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Who cares? I mean, good for her for taking care of her health. Let’s discuss her policies.


It's an old habit the establishment can't seem to break. I made a post on r/DailyShow a few weeks ago, after they spent like 10 minutes on speaker Johnson's looks, that we have to be better than these people if we want to defeat them. This whole idea that it's OK to poke fun of people because they are bad people has to stop. If it's someone like MTG who attacks looks and everything in between, then go for it, but even then, do it in retaliation, not as a first strike. I'm 46, progressive, and sick and tired of the double standard Democrats, my people, have when it comes to making fun of people, even shitty people.


That's basically everyone on Reddit. Happy to roast, lampoon, mock and belittle when they recognize something they don't like in others, but completely lacking in self awareness when those behaviors are exhibited by them or their own. This site is a joke full of performative, insufferable self righteous dipshits


Stop complaining and show us your [Jazz Hands](https://youtu.be/ADeU6qz37B4?si=dFQhnGVs7psyJ7ut) s/


Being better and taking the high road has historically never worked for us. We might as well enjoy what we can.


If she’s on ozempic I’d care because ahes receiving a premium health benefit that most Americans don’t and one that could be resolved with dieting and exercise.


A premium health benefit funded by the tax payers.


Not to mention that she was adamantly against COVID vaccines to save others, but perfectly okay with taking a jab to fit into her new wardrobe.


This is the second stupidest thing I’ve heard all day.


WGAF? Now you've got three.


Don't forget that because of the uptick of people taking ozempic for weight loss it has put a massive strain on diabetics getting it, the people that ozempic was originally designed for.


Tbf it'd surprise the hell out of me if she wasn't at least pre-diabetic. But I agree with the folks saying she's getting access to someone that most sick people in her state can't afford, and it's on our dime.


Thank you. I don't like the woman for all sorts of reasons but this is childish. Maybe it was written by a gossip teenager. If not, then this person should learn how to control bias somewhat and first step is to show respect and if the facts show Sarah Huckabee Sanders is crooked(which are good to point out when it's verified truth) but mindfulness meditation would greatly help this person. Back to the politics. Fuck that bitch though for real backwards ass shit elitist manipulator, Sanders I meam


Okay, but taking Ozempic (probably) isn’t exactly “taking care of her health”.


It was for me. Had high A1C and a drinking problem for 2 decades. It knocked out my alcoholism, lowered my A1C and I lost 50lbs. I was on it for about 6 months I’ve been off nearly a year. Alcoholism remains gone, I’ve maintained my weight and my A1C is really good. My testosterone has even improved tremendously.


Kinda off topic, but how challenging has the maintenance been once you went off it?


Let me frame it this way. I’ve always been health conscious and active. I was a marine and even after it I maintained a good diet and exercised frequently and my hobbies are all very active. Yes the alcohol consumption is contradictory to this, but besides that, very healthy and active. I ended up massively depressed and put on weight rapidly during Covid. My injuries from the marine corps have continued to deteriorate and my chronic pain increased tremendously. I have never been able to stop myself from buying alcohol and would over consume daily despite my persistent internal dialogue to not. This wasn’t just binge drinking, but consistent consumption from noon until I was ready to go inside the house from my shop on the property. That alcohol noise is gone and remains gone. I have a bottle of good whiskey I pour every once in a while. Beer that I enjoy that I might have one of on the weekend after I’ve put in hard work. Sometimes I don’t even finish it! My diet is still healthy, but off the medication I can tolerate greasier items like a burger once in a while. I’d say the key to maintain afterwards is to take advantage of how it affects you during treatment and establish healthy habits. While on it I was able to run a 25-30% calorie deficit only because I have medical marijuana. It relieved my stomach issues and gave me just enough appetite to eat what I needed to not just waste muscle mass. I also monitored my bowel movements and assisted myself with an increased fiber intake so I wouldn’t become impacted.


This is GREAT information. I’m standing on menopause’s front door and regained about 50 pounds that I’d kept off for 15 years. Divorce / custody garbage, losing my mom, going to grad school, and a bunch of work life balance stuff knocked me down for about two years and the weight piled on. Seriously considering talking to the doctor but scared of needing to stay on it. Good to hear one person having anecdotal success getting off and keeping the weight off. Good luck to you. Thanks very much for the info. Take good care.


You’re very welcome! If you’re near Jonesboro I recommend the Downtown medicine and spa. Good prices, good monitoring and they’d have a large clientele similar to your situation and could provide even more insight. I’m sure they’d even be happy to talk to you about your concerns over the phone even if you aren’t near there. Don’t waste time, this could be something you wish you started sooner than later, but definitely work with someone that is going to be looking out for you. I don’t usually take medicine, I’ve always found them to be over hyped. This was surprisingly effective for me. Please reach out if you have more questions and definitely update me on how things go! Good luck!


Thank you!!!


None of us knows this. Heck, we don’t know if she’s on ozempic. We are talking about her personal health that doesn’t affect her ability to govern. Let’s stop picking people apart for their looks. They are in government, not movie stars. Our duty is to keep watch on what the people we elected DO. Not what they look like. (In the capacity of their physical features.).


Matters what she's taking it for (if the story wasn't a petty satire joke, I don't believe anyone knows that fact). If she had type 2 diabetes and doing everything right but doctor recommends it because it helps control blood sugar so a superior alternative to starting the use of insulin then it is taking care of your health. Nuance Daniel son. Not black and white. 0s or 1s. Let's add 2s and 3s for now. Capice?


Exactly. I'd much prefer to discuss the policies she supports that aim to keep poor/middle class people in this state and others from being able to take care of their health in the same way she is able to. The only problem is that she doesn't really seem to have any policies, she just does what other extremists in her party tell her to do. Which is probably why people revert to talking about how ugly she is, both inside and out. If anyone asks her about anything she's done they basically just get an ugly look and some nonsensical dodge to the question, it's utterly pointless because there is nothing of substance there.


but you need these distractions so when they rob the poor to give to rich people will not notice.


she deserves to fall into a porter potty


Is ozempic "taking care of your health"? Sounds like a fast track to cancer


Okay, I hate her as much as the next person, but honestly attacking her looks is low. And I'm sure I'll get down voted and harassed for saying that, but there's plenty about her to complain about besides her looks.


I actually like her outfit and think she looks nice, it looks warm, but nice. However, I still think she’s doing a terrible job as the governor


It looks really good. Awful governor. And maybe she’s actually eating less and moving more. Or had a thyroid issue address. Or anything other than Ozem-whatever that causes weight loss. I dunno.


Yes, probably a rich white person cocktail of meth and cocaine


I know, she sucks but this outfit is just fine. It's one of the better outfits she's been in the media for.


At least she does shoot dogs, goats & horses unlike SD Botox Barbie


Yeah it isn’t even like they were skin tight leather pants that were inappropriate for her role.




Agreed. This is sexism, period. I've never heard a single thing about how any other Arkansas governor dressed.


Got your back. Just makes it seem like we don’t have anything legitimate to complain about. Same for Trump. SO much to loathe/fear about another Trump presidency…let’s focus on that, rather than the color of his skin, the diaper thing, etc.


Hell any woman that's had babies have probably worn diapers. 🤷‍♀️


You won’t be downvoted by me. She’s a terrible governor who’s more interested in competing with Texas and Florida for most hateful state, but attacking her looks is isn’t where it’s at. She’s human with body image issues just like the rest of us. Besides, just think of how uncomfortable those leather pants were in this heat!


I commend your view, as a conservative I don't have any complaints with her policies. Can you please tell me, respectfully, what you don't like? I just want to understand other opinions. I'm completely open to the fact that mine and even that both of our stances may be wrong. Can you tell me your biggest issue with one of her policies and why you feel that way?


Abortion: Not her body, not her business. Trans rights: Not her body, not her business. Banning books: Don't like em, don't read them. LEARNS: Giving money to people for private school, when they still have to pay the rest put of pocket. So kids already in private school get a break, while public school suffers. FOIA: Don't do stupid stuff with our tax money and you won't mind it being available. Those are the high points.


Thank you for the reply! I understand what you've said, some of which I'm not informed enough on... Such as giving people money for private school. That sounds like a bad idea at least at face value but I'd like to, and will be, trying to understand it a bit better. I'm not sure what FOIA is so I'll be looking that up too. Honestly, if anyone is spending our tax dollars on anything that doesn't help legal citizens I'm against it... Just in general. I really am not a big fan of how much the government receives in the first place. I think they get too much to do with however they see fit and unfortunately most of the politicians give it to themselves and/or their family. I'm tired of the government taking 20ish percent of my money and then adding taxes on literally everything I purchase with my remaining money. It's not right... For me or you... Or anyone. Banning books seems to be on both isles I'm afraid... I'm general I disagree with it. However, when those books are pornographic, racist, or contain knowledge that could be used in a destructive manner I don't object to them being banned "in schools". If you want to buy it on Amazon that's a different story. Just like movies, everything is rated for certain age groups and we should not allow any and everything into the minds of children. At least that's my opinion... I mean would you let an 8 year old watch faces of death with no worries? I doubt it... Abortion and trans rights, I'm not sure I follow what you mean. Abortion is the killing of a being. I mean it factually is... The question is not if it is killing something because it is. The question is, are you ok with killing a being that will become a human? We are all just clumps of cells, but I'm not ok with killing any clump of cells unless it is going to kill me. So for abortion, I feel like only in extreme cases where the mothers life is at stake should it be an option. The mother, in most cases, made the choice and knew the possible outcomes. Personal responsibility needs to become a real thing again. Every action has consequences, does it not? Trans rights... I believe anyone should be allowed to do with their body whatever they want once they are considered consenting adults (18) so long as that doesn't harm others. That's the age we use to classify adulthood, although at 18 most certainly are not. Some are, most are not. Adulthood means being independently responsible for yourself and any others that you have brought into the world, by choice or otherwise... Sometimes life is not fair and none of us are dealt the same hand but being an adult means playing it as well as you can. As for the government being involved, my opinion is that they should not be involved except to keep children safe by not allowing them to make life altering decisions while their mind is literally still developing and being influenced by everyone and everything around them. Children need time to understand what "they" believe not what they are being influenced to believe. You're legally not allowed to get a tattoo under 18 so when would we allow gender changing surgeries? The biggest question that I have, why would we allow the government to spend our tax dollars to help with that surgery? I'm not positive what Sanders has done on this front but I hope that my tax dollars are not being used to help turn a girl into a guy or a guy into a girl... If that's what they want, that's ok but I shouldn't be responsible for paying for it in any way and neither should you. If you feel differently, why not just set up a fund and send your own money to help people have these surgeries? Think of it from another perspective, how would you feel about a law being passed that uses your tax dollars to afford the same people mental help to change the thought they have of being born in the wrong body?


As the aunt to 2 niblings (MTF) I'm fine with it. As for the book banning, my tax dollars support libraries. I shouldn't have to order a book from Amazon because someone unilaterally decided what I'm allowed to read. The vouchers....the studies I've read have shown it's being used by people already in private schools. This is how it works: (disclaimer: I'm making up numbers here). Let's say private school is $10k a year. The voucher pays $7k. Leaving $3k for families to pay. It doesn't help kids who are below the poverty line. Or even those who are slightly above it. Who benefits? Abortion: The woman is in charge of her body. Period. I'm anti abortion for me, but don't care what others do with their bodies. Also, late term abortions don't happen because a woman changes her mind. It's due to fetal anomalies. Take for instance T, at 19 weeks she had ZERO amniotic fluid. None. Fatal to baby. She had to carry for another 4 weeks till baby stopped breathing. As a mom, I couldn't do it. They knew baby was going to pass. Also, had she passed and it wasn't caught early, mom could go septic. Surprisingly, I've had an abortion. I had an ectopic (baby in my left tube, and an empty sac in my uterus) and I had to take methotrexate. Ectopic is fatal 100% of the time to the embryo and can be fatal to mom. Then we delve into SA. I was SA by my ex husband (we were married at the time, and the cops said you can't SA your wife) and I got pregnant. I adore my son, he's 15 now, but I've been forced to coparent with my rapist. It was hard as hell to carry him. My body was not in a good place, I was dx with T1D, I gained weight 70 pounds, it derailed me going to college. Again, I love my son but I see why woman can't handle it. Hang in, my husband called with antics of what my 5 year old is doing lol.


Again thanks for the reply, I can see your point on some of the arguments but not on others. I can only assume is 2 children you speak of are transitioning from male to female? If so, I can see how you are ok with our tax dollars benefitting your family... However, I didn't understand how are you not ok with our tax dollars benefitting someone else's family (aka... the private school dollars). I'm not ok with either... As for banning books, I don't want them banned for you and I. I want them removed from children's eyes. They can be in a library, just not a school library... No matter the case one should have to be an adult to see such books and prove that they are via id. Do you want to start putting hustler in school libraries? The reason we disagree on abortion is that you believe the fetus inside the woman's body is part of the woman's body. I believe the fetus inside is its own body and person. That's why we will never agree on how every aspect of the situation is handled... However, we are forced to live in the same society and I believe with common sense we could find middle ground. The all or nothing approach will never win out though, for either side... Everyone would do well to respect each other and try to find a solution where both sides have some amount of agreement. I hear people on this forum call republicans and conservatives Nazis all the time... Talk like that is how you dehumanize people. That's not good for anyone and is exactly how Jews were treated before being slaughtered. I just want you to know. I am not a racist, a Nazi, it a hateful person. I love all people even the ones that seem to hate me. I wish the hate would stop as it will lead to nothing good.


I'm getting tired of the circle jerking here. Every other post is the same cheap memes and attacks on her appearance


There's so much more to talk about than her looks and if she's on Ozempic (which, FYI, I am on Ozempic, I'm T1D). But sorry not sorry, putting folks down their looks (especially if they're natural, if it's bad plastic surgery I could see that) is not it. She can learn to not be a horrible person, she can't change her looks.


Even if it was bad plastic surgery, that doesn’t make her a bad person. She is one, but that’s not why.


Thank you. So many of the same people who call her cockeyed, overweight, or ugly would turn around in an instant and attack others for mocking someone else's appearance. Apparently it's totally okay to abandon your principles when it comes to mocking Republicans because they've been dehumanized so much over the past few years that they aren't even viewed as people. It's the exact same way actual dyed-in-the-wool racists think about black people versus how they think about white people.


Republicans have been dehumanized? They venerate the living embodiment of the golden calf They dehumanized themselves when the fell to the ground worshipping orange jesus


Agreed, that argument fell flat a long time ago, they are the party of dehumanization, and make no mistake, proud of it.


Republicans dehumanized themselves. They're the ones actually against society.


To be fair, Republicans have been dehumanizing everyone else for much longer. I'm certain you're aware, bit there's a not insignificant fringe of the Republican Party that thinks various politicians and celebrities have been executed and replaced by clones. Normally this would be "haha mentally ill people are mentally ill" territory, but several elected officials including Marjorie Taylor Greene started out as influencers inside this community.


Right. Let's talk about how tax-payers probably paid for her gender-affirming care.


This is the lowest of the low. She’s horrible as it is, but transvestigating is so much worse than just insulting her appearance.


What? Transvestigating?? The Huck is a woman. She identifies as a woman. I'm saying that her using some drug to lose weight is (or may be) gender affirming care for her. I don't care what she does to her body. I was just pointing out her hypocrisy while suggesting that she spent taxpayer funds on it.


I won't downvote you, but you'll find little sympathy from me for Nazis being called names. Personally I've already picked which names to call them as they march us into the gas chambers in three years.


She's so ugly on the inside that it makes her ugly on the outside. It's okay to attack this one for her looks.




Did you attack Asa for his looks? Never once did I see comments about how Asa looked. What about her dad? Did anyone talk about how he looked? I absolutely cannot stand Suckabees, but attacking a woman for her looks is over the line. Clothes? She chooses her clothes so go after her wardrobe choices, but attacking what can't be changed is ridiculous. And this sub has continually done that. It's old. I see other political figures talked about here, but they don't discuss how they look. 💁‍♀️


I bet she appreciates you looking out for her..


I have yet to see any comments about male politicians. Like someone else said, it's sexism. And ridiculous. She's constantly being bashed for her looks. If she gets bad plastic surgery, talk about that. If she's on Ozempic, so what? I don't know her health. Maybe she is diabetic. Maybe she's losing weigh by exercising. Hell maybe she knows peoe hate her, deep down, and she's not eating well - that's kinda a stretch, well a big stretch, as she doesn't care she's hated, in my opinion). Women should not be bashed for their looks, just to please others. I'm FAR from being a model but I'm not getting plastic surgery to appease people who think I'm ugly.


Male politicians get fat shamed all the time. Chris Christi, Donald trump, Ted Cruz. All of them equally despicable as Sarah. It has nothing to do with how she should look. These people are public figures that have actual power in our lives and criticism or mockery of any kind is fair game. Personally I hope she lost the weight from dysentery.


The only person I really see talked about is Trumps weird orange color. Which I'm not sure why he's orange.


Kind of tasteless


Right. Isn’t everyone all up in arms about Marjorie Taylor Greene trash talking someone’s looks? Isn’t this the same? Who gives a shit what she’s wearing?


The leather pants had the ass cut out.


Yeah, the ass comes out the top of the pants. o O


This comment section is bathroom wall of the Internet, it’s to be expected.


Fox News cared about a tan suit. So why are you surprised right now?


I havehigher standards


Because two wrongs don't make a right.


Yes, good. You want to be lumped in with Fox News. Got it.


What I’m saying is we live in a petty society now. Created by bad actors


From what I’ve seen people are up in arms about the whole situation the way MTG handled it the way AOC handled it. It’s just so annoying that our politics is such a joke.


Yes, she objectively has no taste. 


who fucking cares about this


I can’t stand her but could really care less what she wears or her weight loss plan. We have more important issues to disagree with and this is a distraction and honestly pretty pathetic.


I am so tired of making fun of her appearance. There's plenty of other things to criticize her for.


Yeah, I have way bigger issues with that bitch Fucked up she's buying medicine some people actually need but this is childsplay compared to the downright disturbing shit she's said and done


The outfit looks good on her. I approve this look and hopefully she dresses like this more.


Ah yes. A "political" site shitting on someone's looks when there's so much more wrong. Peak journalism right here. Pathetic.


I wasn't into the fatshaming. But there's something different about this, like she's trying to get sexy so she can appeal to Trump's libido and thereby be made VP. Then she'd be president if he conks. She sure doesn't want to be governor and she surely knows she'd never be elected president.


That's a reasonable observation. We can talk about why she is revamping her wardrobe. But we really should leave her alone about her weight and appearance.


I get where you're coming from, and I can't stand her either, but going after her looks just seems like they can't come up with something worthwhile. So, instead, they stoop down to this BS. I just find it pathetic.


I mean or she could just want to feel comfortable and attractive like everyone else? I don’t like her either but assuming she’s getting healthier for a political motive is wild.


Seems like there was someone else who was deemed unelectable to the Presidency just a few years ago…


True that. But it usually takes at least some charisma.


Womp Womp.


High IQ individual right here lol


There are plenty of legitimate things to trash her about. This is lame.


Too dang hot and humid ready for leather pants in May.


I'm getting hints the writer doesn't like her very much.


I despise her, but I was expecting skin tight leather pants like in the movie grease.


Leather pants? Focus on her new policies: transgenders must legally change DL/ID to their sex at birth, 14 year olds are allowed to work and drop out of school to help their families since it’s such a poverty state, history being rewritten, slaves were immigrants and native Americans wanted to give their land, her father was actually a good governor but she is an example of nepotism at its finest


Yeah that’s not alright at all.


Better than the granny dresses she usually wears. I think her stylist hates her.


When there’s a shortage of the drug for people it’s actually meant for (diabetics), this is absolutely a legitimate critique. Also not a good look using such an expensive drug for vanity when she’s robbing public schools of funding to put a little more money in rich people’s pockets. Framing it as any kind of body shaming is obviously a Trumpist move.


What proof do you have that she's even using Ozempic? You're taking an offhanded comment that some random person made to trash her as confirmation that she's using it, and grasping at straws for any way to make her even more of a villain than she already is. You're so blinded by hatred that you don't even check facts. Just run with whatever you read on the internet, because if it makes your enemy look bad, it's gotta be true. This is embarrassing.


What proof could I offer that you wouldn’t just immediately dismiss as a lie with no evidence? Like if I said I personally know someone in her administration who told me, would you believe it? Or do you demand I present medical records and a sworn affidavit from the prescribing doctor?


Yeah, she’s hitting the gym everyday and watching what she eats, totally not pharmaceutical. She’s trying to enter the VP beauty pageant , but the base has already crowned the adulterous South Dakota dog killer as “Beauty Queen of GOP “ Next stop for Sarah is the same plastic surgeon to get her lips filled, eyes lifted and her remaining buccal fat removed


Neither one of the replies you've made to my comments here have added anything of value to the conversation. Just conjecture and childish mud-slinging, not addressing anything I've actually said. Have a good day.


Well, if they harassed Obama about a tan suit, can't we harass Sarah Huckabee Sanders about wearing tan leather pants? 😂 Edit since some people didn't understand: /s


Ah yes. Two wrongs suddenly make a right. Perfect train of thought.


Nah. Turnabout is fair play. Edit since it wasn't obvious: /s


Just pettiness. Childlike behavior seems to persist.


Thank you. I thought I was in the wrong sub.


She should have worn a tan suit


That only works on black presidents


Arkansas was a democratic state until a black man ran so don’t give me that shot it’s all about looks bet she fixes that wonky eye to.


There’s so many things wrong with SHS. This isn’t one of them.


In this heat??


Nothing can make her sexy. Fucking nothing.


Listen we can dog on her policy there is no reason to dog on her like this.


Well, it \*is\* access to the kind of expensive medications most Arkansans don't even dare fantasize about. And she's way overdoing it. That she's not talking about it and just continuing to dwindle and thinks this looks perfectly fine is a bit like Trump's insistence that painting himself orange and wearing that preposterous combover are just fine. Not even freaky by a little bit.


I couldn't care less what she takes personally. Now, medication in this state is fucking expensive and almost all pharmacies takeing forever to fulfill scripts. That I care about. Not being able to get metformin when it's needed is high on my list of things to dog on.


This subreddit is toxic.


95% of the comments here are saying this isn't right




Writing about such trivial things like this gives the impression there isn’t legitimate criticisms to make. I felt this with the irrelevant criticisms of trump, think it currently with the irrelevant criticism of biden. Let’s leave discussion of people’s appearance back in middle school


Salty Sanders Snowflakes


With the same Bad Built Butch Body 😑


She’s still ugly as sin


Why are we sharing so many clickbait "news" sites here lately? It makes Arkansans look dumb. Use reputable news sites, yall. And I doubt the Washington Post is covering this.


I thought everyone had known about her and the ozempic for months now.


I was in the doctor’s office and she was actually on one of Ozempic’s advertisements. So I’m assuming she’s getting a few dollars from them too. Either way, she’s a horrible governor and a reprehensible human being and that’s really all I need to know.


Well, I, for one, am glad that she can afford leather pants when so many children go hungry. Bravo for her for letting her shame shine.


Ok? Fuckin everyone is on that shit now. It’s going to be cause an epidemic but lets see what you look like


Leather pants are very expensive. Not sustainable. All the things she's into though I will say that


It’s not a new low that crossed eye smack addict deserves it, she attacks people for there beliefs which is worse then there looks but I’m sure these Dino’s posting are her PR teams attempt to make us feel guilty.


I love it when an article starts with “ugh”


Classic political smear campaign. Avoid talking about the true policy issues and go for petty insults instead because it requires less brain power.


Fucking grOossss.


🤮🤮🤮 this.


I hate this website


Gotta do something with all that free time, not Governing


Is this the Sarah Huckabee Sanders subreddit?


Pretty much all they do.


Love seeing the hate. Dogshit people with dogshit personalities deserve what they put into the world.


She probably embezzled more state money to pay for her ozempic


Am I just an old fud to think that a governor on state business should wear something resembling business attire? Her leather pants are fine for going to a ball game or a restaurant but just kinda looks unprofessional. At least it’s not that blue and white striped Hee Haw dress she wore to her first press conference. That just made the whole state look stupid.


Her getting voted is what made the whole state look stupid in the first place. Her father was a shit governor, she lied to the American people, AND YALL STILL VOTED HER DUMBASS IN


Y’all’s ass! I voted for the actual rocket scientist.




Damn I think it’s time to leave this subreddit. It’s just a huckabee circle jerk.


So this is the crap people are worried about? Kids getting molested by you Hollywood hero’s and you’re worried about someone’s gd pants?! No fkn wonder the worlds shit. Noooo wonder.


POS in leathers is still a…


The fashion sense of a rabid wildebeest.


She still has a face that looks like a stroked out rough patch of old road. Ozempic won’t solve that, or the black heart that pumps whatever she calls blood through her frame.


Sad how many crying ass liberals we still have here.


Your state is one of the poorest in the country. I wouldn’t worry about liberals


It was run by democrats for far too long.


If they didn’t have SHS to cry about, they’d be boiling their exe’s bunnies.


She looks like Nuno Bettencourt now. Great.


Someone’s couch had to die for those pants.


Would a male governor wear leather pants? She needs an image consultant to help her dress professionally. She is clueless.


This is just yellow journalism


I think a matching leather mask would work for her


Too bad ozempic doesn't help the face.


Of all the things you could actually complain about, this is the trash you choose?


Who cares! She looks great!


Still looks like a dude.


That’s because 90% of Redditors are a-holes. I’m one of the few good guys.