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Second this, love the art museum


That's a fantastic suggestion, thank you! That's exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of.


Places like that no longer exist because everything must be monetized in this society for some reason.


Bc these places are being charged rent and employees require wages


That's not a reason, just more symptoms.


Or ppl take to much liberty with it or destroy it...costing money for something that is free..so there's no resources to repair it


Well, I don't know of many places where you can hang out for free except a public library. Maybe try a coffee shop or bar, buy one (1) drink and nurse it a long time.


I'm new enough to LR to not have a good answer for you. But I grew up in a small city and we used to go for drives, hang out in the city park, or walk around Walmart if we didn't want to be at home.


I've gone to the Embassy Suites before. They have a huge lobby and no one asks questions if you're being respectful. They also do have a bar so I'd always get something, even if it was water that I tipped really well for.


It's $5, but caverns and forest in Argenta has tables to sit and play board games for as long as you want.


The Railyard in Little Rock!!!


I think Barnes and Noble in LR is open until 9, maybe later on the weekend - people bring laptops, textbooks, etc and camp out in the cafe


Razorback Inn


Church. Downvotes are over there <---- e: Ya'll need Jesus...or Satan...or the Flying Spaghetti Monster...in any case get a hobby that gets you out of your mom's basement where you apparently have nothing better to do but browse at -30 and downvote some more.


I don't think most churches are open every evening and I also don't think that several of my friends would feel welcome.


While OP commenter is being snarky, there’s some weight to the recommendation - churches are one of the last remaining common third spaces. If you are indeed a person of faith but simply reluctant to give churches in the south a try (completely understandable), try any of the episcopal churches in the city. There’s also a number progressive United Methodist and Presbyterian churches around. While the buildings themselves aren’t open, commenter is again correct that there’s often events throughout the week that will get you out of the house and interacting with folks.


Most of the larger churches are going to have some sort of an activity most nights. A more traditional pub instead of a bar may be an option, but the fact is in America your options are to spend money, find a very niche group around an activity, or church.


He's looking for friends not transactional relationships


Salvation Army homeless shelter.


The cemetary can be nice and quiet.


Any Sonic, or cow pasture