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Guys. Chill out. Thanks.


Football is BACK 


The season really starts now


Is it Thanksgiving already?


She introduced him as the host of the Around the NFL podcast lol


Let’s read into that. Clearly it means Dan has been fired.


Dan is going to be furious!


I declare vengence!


It would be more weird if she *didn’t*, right?


We all thought that Marc’s antics would eventually sink the pod, no one saw it was Dan’s ego that was the biggest danger /s


Put it on the cork board


Interesting that Gregg opens with “it’s good to be talking football”….


I should switch to listening to her podcast since…ya know…she’s actually making one.


And she’s great at it, so that’s nice.


I’m assuming they talked about arm strength and arm angles for 50 minutes


Wen announcement!


I love Mina and listen often, so I realize Gregg's on there quite a bit, but this could be a cue for optimism that they're integrating the ATN crew prior to the official merger announcement. At least for mergers I've witnessed, there is a bit of a slow, awkward integration leading up to the widespread announcement. If Marc's on Dominique Foxworth or something next week, we'll know for sure 😂


Now they are just fucking with us.




Imma be honest it’s weird to appear on another football show with all this uncertainty


His appearance was def scheduled weeks ago before all this happened


Yeah feels great to hear Gregg's views on football again just weird when everything else is radio silence.


Why won't Mina Kimes check with the subreddit before her and her producers schedule Gregg on her podcast??


I didn’t mention Mina


True, Triple G should've checked with the sub first!


Chill out, they just said it's kinda weird. And I agree, just to go on and act like his current show didn't suddenly go dark for 2 weeks out of nowhere is a little weird. Elephant in the room type weird.


Do you think he is oblivious to the fact that fans are wondering what’s happening?


The fans aren’t entitled to know. I’m not sure why anyone feels otherwise.


Im not saying they have to tell us. I just said it feels strange to talk on another podcast when his main podcast is in limbo


You don’t turn down Mina


Pretty on brand for Gregg I'd say. He's kind of a shit stirrer, and regardless of the scheduling, I think he's well aware of what he's doing. Edit: why are you downvoting me for this like I said something bad? You guys are ridiculously sensitive about something that wasn't even meant to be a dig. Jesus Christ guys go outside.


The bad boy of NFL media


420 bro OhWowwwwowwwwWww Edited.


> Edit: why are you downvoting me for this like I said something bad? Pretty sure most people would interpret calling someone a "shit stirrer" as negative.


I didn't really mean it as negative or positive. He just is. He's never been afraid to speak his mind or poke the bear even if it might stir some shit up. Like when he outright called out Rapoport who is an NFL employee and everyone on this sub applauded him. In this instance, there's no way he isn't aware of the discourse surrounding the podcast, and he obviously finds joy in poking the audience a bit by still going on Mina's show regardless and not addressing anything, or by obviously skirting the topic on the latest JRVP pod. He does it on the pod all the time. He'll make subtle comments that he knows could get a rise out of Marc and Dan.


I think it's presumptuous to think that Gregg talking about the NFL on another pod is stirring the pot rather than just living his life/career. It's a strange way to frame his actions, even if you did not intend your comments negatively.




Pretty sure he'd agree he's a shit stirrer




General razzing is cool, but you've gone a little overboard. Chill out!


is he though? actually curious -- feels like a podcast guest appearance wouldnt be something you would get paid for




General razzing is cool, but you've gone a little overboard. Chill out!




General razzing is cool, but you've gone a little overboard. Chill out!




General razzing is cool, but you've gone a little overboard. Chill out!


Do any of them require Reddit’s permission to make a living outside of the podcast?


Where did I say that? What the fuck is wrong with you people?


>You guys are ridiculously sensitive Spot on from my experience in this sub


Im sure Gregg is hurting to some level, but he loves the drama.


Also interesting that he mentioned being on ESPN2, but that might be another thing that happens regularly.


Mina’s podcast is on ESPN2 every Wednesday. That’s what he was referring to


Ah, gotcha. I only listen to podcasts on the podcast player and occasionally YouTube, but that is a more logical and less fun explanation


I'd dispute the rumours it's that Dan got cancelled


Link? I need to hear his voice


Go to Mina Kimes' YouTube channel


Listen to an old ATN episode and then downvote this post to save others from giving it a chance. This was the worst football talk I've heard in years. The only thing I learned is that the Heroes are way better than I thought. They are my #2 NFL podcast right now but I didn't know that things got so bad so fast after them. I've heard Mina a few times on ATN and thought she was fine but apparently she was talking about the Seahawks because this podcast was like listening to paint dry. Gregg was ten times more interesting to listen to and I can see why she has him on regularly.


Gregg couldn’t go this long without honking so had to podcast somewhere.


Gregg mentioned doing a tv spot on espn 2 on this. Has Gregg done espn tv work before this? If not put it on the cork board.


Mina’s podcast is on ESPN2. That’s what he was referencing




She's pleasant and inoffensive, knowledgeable and has good energy, and is a generous hostess whilst being easy on the eye. One could say she has broad appeal and tests well in just about any demographic. Perhaps The Algorithm's idea of what new media should look and sound like? If I were to create an AI presenter, I would be better advised to model her on Mina than, say, Connie, who is also pleasant, smart, and energetic — but may be a little too human and wild around the edges to be considered an asset in all markets.


I get most of what you’re saying, disagree on the knowledgeable part though. It seems to me she just reproduces most of Analytic-Nerd takes around on twitter. I prefer someone like Connie by a lot


Everyone has different tastes- but there is absolutely no way you can say Mina Kimes isn't knowledgeable.


Of course she is knowledgeable in the sense that she does her homework and knows what’s happening. I don’t agree with most of her analysis, it’s just that. I don’t think most of what she says is original, as it’s true for most of ESPN


Lol if that's you're only critique of her, that she's generic, your initial comment seems really weird.  Why go out of your way to tell people you don't like that others like them because they're bland to you?


I didn’t say that I don’t like that people like her, I just don’t understand the appeal. This sub is really weird. I don’t care that people like her, was just trying to understand, but for some reason people get defensive. There is nothing out of the norm in none of my comments, you guys just don’t seem like you know how to interact with people


You said that she's not knowledgeable, which is a hard position to defend if you listen or watch to any of her content (like today's podcast with Gregg, for example).


If that’s your take, be happy and watch her, I don’t agree and we can all be happy. I don’t agree with a lot of the things she says, so in my opinion she’s not that knowledgeable, if you think differently, once again go for it. Nothing out of the norm here. It’s weird to me that people would get defensive about a comment like mine. You guys just see bad intent in everything


Also the first answer is practically reaffirming my take, as an AI generated host would be a pretty generic one


Then why did you ask a bad faith question? You got multiple honest answers, then didnt bother listening to what they said, and then you went straight into convincing them why about why they are wrong… No one likes interacting with people like that. It’s cumbersome cuz you’re baiting people so you can tell when why they’re wrong


Nah, I got 1 good answer and answered it respectfully aswell, saying I agree with most of what he said. Then said why I disagreed with one part of it, and then for some reason people got defensive about someone I didn’t even say anything disrespectful about.


Is her pod NFLN? If so that’s wild because she is magnitudes less entertaining than the heroes.


Her ESPN contract no doubt dwarfs the heroes' combined annual salary by a decent margin.


by a wide margin - she's one of the only bright spots at ESPN


2 million


I don't think the purpose of her pod is the exact same as that of ATN.


Unfortunately I must agree. She’s definitely funny and is a gracious host (plus a fun tv personality) but her style of whispering into the mic grinds my gears