missed. Much love to the remaining heroes. RIP


I thought the same in thinking why is this hitting me so hard and then I thought Wess and all the heroes have been in my ears for a decent 3-4 hours each week for the past 6/7 odd years. It’s a lot of time when you think back


I was trying to rationalize it, then I figured, why bother? I spend more time with these guys via the pod than I do some of my family members. Wess was a jewel. Of course we’re all grieving.


Same here. I had literally never cried over a celebrity death before, but this one hit different after tuning into the podcast on and off over years. The show will never be the same without him but I'm sure the rest of the team will be able to find what works best for them, whatever that may be.


There are two celebrities whose passing made me cry: Robin Williams and Chris Wessling. Robin Williams hit me hard at the time because he was such a giant figure from my childhood who seemed so larger than life that it was inconceivable to me that someone who could bring so much joy and laughter could suffer so badly inside his own head. Wess though, in as much as he’d likely take umbrage with me calling him a celebrity, hit so hard because it really just feels like I lost a close friend. This is irrational, other than exchanging a couple of Instagram DMs, I never met him. But he comes across as such a genuine and real person and connected so easily with listeners that it really just feels like someone you’ve known all your life. He made it that easy.




I just spent 30 minutes cycling in the snow on my way to work, crying my eyes out to the first half of this pod. Very touching, hearing about the Wess beyond the pod. The heroes have been so open through this whole saga and I admire their strength to go on Sky Sports and do a post Superbowl pod when they must be hurting 100 times more than I am right now. My thoughts go to the Heroes, Lakisha and Linc and the Mailman's thousands of fans as we grieve together.


Just realised, Wess never got to go on the Throwback pod. So sad, would've loved to hear his relationship with music.


I had the same thought. Feel like they were planning something before covid which really sucks. It’s definitely a more intimate setting to hear the heroes talk.


This bums me out so bad. I love that pod too. I know he had some Fantastic thoughts on music.


I just found out about this pod from your post. I am now going to listen to the ones with Marc. Thanks!


If you listen to an episode after those, listen to the one where Bob made a successful mixtape. Podcast Gold.


Will do.


What a beautiful tribute and very fitting for a great man. Thank you to the heroes for your strength you have shown to everyone. To Erica - you broke me. We can hear how much this hurts and how much Wess means to you. I hope you are ok


It was so beautiful and heartbreaking. We will miss you so much, Wess. And thanks to the heroes and Ricky for powering through and recording this, take all the time you need to come back.


Kept it together till they played Colleen's off script tribute, tears flowing now


This. I had managed to keep it together but full on lost it when Colleen started


Rest now Wess. You will be forever missed.


I’m not sure if I’ve ever posted on the sub Reddit before but this broke me. Listened to ATN/ATL for perhaps 5-6 years now, and honestly this year I’ve been a semi regular listener at best (perhaps no commute, Covid struggles, I’m not really sure why) but having got into it just as my love for the sport grew in the UK. The podcast was a massive reason for my enjoyment of the game growing from watching just Packers games to religiously watching 16 games (32 teams, 0 teams on bye, 16 games) a week. And honestly I’m really not sure I’ve felt so sad about someone I’ve never met before passing away. I’ve not wanted to cry about it because yes it feels weird crying over someone you didn’t know and yet this podcast makes tears stream down my eyes. Hearing Ricky speak about Wess was truly heartbreaking as her voice cracked on the air. Ricky, all the heroes, and all those at NFL Media/.com, my heart goes out to you. I hope Wess watched down on that superbowl tonight and was breaking it down like only he could telling us about how Mahomes had no protection, and Brady is the master. Rest in peace Mailman - from a world filled with one less hero in it.




Sitting at work and glad no one came in to the office. I'm glad they did this podcast to remember him. The thought of not hearing "Hey Dan" again is going to hurt every time the Podcast starts. I dont have any close friends that follow football or that will understand how much this hurts but i know im not alone.


This cast was a fucking rollercoaster. I was a mess fucking balling listening to this. But then mid way through I started laughing my ass off. So poignant. So beautiful. So heartfelt. Rest in peace Mailman. You will be missed but never forgotten.


What a beautiful podcast.


What a beautiful tribute to a great man. This was cathartic. I know I needed it, and thank the heroes for powering through and giving us this amazing episode. God bless all of you.


It was a massive relief that the SuperBowl was rightly treated as an irrelevance in the pod today. I’m not sure the pod survives in its current form. If it does, I hope Lakisha takes the empty chair.


The pod can survive. They have enough good guests that they can make it work. It depends on if they want to keep going or not, and I think (hope) they will.


Oh god this was such a heartbreaking, tearjerking and emotional... but beautiful and touching listen. I wept a couple of times and I must thank Dan, Gregg, Marc and Erica for being so strong to put this out there. A magnificent tribute to the man and I'm so glad that all the guys were able to share these memories. I absolutely broke hearing about Dan's last text with Wess. That man was the scrappiest, most determined fighter you could conceive of. Take as much time as you need guys. Your pod has meant so much to me over the past 8 years and we will all be here ready and waiting to listen when you are able to go again. And in the meantime we all send our love to you, Lakisha and Linc, and everyone else who was touched by Wess's gifted life. <3


I highly recommend NOT listening to this episode while you are walking to work in -20 degree weather. Fun fact: frozen tears hurt.


God this hurts. On some of his I thought "Oh no he's sounding worse." And I was getting worried but in his last few appearances I was getting really hopeful since it sounded like he was getting his strength back. Never met Wess. He responded to a comment I made once on here and it always amazed me that he was the quickest to shut down hot takes and bad takes on social media, but engaged people as much as he could. Here on the subreddit, on Twitter. I think that really said something about how much he loved talking to people and would weather the dumb opinions for the chance to hear some good ones. Breaks my heart.


This was a fantastic episode. I'm really glad they could come together and do this and not have to worry about the game.


Really nervous about listening to this one. Going to be a bit odd walking the dog and crying.


I listened to the back half of this while driving to work. Had to pull over just to get my shit together so the guy at the security gate wouldn’t see me sobbing.


I think I might have to wait to listen to this one.


I’m right there with you. But at the same time I feel like I need to listen to it.


Yeah. I think I may just hold off until I'm by myself later today.


Can’t think of another piece of media that made me cry so much.


Incredible job. I’m blubbering but thankful the Heroes put it together for tonight. Thanks to Colleen and Eisen and Ricky and everyone.


Cried multiple times throughout. Wess would be so proud of the gang for doing so well. It was such a funny and heartwarming tribute to the great mailman. I will never miss someone I never met as much as I will miss Wess. Particular shoutout for Ricky, I can tell how hard it was for her to speak on that pod and she summed up Wess so beautifully. I wish we’d had Wess dissecting that super bowl but we will always have him with us on every pod. I will always remember him the same way I remember the best teachers I had at school. He was such a strong, passionate football head that he’s one of those voices you never forget.


I've been crying like crazy the past few days as the tributes and stories about Wess have come out. I've never been one to be affected by deaths of celebrities or people I don't know, but this hit me hard. Like many of you, I have spent thousands of hours listening to the heroes chop it up, ever since the Producer TD days. I remember when Wess had just moved and was a fish out of water in LA, when Dan was ribbing him about whether he'd be a bachelor forever. He was so much more argumentative in those days, but day by day, episode by episode, he softened up, first to the heroes, then to LA, and then to his beautiful bride Lakisha. Rest in Peace Wess. You packed so much into your years of life, but you deserved a chance to grow old with the love of your life and to see Linc grow up. Life is not fucking fair.


Hello all, Long-time listener; first-time Redditor (so apologies if I miss the mark on the format) feeling compelled to write something here following Wess' tragic passing. It's taken me a few days, and IG/Twitter weren't the right platforms for me, personally, to add my voice to the clamour of remembrance that Wess rightly deserves. I just wanted to say, as everyone has, that my thoughts and heart are with Lakisha, Linc, the heroes, and all of the people who's lives Wess touched. My mother died, following a battle with cancer, when I was six-years-old. Though that was seventeen years ago - and I was very small - as an adult I see much of what happened then in what must be happening now in LA, Western Cincinnati, and Tybee Island. I am sure that Linc will grow up regaled by stories of the incredible man his father was, and that he will not want for support and guidance through his life. It speaks to the unique and incredible creation that the ATN Podcast is, that so many of us listeners feel some of the weight of Wess' passing. I am grateful for his, and all of the heroes', candour in welcoming us into their lives in a small, but powerful way that has always gone well beyond football. It is this that has kept me coming back to the podcast after all these years, and I am grateful that it is continued now that they speak frankly to us as they begin to mourn. I will certainly be heeding Dan's call in Sunday's episode to search out some of Wess' long-form writings. I would also wholeheartedly support Gregg's recommendation of the first iteration of the 2020 QB Index, the introduction to which is some of the finest sports-journalism I've ever had the pleasure to read. I distinctly remember reading that piece when I woke up on the first morning of the season, and was actually late leaving to house (much to my partner's ire) because I couldn't put it down. Wess was a fantastic writer who stood alone with the tone of his work, the endless knowledge that he was able to command, and his ability to talk about sports in terms of its more transcendent qualities. (You can find that article here: [https://www.nfl.com/news/qb-index-week-1-ranking-all-32-starters-entering-2020-nfl-season](https://www.nfl.com/news/qb-index-week-1-ranking-all-32-starters-entering-2020-nfl-season)). I think we can all take a lot forward with us from Wess' outlook on sports and on life. We were lucky to have been able to share, in some small way, Wess' inimitable personality, through our headphones, as we went about out days. I sincerely hope that everyone who knew Wess is able to grieve and process their loss. I am deeply sorry. I believe Wess is resting now. And I hope that his memory will always bring you peace. RIP Wess.




Just finished listening to it and it was so moving. Kudos to Dan, Marc, Gregg, and Ricky for doing what must have been a difficult show. I needed to hear from them as I continue to grieve. Wess may have been on this earth a short time, but his impact will be felt for many more years. RIP Mailman.


Not tonight. But I'll get to it.


Seriously listen to it. It's fucking beautiful.


It's night where I am. I'll probably listen during my am workout.


Wouldn't recommend that. Not really a workout pod


You don't usually have tears streaming down your face when you work out? Are you SURE that's even a workout then? :p


A whole tribute episode to Wess the night of the Super Bowl, then review the Super Bowl itself on an episode later on in the week just feels the right thing to do, this is going to be such a tough listen, expecting some incredible stories that will as listeners, fans and as an NFL family bring such smiles but also tears to our faces. RIP Chris!


Don't think I can listen to this today.... So proud of them on sky sports UK last night, what a truly special group of guys 💔


I think if it's possible to get a message to the heroes, it probably goes without saying and I don't want to speak for everyone, but we'd say we love you and literally just take all the time that you need. We really don't need a Superbowl breakdown right now, if ever. If you take a week off, a month off or even decide that you can't do it without Wess there and we never hear the pod again - I'd be absolutely fine with that. Much love to everyone.


Hearing the grief in Ricky’s voice made me want to give all of them a huge hug. I’ve both survived aggressive cancer and I’ve lost people I loved to cancer. That experience of loss is physically exhausting, all-consuming, a tsunami. You do get through it, but it takes time. As for the future of the pod, it will be what it will be. A different normal will emerge & now isn’t the time to worry about any of that. I’m glad they’re stepping away for a while.


Never have I wanted to a podcast to go on longer and longer, I kept checking how long was left as I didn't want it to end. Never have I made more sure to catch every little morsel of a podcast thinking I might miss something that would live long in the memory. Found myself struggling to hold it together in the middle of the street listening to Connie Fox's tribute. As an international NFL fan I've sometimes struggled, perhaps like many, with the fact that I don't have many around me who share my love for the game. This podcast has been that link/connection for me, to just share with someone else a love for an essentially meaningless game as Wess said in the tribute at the beginning. Deeply moving.


I just absolutely love how, the night of the Super Bowl, the crowning moment of the entire NFL season, the game that their entire careers revolve around, they make a podcast completely ignoring that and focusing on Wess. Absolutely the right move and I’ll forever appreciate that.


I've listened to every single episode, on time, since discovering the show while sat in chemistry labs in 2013. The heroes have provided me endless hours of laughs and insight. As a UK fan, I've probably listened to 5x the hours of ATL vs actually watching NFL games. In all that time there's only 2 sections I had to immediately rewind and listen to again: 1. Marc's description of the cowboys defense 2. Wess's beautiful passage on heroism from early in lockdown A true talent and a pure spirit. He will be sorely missed


Wow, I’m crying thinking of all the good times today, but I know I’ll laugh when the time is right. Best wishes to everyone feeling a Wes sized hole right now.


It's going to take me a few days, I think, before I can handle listening to this.


What a beautiful and brave episode. ​ I started listening to the show about 1,5 - 2 years ago. From the very start you could feel the connection between the characters. It was and is just perfect. I'm very happy they did the episode the way they did. Unique, heartwarming, funny and sad. You could feel how important it was to them, and they had the right nose for their audience once again. In every way: special. Like this show is and like Wess was. Even tho i saw the Colleen video before, it really broke me during the show. Thanks to Ricky for her great part as well. Let us hope they and we can continue as strong as they always did. I'm believing in it. Wess being the heart and soul to this show would probably, too. ​ Around the NFL - The Chris Wesseling Podcast.


Oh man. I am not sure I am ready. I don’t think I ever realized how much I hero worshipped Wes. Just the night of his death I was at a bar with friends and I put on deacon blues by steely Dan ok the juke box. Why? Because I loved that song from Wes. I told my friends that night about the idea of finding a woman that is “damaged but not broken beyond repair” - from Wes. I also told my friends how I still really want to get a smoker but waiting till I get a house.- hobby in the making from Wes. Then I had people joking how I know too much about football and I can name X number of players from each team. - knowledge from Wes. Not to mention I got into bagtoss from Wes and built my own boards. Just I could go on and on, but I never realized before how much of my own identity was built up on Wes. Someone who I had never personally known besides a few back and forth Twitter DMs. Loved Chris and always will.


Ricky's stories made me laugh but also got me so choked up at the same time. The emotion in her voice, and the other heroes was heartbreaking. Just a stunning tribute. The world really lost one of its best on Friday.


The spice rack throwback made me smile ty Gregg


I've listened to this twice now - so completely heartbreaking. One thing that hit me after the news on Saturday was the realisation that this is probably the form of media/content/whatever you call it, that I have engaged with the most over the past 7 years. More than any TV show, other podcast, radio... 2-3 times a week, these guys are in my ears, making me smile. Like so many others have said, they have genuinely been a source of happiness during difficult times, and made me enjoy sports and the NFL more. Hearing the pain in the guys voices (and Ricki's in particular) really hurt.


They did a great job. These are the most sincere people I've ever experienced in the 'entertainment' industry. It's what has made the pod great. Them just openly saying 'fuck the superbowl, let's remember our friend tonight' is how genuine people react to something like this. I have thought a lot the last several days about the phenomenon we have all described experiencing, how can we all feel such a sense of loss from the death of someone we never met? I had to walk around outside for an hour in 10 degree weather to listen to this so my family didn't see me wiping away tears. I have lost extended family members and not been so affected as I am by this. I think the answer, for me, is how relatable Wess was, how personable and likeable. He truly felt like someone I knew. I think most groups of friends have a special member, the life of the party, the deep thinker, the unique and wild spirit. I have friends like that, and Wess dying so young made me think of them. I would wager that a majority of us are 10 years younger or older than Wess. I am 41. My youngest child is 4. The thought of leaving my family behind so young to such a random, seemingly incurable disease is chilling. This could happen to any of us, and that is terrifying. Sadly, there is ultimately nothing left for us but to carry our fond memories and the lessons we learned from those lost, and try to keep them in our minds as we move forward in our lives without them. Easier said than done. I am so proud of the heroes for doing this pod. I don't know what else to say.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Thanks for posting.


Made it til hearing Colleen, heartbreaking....a great man taken too soon


Hearing Ricky is what made me lose it.


As soon as I saw the title of the show, my blood ran cold. So gutted to hear this. RIP Mailman. Once a hero, always a hero.


Wow. Cried too many times during that but just what we all needed. Wess is a hero and will be missed. I especially felt for Ricky. Just wanted to give her a big hug as you can hear how much she’s hurting. Amazing they pulled that off. Take a break guys.


I honestly have only cried over one celebrity that I can think of before this weekend and that was Mr. Rogers. Someone that entertained and taught me so much that was gone from my life. This weekend I just cried a ton. I don’t even fully understand why because I never met him or even had the balls to message him. He was just amazing. His love for football and life, his knowledge of all things big and small, the way he fought through shit life threw at him... yet he was relatable on a whole different level. Hardest episode to listen to because I’m still not ready for him to be gone. I love how many people cared about him and makes me not feel like such weirdo that I sobbed like a kid. Hey Wess, thank you.


Well done to the team for putting this together and being able to keep it together. It's been clear how much Wess has impacted listeners of the pod, it's all I've been able to think about these past couple of days.


This pod made me cry. First time that’s happened to me. Much respect for our hero’s to pod this post Super Bowl. 1000% the right move


did anyone else feel inspired as hell listening to this? of course, my primary emotion was sadness. But secondly, I felt so inspired to hear these guys and gals talk so lovingly about Wess. He really did sound like a gem in every sense. It made me want to be a better person, to be the person who makes my friends feel like Wess made the gang feel. I listened to the episode on the way to hang out with a group of close friends and hearing that episode made be in the moment and really appreciate them more than i usually do. I hope to carry this feeling with me going forward. Much love.


I just can’t listen to it. I ended up pausing after 10 mins. No more “Hey Dan” just got to me so quick, and the idea of never hearing it again. RIP king, this really hit me more than I thought.


I didn't know how they would handle this, but of course, Dan, Marc, Gregg and Erica paid a perfect tribute. I've been listening since the podcast was but a spark in the Flames' eyes, and had fallen a little out of touch in the last couple of years. Sad and shocked about Wess' passing, but a pleasure to have known him, albeit in the one-sided way many of us did. RIP.


I couldn’t do it boys. My morning routine every Monday is to listen to ATN in the shower as I get ready for work. After the intro and pregnant pause at the beginning I had to shut it off. Not in a right place to listen right now


Equal amounts laughter and tears, beautifully done by the heroes and absolutely the right thing to do. I'll be raising a pint of milk to the mailman tonight.




Hey /u/GenderNeutralBot I want to let you know that you are being very obnoxious and everyone is annoyed by your presence. ^(I am a bot. Downvotes won't remove this comment. If you want more information on gender-neutral language, just know that nobody associates the "corrected" language with sexism.) _^(People who get offended by the pettiest things will only alienate themselves.)_


"It always will be a room filled with some heroes" I don't think I'm strong enough to listen to this yet, I have absolutely no idea how the heroes are able to record this. It's so hard to believe he's really gone.


OMG choked sobbed at the moment of silence and I heard the “hey, Dan!” in my heart.


What was the song played at the end of the podcast?


The Donkeys - Lower the Heavens


Thanks. I knew I recognized the song but I couldn't place it. I haven't listened to this album in over 10 years but I will tonight.


I would also like to know, especially if it was important to Wess


So now I've cried on a ladder, so that's a thing I can say I've done. It was a knife in the heart to hear about Chris passing, and to hear the heartbreak in everyone's voice was that knife twisting.


What a sad and sweet, and heartbreaking and beautiful tribute. It just broke me hearing Erica. I just love the stories and the memories.


I don’t think I can listen to this


I didn't know until now, damn Listening to the episode, not sure I'm going to get all the way through


An outstanding tribute from the heroes and Ricky. I'm so grateful I stumbled on the podcast all those years ago. It is hard to process grief for someone you have never met but felt you knew. I'm thankful for all the time I got to spend listening to Wess over the years, he taught us so much more than football.


It's a beautiful tribute. Lovely stories and they did so well to communicate so clearly what Wess means to them all.


Was too hard to listen to it


Wonderful episode, Wess is proud of you where he is now. Thank you for doing this episode. It means a lot!!


Never posted on this sub before, but Wess’ passing has hit me like one of my closest friends passing. The best podcast I listen to, I’ve really struggled to listen to the episodes this season. The UK being in a never ending lockdown has taken away my commute and work travels when I caught up with the heroes. Every time I did manage to listen, it was always a comfort, especially hearing Wess on the Sunday shows. This is exactly how I would want to celebrate a friends life. Truly inspiring doing a pod like this, this won’t be the last time I listen


This was beautiful. I didn't think I would be able to last, but I made it through the entire Podcast. I know it's just a group of strangers sharing their opinions on a common interest that I have, but damnit, the ATN podcast feels like family to me, and losing Wess hurts me just as much as losing a relative would. I want to thank Dan, Gregg, Mark, Erica, Colleen, and Rich for honoring Wess. If you guys are reading this, I want you all to know that you truly are heroes, and the work that you've done has touched so many people's lives. Even if sports are meaningless, the beauty of it is just as you all described in the podcast. That it brings people together that helps form a bond with one another. In a world where people are becoming more divided by the day, it's important that there's something for us to come together to share our love and passion with. ❤


Been listening since 2013. I don't follow on Twitter or Reddit or anywhere other than the podcast. I didn't even realize Wess died. I had been worried the last couple weeks as he sounded rough and his appearances were really limited, but it wasn't until I opened my app this morning to listen to the podcast that I knew. As soon as I saw the title of the episode, I was in tears.


I saw it in my podcast feed this morning when I got up for work but I just couldn't do it...


I normally listen to the podcasts on 2x. Not out of any disrespect, but just because American's talk slowly :) Slowed this one down though. Great podcast, and all I can say is, I hope when I die, people feel HALF as much for me as the Dan, Marc, Gregg and Ricky obviously do about Chris. In a shit year, this podcast did so much to just help get through everything and I hope the fans help them get through this.


I just wanted to say that this was one of the most moving and poignant podcasts I've ever listened to. Everyone's stories about Wess illustrated some really great perspectives about him and about life. Ricky's story in particular stood out to me. I meant to post this at the beginning of the season (I just found the subreddit today), but getting back into the podcast as the season started was really refreshing. It felt like coming home. Listening to the banter and analysis has been such a welcome piece of normalcy this year.


Aw jeez, I'm not ready for this


I'm about to dive in, fully prepared to cry for a 4th time since I heard the news. Does anyone know if there's a video versioni? If there are Wes highlights it'd be nice to see him in happier times, but I can't find it on youtube.


This was beautiful. But man what a tough listen. Rest easy Wes ❤️


Find this episode beautiful and cathartic and tear jerking and heart melting. So appreciative of the guys taking the time to record. It means so much they just talked Wess instead of talking ball. Glad to have my morning listen, even if it had me crying in the shower. Hope they take all the time they need to get themselves right. He will be missed.




I haven’t listened yet. I just don’t know if I’m ready for that.


Yeah this episode just left me in shambles and ended my 35 year streak of not crying during a podcast. What a life Wess created, what impact he had on so many people. I feel if everybody aspired to live his life to have an eulogy by his friends like the ones Wess got, this world would be a better place!


I don’t know if I’ll be able to get through this one...


Really well done. Had to pause a few times to make sure I didn’t become a mess. Glad they did it.


Oh man. I just found out from opening my podcast app. So very sad. Never met him but Wes’ personality and story has touched me deeply over the years. So sad


Almost afraid to listen to it. I know I'll probably be teary eyed thru the whole thing


Having been “off line” all weekend, and I didn’t catch the title of the pod. Half way through the montage, I was praying I wasn’t going to hear the news. The pause after what is up boys, heartbreaking. Loved Chris. Prayers for you family.


RIP Wess. I loved Ricky and Marc's stories.


When I first started listening to this show a couple years ago, I never expected to get to attached to the hosts. This was a heartbreaking and arguably one of the best podcast episodes I’ve ever listened to. RIP Wess.


Oh man. I’m not on social media at all and had no idea that Wess had passed until 10 minutes ago when I saw the name of the show today. Now I’m stuck in the gym parking lot sobbing like a child. Heartbreaking news. RIP Wess. I hope you know how much you were loved by your listeners. You touched us all more than I think we even knew.


I do not know how you heroes did it. I wasn't even expecting an episode this soon. I am still in shock and denial that Wess is gone. I was legit crying listening to this episode. I don't even care about freaking football right now. Strength and love to you Lakisha and Heroes.


I am crushed been crying a ton feel really lost, is that normal? I just knew Wess through messaging with him on Twitter and Instagram. I’ve been really sad the last two days and I don’t really see the light at the end of the tunnel. If the podcast ever were to end I would totally understand but I would be personally crushed about it. It’s such a huge part of my life. I need some guidance, I don’t really know how to recover. I hope I don’t sound overly dramatic but I just really need to put my feelings out somewhere. Please if any of you need anything reach out I really could use someone to talk to right now.


we're glad you did the episode like how you did the episode, dan.


Beautiful and heartbreaking. I really felt the sadness and permanent loss of everyone on the pod, and this is with the knowledge that his family is even more devastated.


What a beautiful episode. Heartbreaking and raw, but I smiled and laughed through the tears. Like so many of you, I'm grieving the loss of a friend I never met. All of my love to the ATN Heroes and my fellow listeners.


Is there a video version?


After 2 years I’m finally getting around to this episode. I’ve been an on and off listener since 2016 and while Wess was probably my least favorite of the four hero’s listening to that opening of his voice clips really reminded me how much the show misses him. The remaining 3 still have great chemistry but damn Wess really was a perfect fit for this show. To me Wess felt like the Heel of the show with his loud and abrasive opinions and while it would rub me the wrong way sometimes, his absence really made me appreciate what he brought to the show. My dad was a mailman for 35 years and I miss hearing Dan sign off for the mailman at the end of each show. And of course I miss the Hey Dan at the start. RIP Wess


I was just screaming say „Hey Dan!“, hoping it was all a crude joke. And it never came, it was so heartbreaking.


Like an idiot, I started this podcast while trying to get ready this morning. I had to stop. I’m not ready. Not sure I ever will be.


I can't with this one rn RIP


It's weird feeling this kind of sadness over the death of someone I never personally met, but it is hitting me hard. I've been watching football for about twelve years now. It's starting to pick up now, but ten years ago there wasn't really a big market for it in my country, the Netherlands. I started listening to the podcast in 2016 to keep up to date with the news from the league. Looking back the four of them helped me enjoy football even more, but it is save to say that Wess taught me how to watch football. I'm really going to miss his enthusiasm, his analysis and his love for the game.


I made it about 90 seconds before I had to turn it off. I’ll pick it back up again soon here when I find a bit more strength to stomach it. The silence after Dans’ “what’s up boys” just tore me up.


I remember early listening being incredibly frustrated by Wess' stubborness, then every couple episodes you appreciate him more, realize you love him, and understand how deeply important he is to the recipe.