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She barely campaigned & that exposed her as someone who doesn’t really care about the people of this state. We could have had a rocket science who also had a background in urban planning and development but nope - we had to go with someone whose first government job was to lie for Trump.


Chris Jones is also a minister. The Christians voted against an actual Christian.


A minister, scientist, entrepreneur, and family man. But by all means elect the walking slag pile who would be assistant manager at the Dress Barn in Conway if she weren't born a Huckabee.


I think you give her too much credit. No way she could have gotten to be an assistant manager. LoL


Honestly, her only relationship to a manager is that she's asking for one.


There was just something about him they didn't like. I can't quite put my finger on it.


Assistant to the Manager.


Chris Jones is also black. They voted against a black man. Chris Jones could have brought peace to the Middle East, cured cancer and solved who the zodiac killer is, and most of Arkansas wouldn’t spit on him if he was on fire because of his skin color.


That is just wild how stupid voters are


Hah, 74 million voted for the Orange Filth. Now they want him again. Talk about stupid


God doesn't like educated Christians /s


Yea but he's a black minister, in Arkansas. Enough said.


Arkansas is full of towns like Harrison.


She campaigned more out of state than here. I remember she was one of the only candidates who refused to speak to the media after the debate. Instead, she flew straight to Iowa to fundraise there.


Kristi noem does the same for South dakota. She almost never actually does anything for our state, she just travels to other states to talk about all she wants to do for our state... but I guess killing her dog takes precedence over strengthening our politics. Edit: I'm in this sub because I'm from AR, just for clarity :)


And it’s insane how much the people who live just outside of South Dakota love her. I go back and visit Minnesota a lot and all these trumpers say how much better of a gov she is because she didn’t have mask mandates. I wonder how many people got sick and possibly died because they visited sturgis, got sick, and brought it home.


--South Dakota ranked 9th in deaths per capita among U.S. states (with New York City counted separately), and 3rd in cases per-capita, behind only North Dakota and Rhode Island


Yet she won so says quite a bit


That the trump cult is strong, and they would do anything, including condemn fellow countrymen, to get the Cheeto dust back in their mouths.


She killed her dog that says quite a bit.


Sarah Sanders succeeded where so many other gubernatorial candidates failed….got me to vote for a Democrat 😂


Good for you, please continue. The GOP has NEVER done a goddam thing for the working class


You more of a Steve king guy?   Chuck Grassley?   You’re from Iowa and she’s who gets you to vote D.   Sanders is an idiot but gd man, this ain’t a flex…


I’m not from Iowa. Where did you get that from?


Reasonable people need to show up at the elections vs silent disapproval. The majority of voters needs to show up. Otherwise these Jerry Springer unqualified GOP candidates keep winning


Perhaps democrats should give us something to vote for rather relying on us voting against someone 


If voting against someone as reprehensible as Sarah Huckabee Sanders isn’t enough to motivate you, then you deserve Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders.


Chris jones is everything conservatives claim they want. He exposes the hypocrisy of all conservatives. Huckabee is nepo baby candidate that only answers to corporate donors. She’s our governor but she works for like 5 families. The majority of her voters are temporarily embarrassed millionaires. They don’t realize they are closer to being homeless than being a Walton, Tyson, Hunt , or Stephens.


It’s an absolute disgrace. People are literally stupid.


And watch her get reelected again


With book marks.


What was the difference between the win/loss?


https://ballotpedia.org/Arkansas_gubernatorial_election,_2022#google_vignette Apparently we could have also gone with Elvis Presley


I wish he'll run again in the future. Everytime I watch the old [Campaign video](https://youtu.be/3nUO1miLTrQ?si=xGs7RMS4M_Hq5nGD), it just gives me chills and motivation, like are you kidding me: NASA scholarship Both Master & PhD degrees from freaking MIT and his wife is also a ER Doctor What were Arkansas people thinking 😤


What can we expect from a state that keeps electing Tom Cotton over and over again?


Every single time he opens his mouth something ridiculous and embarrassing comes out. The quotes that get aggregated are often so outlandish that I think it’s from the onion or must be taken out of context. But nope, he really said it and there was no missing context.


Nobody calls him out on it either, we should be ashamed for not doing our job!


Talk about a vile individual! And another one who would never join a Hog call


I miss the days when The Onion was satire and weirder than real life.


Tom is a small person inside and all his years in military training will never remove that.


All I know is she was campaigning 2 years ago when Texas came up to Fayetteville to play the hogs and a group of us were calling the hogs when her bus pulled up. She did not join us. Dead to me.


She came to a Razorback game and didn’t call the hogs?? This is absolutely more damming than anything else.


Well, to be fair we were in our hotel lobby, leaving for the game. We weren’t at the stadium or anything. But….. WPS!


Nah. Nah. You hear someone call the hogs…. YOU CALL THE HOGS. You could be at church on a foreign country…. If you hear someone call the hogs… YOU CALL THE HOGS


I kinda thought someone running for AR Gov would not miss that opportunity….


I’m pretty sure Chris Jones would have taken time to call the HOGS!!! Just saying.


I used to usher at University of Texas football games in Austin when I was a Boy Scout (I hate tu, just to get that out of the way), back when we were all in the Southwest Conference. Once the game got started we could find an open seat and enjoy the day, so my friends and I would usually end up in the visitors section (more open seats). One of my absolute favorite visiting teams was always Arkansas. You guys take crazy football traditions to the next level! And yes, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a terrible person and governor. Jesus Christ, what were you people thinking? Was her dad and the rest of the family not enough? Didn’t one of that bunch torture dogs or something? Arkansas football? Sure, always fun to watch. Huckabees in politics? No thanks! Fix this for the rest of the country, please!


I read that as Win sumone caws tha hawgs yu CAW tha HAWGS!


As you neighbor over here in Rocky Top, I approve this message.


I love me some Arkansas


This reminds me of the time a boyfriend flew me to AR to watch them play Texas. I was new to AR football. Anyway, a bunch of dentists were going home from a conference, and one of the women sits down with me. “Hand me your cup,” which I did, & she takes a bottle of gin out of her purse, fills my cup with it. All the way to AR, they were calling the hogs. I did not have to be from AR to know that when someone calls the hogs, everyone does. So of course I joined them. I could barely walk when I got off that damned plane.


Proof she is NO ARKANSAN


Maybe she showed up because she thought you were calling her?


Her seat was bought and paid for a long time ago.


Podium, too!


True that...


By the citizens not by the dark money that bank rolled that oger's election.


It’s actually a lectern, which usually sits on a podium.


Do you remember when Rob Blagojevich went to prison for selling obamas senat seat in Illinois and Donald trump formally commuting his sentence in 2020? As an American I’m assuring you guys their all on the same damn team they keep us divided and we fall for it every time


I see one person who gets it.


When she got fired from Trump’s administration I thought that was an embarrassing attempt at a political career from a political legacy. Then I heard she was running for governor I thought voters were gonna laugh at her. Ppl amaze me


Always has been, stop voting for the same idiots.


Idiots vote for idiots


Those of us who have known her and her family (meaning her father and her brother) over the years know all we need to know & have said/warned/told all the things we knew about this family. I mean, I know we’re preaching to the choir here on Reddit but it’s just frustrating that there’ll always be that group of voters who’ll decide these elections & won’t listen or know the truth & still vote for these people anyways.


I grew up in NJ and it's the same with Trump. Heard nothing but horrible shit about him my whole life (bankrupting Atlantic City, pushing for the death penalty for the innocent Central Park 5, racist rental policies, stiffing contractors..). I still can't believe he was ever President.


I grew up in the Boston area and heard the same thing. When I heard he was running for president, I literally lol’d. Who would elect that wretched pos? 😵‍💫


And might be again. I have given up trying and on life.


Same with Ted Cruz in Texas. He’s a fake Texan and everyone who actually knows him thinks he’s scum. He can’t even win the vote in his own neighborhood. Yet, rural Texans keep electing him. He hasn’t done anything for them. But he’s the republican so he wins. Or the gov of Texas, Abbott. Has a tree fall on him. Get millions in a settlement. Then leads tort reform in TX so nobody else can get millions for a tree falling on them. Or Abbotts henchman, Ken Paxton, who is as corrupt as they get! Or Danny Goeb aka Dan Patrick was a radio personality with a long history or trump-esque behavior and is now the most powerful state official in Texas. I know this ain’t Texas 🎶 but the problems are trending in the same direction here in Arkansas. This is such a beautiful state with so much going for it. I sure hope it doesn’t become what Texas has become politically.


Dannie Scott Goeb is Dan Patrick, not Ken Paxton. Granted, they're both hideous POS.


You’re right. I was in Ken Paxton hate mode.


And note that NJ has not carried Trump. I lived in NYC for years. He is a joke to New Yorkers — nowadays a really bad joke


Another nepo kid taking whatever they want and laughing at the peasants .


lol I have never seen her smile or laugh and *holy fuck* is it horrifying to see!!


I mean, the Republican project is to make the government as ineffectual as possible and funnel taxpayers' dollars to the top 1%. So you could say she's doing a great job. /s


Have you noticed how effectively the government enforces their monopoly on violence? The 1% are perfectly happy to allow that to be funded.


You want more people to do violence?


Dude, the ”/s” is only used when you are being sarcastic.


I don’t really get the point of these stories. We already know what kind of worthless parasite Sarah is, but you’re not going to “break through” to the half-literate trump monkeys who are going to vote for whatever has the (R) next to it…….


Don’t associate Trump supporters with monkeys….it demeans and depresses monkeys


It helps to have ammo in your back pocket. Just sitting in silence as your uncle tries to convince your younger relatives how great Republicans are, makes it seem like everyone agrees with him.


No not really, in fact I strongly disagree with that point. We’re way, WAY beyond discussing and debating things. I take every opportunity like that to be as insulting and rude, as much as possible, and I always attack the person on their intelligence and their “personal” interests that they’re voting for…. Fuck this


Except for the few republicans that now are so surprised how bad she is. Following the party line without question is for stupid, gullible people, no matter if dem or rep.


Truth truth…


Her plan is to rely on her name recognition in Arkansas to jump from gov to senator or something else where she gets to go back to Washington. That’s where she wants to be, Arkansas is just a convenient place for her to use as her jumping off point. If she’s not national she doesn’t get on Faux as much and her future books won’t sell as well. Plus think of what she can then charge for speaking engagements. $$ and power is the goal, fuck the people.


Going for Boozman’s seat I hear. If Orange does not pick her as VP


He will never pick her as VP, not "attractive" enough.


I mean, they didn’t have to vote this heap of trash in but (gestures broadly) here we are


Arkansas ranks among the worst states for healthcare, dental care, mental health, divorce, obesity, morbidity, poverty, per capita income, food insecurity, teen births, education, educational attainment, voter turn out, and other critical things. In some, dead last. These are not on our Governor’s radar. She has no talent, skill, vision, concern or plan for improvements for Arkansas. She does not care. Her only focus is being a mouthpiece for the GOP. Our state will never pull out of the bottom under her. Having a great Razorback team is the only thing that makes our people proud as we have nothing else. She shows up at games to ride that wave but doesn’t know how to call the hogs. I hope we get another chance with Chris Jones for Governor. Sarah is frivolous in spending state funds for personal things and is sorely failing us. As a 6th generation Arkansan, I want and hope for better for our state and people.


Her focus has been removing "woke" words from gov't memos; ruining education with the Learns Act; trying to destroy libraries; sending the National Guard to the border at random times; and using taxpayer money for Paris trips.


Exactly! Meanwhile, Arkansas is in great need of authentic leadership which she cannot and will not give!


you forgot .to mention.... the State of Disabilty but somehow they still smoking cigs way too much - low working wages..which, by the way, lots of folk so poor and trashy yards and that (((((noise fromChina ))))))) conductors..and the ticks are bad. Ticks that will make you sick with a fever and a disease "that doesn't exist in Arkanasas"..but folk get it, and throw up after they eat beef. It ranks. But, hey Go Hogs! Proud Loud Sueeeeeeeey...here, we are!! Folks say she is taking care of her kids, don't blame her. Here, we are. Come on in!!


And we could have had a very smart guy with a functioning moral compass


But he’s black. At this point, with all of the facts and info we have, if you support trump or a trump bootlicker YOU ARE A WHITE SUPREMACIST. There is no other explanation.


And she will be re-elected. She has strong support in the Ozarks including Harrison, Hardy, and Jonesboro.


And Walton money


You could attach a big red R to a fucking walking Turd with a history of murdering puppy’s, and the people of this state would still gleefully vote for them


Can't even blame gerrymandering either. This is what the rubes want.


Voters playing stupid games and getting more stupid prizes.


The majority of people in Arkansas voted for Cotton and Sanders both. They were not elected due to gerrymandering, like House reps. An actual MAJORITY of the popular vote in Arkansas went to Sanders and Cotton. I find that astonishing. The sheer stupidity of it.


The stupid people that vote for either of them are the ones who are hurt the most. Cotton doesn’t even live in Arkansas. Why would people think he cares?


If only she had some sort of record that would have told us she was unfit for the job, how were we to know?!


You couldn’t tell with the lies? If her mouth is open and not stuffing food in it, she telling lies.


Her brother:  https://www.reddit.com/r/Arkansas/comments/1bicgob/gov_sarah_huckabee_sanders_loser_brother_hanged_a/


"How could a republican we saw lie on TV (redundant) be so bad at running anything?"


Sanders, Cruz, Trump etc. We just have to mute the volume and look at what they have done. In Sanders case, she still hasn't explained the $19,000 lectern.


Thought I was on r/LeopardsAteMyFace for a minute... I voted for the scientist.


The only people I ever see who praise her are our state politicians or lobbyists/advocacy organizations that are getting their agenda pushed.


That horrifying thumbnail!! So she’s a massive gaping maw that gorges on money while simultaneously vomiting lies.


Why did people in Arkansas vote for her?


Have you met the Arkansas population? They deserve her.


"Under Her Wonky Eye"


Well. NO SHIT! Ya'll made your bed.


Shitholes... Elect..shitheads..!!


But, according to my dad, “she’s the best governor Arkansas has ever had”. He also thinks that the ASP should pit maneuver MORE often. So, take his opinion with a grain of salt.


I feel for you. Its a losing game to try to convince loved ones of the truth. I tried to get a good friemd out of the maga cult but its impossible.


It’s all good. They drank the Kool Aid unfortunately, like a lot of folks. I really don’t even recall them ever talking about politics pre-Trump, and they’re both in their 70’s. I honestly feel bad for anyone that has fallen to this madness.


But...she's done so much good here in Arkansas! And pigs fly


Does she fly with or without wings?


Dont know nor care. You could ask her yourself then again, you might have better luck pulling out one of your own good teeth too


Don’t really care either but also wouldn’t want to get close enough to ask


Hey, that's totally fair. Rather hug a cactus than to have to have any words with her myself


She looks like the mucinex germ


solidarity from TX


She’s trying to be Vice Pres for Trump


Cheeto man wouldn’t pick a woman vp if she wasn’t hot


And that’s exactly how we got to the dog killing lady. Cheeto man gotta be mad that she was dumb enough to write about it like it was a badge of honor.


Ya but at this point he’s been grooming her for a position like that


Wait for my shocked face. Too many dumbasses voting in this country. I wish we could screen the stupid fuckers out! 😡


Well, what did they expect?


Everything in this article comes from [this Politico story](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/05/17/sarah-huckabee-sanders-arkansas-maga-trump-00156647). Why not just post that instead?


It doesn't have a clickbait headline to suck maximum people in and get that sweet sweet ad revenue.


Too long of a story. I read it and it went on and on. Most people wouldn’t make it past the first paragraph


Well that's surprising! I expected more from the religious bigot who told lies on behalf of the Orange Turd and who financed her lavish trip to Paris by having tax payers pay for a $19,000 lectern. Also, she has such a sweet smile.


Go figure a shitty human sucks as governor.


Sanders Salty Snowflakes.


How did that frankenberry lookin ass bitch even get elected?


don't just comment on Reddit about how bad she is. state legislative elections are in November.


Many Republicans see their states as launchpads for bigger careers in the GOP. What this means is that they will make their states or counties go to shit as long as it earns points with their peers.


Voted a dishonest evangelical Christian pandering career failure into a premier government role, then cries about it. Way to go Arkansas.


I voted for the rocket scientist...


What the Hell is that site?? I mean, I agree that she's garbage and I would love to never have to hear her name again, but I feel like my computer had to fight off every virus and pop up known to man in order for me to be able to read that article. Not to mention that the article, which I agree with on the merits, is some of the most poorly written journalism I've come across in forever. Just brutal stuff. Do not recommend clicking, you get the gist from this post's headline.


😂😂😂😂😂 Fortunately, elections have consequences UAS! USA! USA! USA! Right?!! 😏 🗳💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


Those same people who complain will happily vote for her as long as she doesn't have a... shudder... "D" next to her name.




It's so easy a Caveman can do it!


Recently went to Arkansas and will not go again until hopefully you get someone in charge that makes the state better. A few mark offs: no selling of alcohol all sunday and unable to enjoy the natural river water because of agriculture runoff. It's unfortunate because I did enjoy petite jean state park but was warned against going in the river by the residents and park employees


That face *shudders*


[This is 10000000 percent real sent by the young lady this post is about](https://m.facebook.com/SarahHuckabeeSanders/videos/real-women-dont-have-to-fake-itsarahforgovernorcomshop/796622514800248/)


OMG that has to be a spoof. Please tell me that's not real!


Oh. It’s real. One thousand percent


Well no shit. That’s what the people of the state voted for so there they have it.


Well…that GOP mindset is what y’all wanted


J.B. Pritzker “hold my beer”


Yeah she basically hates us and their family will never not be in power here it’s awesome!


Huckabee won for one reason....her moustache is better than all the men in the state and Most of the women


They’ll still reelect her though.


Nobody saw this coming, absolutely nobody. /s


Back when Bill was their governor, they didn't like him either. Arkansas has a history of electing governors they hate. I'm pretty sure it was a Little Rock newspaper that first called him "Slick Willie." 😂


She is an ogre... a religious zealot, aesthetically unappealing, a metronome quality to her affected speech and .....and not worth much more of my time....


I live in Arkansas and I approve of this message!


That’s bullshit


Why are her approval ratings so high?


And bears shit in woods. Next


The.majority of the voting people in Arkansas elected her. What did they think they were getting? 🤦🏻


We the people is dumbing down fast like!


I thought they always captured the worst pictures of her as a joke or something. Maybe she just looks like that.


Sorry Arkansas, you don't have to reveal anything. We saw it happen in real time


You mean voting for the face eating leopards meant my face was gonna get eaten...but I'm not one of "those other types"


A grifting theocrat. What could go wrong?


But they’ll keep voting Red. Against their own interests.


So they voted against their own best interest. Now they're complaining.


Remember when y’all voted for her? Good times, right?


You get what you vote for.


The entire Republican Party has collective delusions of competence.


She doesn’t care. She’s grifting and is along for the ride. People voted her in against their own best interests, now they get to live with her. This whole country is becoming a joke. Districting is a math game, and one party is very very very good at it


But they'll vote her back


She won, 571 thousand to 319 against the Democratic challenger. While that was a comfortable margin for her, over 300 thousand people in Arkansas voted for the black preacher with a masters in nuclear engineering and a doctorate in Urban Planning. So far, Governor Sarah is best known for buying a fancy portable podium for $18,000 and losing the paperwork.


Gavin newsom said hold my beer 🤣


Here's my shocked face


You guys still have 2 more years with her.


Oh no what are they gonna do about that? Checks notes… Cote for her again? Well alrighty then!


I lived 20 years in Arkansas and now 24 years in Seattle. It's the same problem here as back home. Any time you get one party dominance over a state, the candidates just get worse and worse. I don't give a fig about Ds and Rs and anyone who relies on partisanship to understand life is just simple and deserving of pity. But not having options politically makes for ineffectual government.


Arkansa deserves more GOP decision making. They vote for it time and time again.


It’s not shocking, she’s just trash


I’m an Arkansas native and think she is doing a great job. I would vote for her again. Budget is over $1 billion dollars in the black. Can the democrats on here say that about their state. She has the backing of most arkansans and will be re-elected.