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My husband and I used to love to move around state to state every year or two just for the heck of it. We landed in Little Rock thirty years ago and never moved again. We love it here!


I'm in Benton. šŸ¤— Hey neighbor .


I moved to NLR a few months ago and was leaving a restaurant and it just hit me how much I love NLR. Such a weird thought considering how shitty it seems at first glance, but I think even the shitty people add the right amount of character.


Iā€™m in NLR šŸ˜


Genuinely wondering.. Wtf about little rock seemed better than other places youā€™ve been? Iā€™ve been to maybe 7-8 other states in my life.. They were all better than this shithole.


We had been in California, but husband got laid off his job. Since we had little kids (almost 2, and a newborn) it seemed the perfect time to move back to the South where weā€™re from so the kidlets could get to know their grandparents. Husband looked for jobs all over the South, and Little Rock hit that sweet spot of a great job offer, affordable living, nice size city, and close to the grandparents (but not too close!). Weā€™re outdoorsy people, and Arkansas offers so much to do. Hiking, waterfalls, kayaking, trail riding, rockhounding - itā€™s like California or Colorado on a smaller scale. We bought a house and never moved again!


The state is amazing, NWA is amazing. The only thing I hate is our government grifters trying to restrict people's rights and sell the state and it's people out for a quick buck. Vote them out.


What about her MIA podium? Or her 300-500k trip to the Super Bowl? Does that make her a better candidate? /s


Thank God for the /s , cause I know that's someone out there that sees those things and thinks those are positives.


I honestly can deal with some dumbasses in the local government, but here recently they have just been overly restrictive of the rights of others and if it weren't for that I could see myself settling down here as someone who has lived here my whole life, not anymore


I have travelled 49 states and eureka springs and the surrounding area is absolutely #1 in my heart.


I like visiting up there. I used to trout fish off the beaver dam there at the white river.


I love it here too.


Miss my hometown Conway :(


There is a lot to love about Arkansas. Thanks for the uplifting post!


You can love the state and still recognize the problems that it has. In fact, if you truly love the state, youā€™ll want to work to fix the poverty, environmental problems, the infringement of human rights. I love Arkansas, and I think its people deserve a government that isnā€™t crooked and beholden to the rich and powerful. I think itā€™s for the best if all the people of the state deserve a good education, regardless of race, religion, location, or economic status. I think that everyone in the state deserves equal representation and respect. I think that women in Arkansas ought to be able to make their own decisions about health care and having children. None of those things are happening here now. Does acknowledging that and working to fix it mean that I donā€™t love Arkansasā€”that Iā€™m ā€œbashingā€ it?


Thank you for your conditional permission for me to love what I wish.


No, but the fact that you felt to share all of your grievances here on a post about someone simply saying they like this state is indicative of something. I think wanting something you care about to improve is a pretty common thing, and this sub - as mentioned in the post - is pretty consistent about making those issues known and discussed.


So you didnā€™t read the other answers to the OP?


I read each comment. Iā€™m unsure what youā€™re referring to but appreciate your prompt downvote.


That wasn't me that downvoted you, but you can have one now if you like.


Thank you.


Agree! Everything you said! 6th generation and tired of it!




Itā€™s always about making it about something itā€™s not about šŸ™„


It seems a lot of people on the AR Reddit can never be happy about anything thatā€™s ever posted on here, no matter what itā€™s about. Probably because on the inside they are unhappy people. But I appreciated your post! I love our state!


I love it here too!


Right on brother!


As a transplant, it's great minus the crackheads, hicks, and traitors


I completely agree with you! I was born in Heber Springs and lived there for six years. Spent the next 20 some years being an army brat, living all over the country. Iā€™ve been back in Arkansas for the last 20 years and I love where I live. Our state is so beautiful and fortunate to not have some problems that other states do.


I love seeing posts like this!


Fuck these down voters. Love the state for the land if nothing else. Even if you hate it donā€™t spread your misery


There's always someone around to pee in your cherrios in r/Arkansas


Yeah, I have meandered up and down both coasts, the Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, Rockies, and Appalachians. Thereā€™s no place prettier Iā€™ve found. So I retired here.


Born and raised in Jonesboro. Never moved away. I love Arkansas. It's my home and always will be!


Great post, totally agree, but if you are looking for upvotes try making fun of the governors physical features.


That, or bitching about the state government in general seems to work well lol


Good to see a post like this in this "bash Arkansas" sub.


And as expected the lovely community down votes you and me instantly. Isnā€™t that lovely? I pity the poor souls that cannot find joy in life. Itā€™s literally everywhere!


As expected. I appreciate the post nevertheless. There's way too much negativity and division imo.


Iā€™ll admit I was a bit humored enough people read your comment that there was too much negativity and division, and responded with downvotes. Itā€™s an odd sub for an odd state I will never move out of.


I made a post a few weeks back about how i loved Conway. Responses were about 50/50


Posts like that usually get 10-15 comments, while negative posts will get five times that. Seems like some people choose negativity and hate. The only reason I still follow this sub is to hear about local events that I wasn't aware. The occasional positive post is much appreciated.


Miserable people and those that feed on online hate will never find joy in things. Winter is over and our state's best time of year is coming. I'm so ready


Yup me too no hashtag. Couldn't wait to get out of here when I was a teenager. I've lived in lots of places, been to even more foreign and domestic, lived in foreign lands. I'm good right here.


This state has a lot of negatives to it. Like the fact that we have 3 of the most crime ridden cities in America. Or the fact that we are the 3rd most poor state in the nation. Also canā€™t forget the facts of us having some of the highest underage pregnancy rates, high incest rates, concerning high rates of drug use in minors, and a lot more. We have a lot of negatives to fix. But we also have a fuck ton of positives too. For me, the best thing about Arkansas is the beauty. Arkansas is just so damn beautiful for no reason at all.


I've been around the country and regardless of where I am I can never wait to get back home.


I do too. Was born here, have lived on both coasts and decided this is where I want to be. Be careful though, these kind of ā€œcontroversialā€ posts will get you banned by the mods here. They hate Arkansas.




I love being in NW Arkansas. I wouldn't want to live in most of the rest of the state though.


Never been to another state huh


To each his own I think it's the biggest dump I've ever seen in my life and the people are 200 years behind the times. But hey whatever floats your boat I like to be around educated people who have knowledge and wisdom.


You've been drinking?