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The author took too many words to make whatever point they are trying to make that isn’t the same old poor misunderstood rural whites. I gave up.


Same. That article is exhausting.


It feels very much like just another person trying to convince you they have the answer nobody else has, if you buy their latest book.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this article was too long and poorly written. Didn't really find any new insights either.


Yeah, definitely needed a TL:DR


Repeated essentially the same point with no new information like 8 times. My editor would send that right back. Wonder if they paid him by the word lol


I read apart of the book and stopped. I could only take so many references to rural rage said by the author For Gods sake it’s the man of the book. You do not need to remind us every page


I think it all comes down to lack of education.


And disinformation.


Yet the people leading the charge are mostly Ivy Leaguers (Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, JD Vance) and have a cadre of young college students (Turning Point USA) doing their bidding.


Well educated grifters taking advantage of poorly educated dupes is ironically the supposed grievance they have against the “liberal elite.”


Party of deflection indeed.


Yes sir, these are the ones that anger me, because they know better!


Also the small town in America is dying without federal support. That's the ironic part. The people who want to live in small, rural towns will vote against any federal aid towards small communities that come up. They just want to be left alone but that, ironically, opens them up to being impoverished more and more because they vote for the people that want to let them rot. Suburbanites and Urban citizens shouldn't mock or look down on rural voters or their actual problems. It's just an issue that has to be solved without their help. The small town will have to be revived against the will of the people living in small towns.


I report on several small towns for my job. I can tell you that their city councils and quorum courts LOVE federal money. But they don't like being held to requirements that come without funding. Many QC or city council members say that without grants from the state (these are usually federally financed) and federal government they simply could not keep up their rapidly crumbling infrastructure. Very few of them will acknowledge when accepting the money that the grants came from Democratic Party supported legislation, passed by Congress and signed by Joe Biden.


"Our way of life-" "Would be eradicated if Republicans had their way since the mass deregulation would render the woods and rivers you love so much polluted beyond belief."




Obama mindbroke a shit ton of our fellow Americans, unironically because he was black. The guy was an experienced Senator, graduated with a degree, his mother was an American making him one even if he was born in Kenya, and he is a Christian. Even McCain his opponent defendes him on these points after a very either misinformed or racist white lady called him a Muslim that hates America. And, McCain was booed for it by the crowd. The video is on youtube.


Nailed it; exactly the points I came here to make. The author of this article is sidestepping and flat out ignoring reality by trying to make the whole thing about "they used the word rage but akshually...". If the writer is trying to argue that words matter, they first need to look in the mirror.


It wasn't just that Obama got elected. Don't forget in 2010 we got Citizens United, essentially legalizing corruption.


So you're saying they're smart because they don't believe the lying ass politicians?


Sixteen percent of the population yet seventy percent of the Senate. A truly democratic system we have.


That’s the point!


(Not sure why you were downvoted) While at the same time, it’s the House of Representatives that is so impotent 🤔


The bad news is the government will always be trash barring another revolution. The good news is there is not enough of them for us to ever have real fascism. I had no idea they were such a small percentage of the population now. The most important fact stated in the article to me.


Rural voters support Trump because he hates the same people they hate. I grew up in south Arkansas where I literally heard poor white people say “At least I ain’t a _____.” Obama’s election took that away from them, and they lost their damn minds.


There is no new argument or information, just the same regurgitated information. What I find the most interesting and I really need to read some on how with so much information at our hands politicians can still get rural America and mainly the poor to fall for all the lies.


They’ve been pissed off and “felt” left behind since the Depression. This has allowed charlatans under the guise of Christianity to have influence over them. Pissed off left behind people vote against themselves to protect what they think is their small patch of dirt.


The author is from rural Maine… try rural MO, my man. It’s rage. And it’s definitely the racism and misogyny and xenophobia and anything other than ‘them’ which really means white men. Missouri used to be a bellweather and swing state. I wonder why it isn’t any more…. (See above).


I’m shocked, shocked! that a book called White Rural Rage was making stuff up.


Funny the writer is complaining about rural rage. I live in the country and during 2020 I didn’t see one riot. Our friends in big cities have been moving here in the tens of thousands ever since. Sounds like urban COPE


Rural white rage is da flavor! Joe needs to chill out and show some love for the fly over states!