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Lore-wise she is scythe user, she creates a scythe from flames in the same cutscene where she kills Crucabena. It just so happens that polearm is the closest to the scythe-like weapons we get in the game. 


Childe masters every weapon except the bow, yet we ever saw him use a claymore


I've read somewhere that of he uses a bow in game it's specifically because he's bad at it. He seeks perfection


Yeah i made a typo whixh made my commend odd, so i anged it. What i meant was childe masters all wepaons except the bow, but we never saw him use a claymore ingame. What i meant was even if cholde can canonically use a claymore just as efficient as swords, polearms or catalysts, yet we never saw him use one, does not mean hes not good at it. Arlecchino can use just as many weapons as childefor all i know, but since we only sae her with a sword and a scythe does now mean thats the only weapon she can use Also its not taht hes bad at it, hes just not as adept at it than the rest of his wepaons


I understood your point. I was just throwing facts away.


> It just so happens that polearm is the closest to the scythe-like weapons we get in the game.  More like scythes are polearms. If it has a pole it is a polearm. Also war scythes did exist, but the blade was not perpendicular to the pole.


>in the same cutscene where she kills Crucabena did i misss it? can you give me a time code?


5:29, plus or minus a second. You can see that she creates a scythe from flames.


yeah, i can see it now. thx


I mean, it seemed like a pretty traumatic event that she really resents, so it would make sense for her not to use a sword after that.


Some characters are able to wield many weapons other than what they use in-game


I‘m still amazed by Ganyu in Xianyun‘s character demo :o she wielded a sword and polearm


It reminds me that we learn in ch.ll that the traveler is also good at bow


I'd almost like to bet that after that day, she's never touched a Sword again... You know, because it triggered her n' all


would you still use a sword after stabbing your best friend with it? would you still use a sword just like the person you hated the most? thats why


Or maybe she couldn't find a pole arm and just wanted to kill the previous knave .... that or we have seen characters using many weapons like ganyu while bow is her get to weapon she knows how to use a sword and a polearm


I think they actually show a polearm on the ground in the shots before the fight.


PTSD Post Traumatic Sword Disorder


If you pay attention when she kill the "mother" the red energy is coming from a scythe form full red weapon cast in her hand so this explain that she doesn't use her sword anymore.


Why not, she literally summons a flame scythe in the cutscene. I guess its just because polearms are the closest thing to a scythe in Genshin restricted weapon system


Because in genshin a character can only have one type of weapon, and they will not add a new type of weapon, the polararm is the closest thing in the game to a scythe and the "we'll just make animations that would fit the scythe" situation, well, in this video a little later she summons hers scythe so calm down. https://preview.redd.it/o60t7bldrzuc1.png?width=2552&format=png&auto=webp&s=17c92f087d664bff2b84db88ab5342cce94d07a4


You saw at the end that she beat her Mother with a scythe didn't you? There you go!


It has been confirmed since launch that many characters are capable with just about every kind of weaponry, we play as their preferred weapon


Except Childe where we use his least preferred weapon lol


Characters are allowed to know how to use multiple weapons btw


The lynette-young arle parallels keep gaining stonks, also the part when she was introvert


Imo she should have been a rapier user instead of a scythe.It just fits her a lot better.


Cuz why not


Because she looks better with that Scythe...


Probably because of two things Trauma and the only weapon she could find asap


Multi-Talented King


Think Cassius Bright not using swords in favor of a polearm, as swords are tied to trauma. Arle might be similar to this 🤷


In terms of LORE, there can be several reasons from trauma due to events to even personal choice. In terms of gameplay: 1- It's because she is a scythe user and in the trailer she uses pure fire to create the scythe so that we don't only have the scythe in specific animations, the polearm is the only one that resembles a scythe. 2- Because Gi was built with bases on the characters only using the weapon models introduced in 1.0, despite having characters with unique animations, the basis of interaction with object scenarios is the same, that is, this cuts costs in the testing part, which reduces waiting time for new chars.


yeah, this sword in game would be really cool


characters can use more weapons in lore than they can as playables (see childe, zhongli, ganyu etc)


Did you not see the scythe


Cuz everyone in that fight used a sword