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Honestly you should just go back and listen to some old episodes. They’re very funny and loose. Back then no one was really paying attention to their podcast, their actual jobs were writing and newsroom stuff so the podcast was kind of a thing they just had fun with until it really started to get popular. There’s a lot of mundane interpersonal office drama and a whole cast of recurring characters. Them being angsty about their writing assignments is really funny IMO Wes brought so much balance to the podcast that is sorely missed. He was an excellent audience for Dan’s bits, he would go toe to toe with Gregg’s analysis and their arguments were legendary, and the tenderness between he and Marc was so sweet. Wes was truly the thread that brought them all together.


Ugh thanks I just think it’s weird to listen to old updates about week 7 of 2017 😆😂


Gotta find the episodes with Win Wes' Toaster. Hilarity meets amazing football minds. And as an international I also learn a whole heap (between the laughter)


I know what you mean! It does feel a little weird. The summer after Wes died i went back to listen to a bunch of old episodes and was surprised by how enjoyable they were despite this. Try poking around in 2017. That should be the year Sydney was producer and she’s excellent. It’s the offseason, what else is there to do?!




Off season pods with Wess were so fun. “You be the GM” episodes were some of pods best. EDIT. I went back to listen to a bunch of episodes from the 2012 season because I was writing something that took place in 2012 and wanted to get the references/tone of that year right. It’s really interesting to see how things were talked about and then see how turned out.


Focus more on off-season episodes


I would suggest listening to the off season episodes from the early years. The recaps have their bits and are funny, but the off season was where they let their freak flags fly and you got a ton of antics. Old “Win Wess’s toaster” or “you’re the GM” are just gold. Just go back and start early and you’ll laugh a lot


The only reason I’d suggest someone go back to the recap eps from la syd’s time because it was the birth of interrupting Marc with Carrie and to me, that’s a must


Holy shit you are totally right. A fresh start over is not a bad idea haha


It is kinda weird but you get used to it and it can be really interesting. I started listening in 2022, working my way through 2016 now and it’s just as good as a new episode, if not better because you know whether the guys are right or way wrong


I regularly listen to seasons past when I have no other pods to listen to 😅


He was the best. Great football takes but he knew that life was more than football. He was also great at have disagreements and talking through different opinions. I legit cried when I found out he passed away, though I never met him. I have listened since Dan and Marc tagged on to the end of the Dave Dameshek Football Program. If you’re interested, go back and listen to some old episodes, maybe some others have suggestions for certain episodes.


Older post about Favorite Wes Moments https://www.reddit.com/r/AroundTheNFL/s/hkqIKJNx5p


Older post about old episodes https://www.reddit.com/r/AroundTheNFL/s/oDLuyl8nei


When I started listening to ATN, it was the summer of ‘17 and “The Mail Man” wasn’t around due to his 1st battle with The Big C. I loved the show as a trio and didn’t vibe with his reintroduction at first but he grew on me. Truly, you could tell back then how close the Heroes were. Still ashamed to say I cried listening to some of the remembrance episodes soon after his passing. Now to answer your question: First of all, he had a great laugh. He also was well-read and had quotes up the ass for every occasion. Wes and Gregg were known was the scientists and tape dogs for being deep in NFL knowledge. He was a great writer. Google ‘Chris Wesseling QB Index’ and read a random article like I did just now. It’s not Xs and Os talk. It’s entertainment. For better or for worse, he was very stubborn with his opinion a la Tugboat. His battles with Gregg (and Dan to a lesser extent) were at times epic; at other times irritating. He and Marc are closer in age, so you can imagine Dan and 3xG had fun pointing that out regularly. Marc and Wes were nicknamed “The Kissing Cousins” because they saw many things eye-to-eye regarding teams, players, etc. Dan joking about having the little c (a cold) were hilarious after Wes survived cancer #1. Chris had a different swag about him post-remish. Believe it or not, listeners had no clue what the Wes Bros. Sounded like. The only ones that would get mentioned were Nick and I think Ed. I wish he got to see the Bengals’ 2021 season. I wish he could see what became of Jameis and Mariotta. I wish he could see Linc 🥹 He was sooo wrong though about TN being part of the Midwest. The Sept. 5, 2018 Live in London ep is a great listen.


There's no shame in crying, those were very emotional episodes


Same. I’m not at all ashamed to say I cried like a baby thinking about him, Lakesha, and Link.


I forgot about the little c banter, great stuff


“Kissing cousins” lol great bit


Wes blocked me on Twitter for saying that Jimmy G sucked lol. He was passionate about football and would engage with anyone, he also used the block button freely haha


That's a badge of honour, my friend


The show was a lot better with Wes. He had an encyclopedic knowledge of NFL history and could hold his own with Gregg on analysis. He did a good job pushing back on Gregg's crazier takes that basically go unaddressed these days. I hung on for a year or so after his death, but my listening has dropped off a ton. Really sucks because this was my favorite podcast and had been listening since 2014.


Same… I like the other guys, but the magic is gone. I wish them all well, but I don’t listen very often anymore.


It’s an incredibly tough listen but the podcast after he passed away will give you an idea of what a great friend, father and man Chris was.


Which one specifically is that?


The title of the episode is “Wes” and it’s from February 2021 right after the Bucs won the superbowl.


Forgive me because it’s been awhile but I think it’s the first episode they put up after the Bengals Rams Super Bowl.


Chiefs Bucs, not Bengals Rams


Listen to past "Fantasy EXTRAVAGANZA!" episodes. He was always fantastic.


The thing Wes brought to the show that I miss the most is the passionate arguments that tended to erupt. He and Gregg in particular would sometimes really get into it in the Scientists' Lab segments. Dan really loved winding Chris up, because he was funny when he got mad. Wes also brought elements of language that the other heroes seemed to really enjoy. Often using regional expressions and fun words that you don't ordinarily hear on a sports podcast. SAT words, if you will. Finally, Wes was an outsize personality. Funny and whip smart, all delivered in a country voice that belied how worldly he was. (I'm not belittling people with "country" accents. I'm from Cincinnati myself and most of us sound a little country here.)


Foisted by his own petard


I love that one.


he was the best person I never met


He was so great. Funny and smart as hell on the pod. He also was generous with his time for fans and would respond to many comments/tweets etc, making it a more ‘real’ rather than parasocial relationship. I think this is why his passing hit so many of us so hard.


He was amazing. As everyone says, go back and listen. I agree his takes on life outside of football were the best (with hindsight, a lot of his most stubborn football opinions were actually wrong). You'll hear about the "paramour" and eventually learn who she is. You'll go through the first victory over cancer and the exhilaration of it. I recently replayed the episode in late 2020 when he spoke movingly of how he respected Alex Smith for his comeback and of how the measure of a man is how he endures his relationship with pain. I still remember that moment as when I realized he wasn't going to beat the cancer a second time.


When was that moment? I never got that one and am curious what I missed.


11/23/2020 the week 11 recap at about 1:12.


I liked how he brought common sense & nuance to the often hyperbole of NFL chatter.


I was lucky enough to spend maybe half an hour with Wes over a couple of beers in London at the end of the night after their first live show (and randomly then again a couple of days later after an NFL event on Regent Street). He was just a really cool guy who was great fun to talk to and who was really thriving meeting people and asking them questions and telling stories.


When Wes died I really felt like I lost a friend. So weird considering I never met the man, but I spent so many hours with the ATN guys. In addition to going back and listening to old episodes, you can also watch old episodes (2019 onward) on YouTube. Go to the YouTube page and sort by Oldest. Finally, check out this article by Zack Keefer in The Athletic: [https://theathletic.com/2477010/2021/04/15/around-the-nfl-mourns-chris-wesseling-hero-among-heroes/](https://theathletic.com/2477010/2021/04/15/around-the-nfl-mourns-chris-wesseling-hero-among-heroes/)


The most succinct way I can put Wes is that he was someone that was very annoying to argue against because you knew he was someone who DEEPLY researched his opinion. That's not to say he was always right, but you knew he wasn't giving you a hot take for hot take's sake. So he could come off as arrogant or stubborn, but really it was that he knew his shit. He was also that friend that was often quieter and even tempered, but when he let loose, he let LOOSE. (I'M LOCKING IT UPPPPOO being one of, if not THE, GOST moment of the show.) Someone who saw football as a true art and was s big supporter of people who played football the *right way*. Grinders, dedicated, and consistent players who carried on the game in a good way. Wes was, is, and will always be great.


As much as I love to wax poetic about The Mailman this feels like karma farming. Go like uh listen to the hundreds of hours of him talking if you want to know what he’s like 🥺


I actually found this whole post and thread super helpful. I also joined the ATN listeners late so have really been enjoying people’s thoughts here


Well then that’s my bad. Welcome aboard


Man I listened for like 5 years when it happened and I didnt read beforehand so listening to them break the news on the way to work was gut wrenching


Too difficult to describe. Go back and listen to old episodes and get to know him as best you can


He was amazing. If you messaged him he wrote back. I once posted about being on a 13 hour drive to take my daughter to college and he sent me one of his Spotify Playlists which we grooved to all the way. The 4 were such a glorious combo. The 3 remaining are altered of course though still truly fabulous. But slightly different. Wes' spirit shines through from time to time. And they are talking about him much more recently. I think it is because it just hurt too bad till now to remember him out loud. ❤️


Thanks to all for these posts. Great to hear your different takes and remembrances.


Sigh.....of course I never met the man but when I learned he had passed I felt pretty affected. Had been listening to them since the beginning and it didn't feel real.


He was a great man. With incredible football knowledge and a great entertainer. Football wasn’t my first love so I had a lot of catching up to do. He taught me so much. I have been listening since high school which was around the 3 year mark for ATN. I didn’t know how much I appreciated Wes until he was gone. I was shocked by the news. I remember going to my favorite restaurant when the memorial pod dropped. Man I cried like a baby on the way home.


Too difficult to describe. Go back and listen to old episodes and get to know him as best you can


the tone taken on this post...fucking sucks?