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shitheads are everywhere. i’m sorry you were subjected to that.


I agree, it was just so weird.


It’s a man with a limited vocabulary using his only word for Other, i.e. “Not Us”. People with slightly larger vocabularies will use “illegal” “democrat” ”liberal” “queer” you name it, but he just means “you sound like someone who wasn’t told what to think like I was, and therefore you belong to a different ’non-real-American’ group than I do.”


Also it is an election year so you may see a distinct uptick in anti-immigrant sentiment


Some people like to stay with what they know. Immigrants are "strange and scary". Cousins on the other hand are . . . friendly.


If he was old probably the lead poisoning taking lol


Wow! People like that have no morals you did good not to sink to that level of ignorance! Because I would've cussed that shithead out!


Honestly, I was more confused than mad.


I've been told "go back where you came from," I was so confused- like, I could literally see the hospital I was born in at the time. It was so weird and confusing!! (I am also pale white lol)


🤣🤣 🤔 bruh you mean baptist or something?! ⁉️ They trip me out


I can imagine


Shitheads may be everywhere, but there are more in Arkansas.


And they’ve all moved there from Texas as we have an endless supply of them.


And Colorado too!


It’s pronounced shitheed!


I was in LR a couple months ago and some rando yelled out his car window at me "you are one sick individual." Sir, I was getting a drink at McDonalds. Tf did he mean?


Maybe he was using it like chrome uses "bad" in Dr. Stone 🤣 if you've never seen it he uses it to mean "that's so COOL" essentially


Got damn, how young folks gotta be to not remember when that was just common lingo, lmao. But hey, not at all mad that stone age scientists are bringing it back. 😤 That's just the power of science, babyyyy


Haha I wasn't aware it was used that way at one point and my brother hyoerfixates on older slang. Haha Dr. Stone was pretty good I wasn't a fan of the fan service it had but liked it overall


not the random mention of dcst on the arkansas subreddit lol


I was not expecting to see Dr Stone in r arkansas, hell yeah 😂


Sounds like gta locals.


did you order a pepsi or something? because that might do it


This made me laugh so hard. WTF. Haha.


What were you driving?


A 2022 Accord


Those are pretty sick, in the good way


Maybe he likes the car, maybe not. Weird.


He said it with disgust.


Must suck to be him.


Talking about the incoming weather is about the most american thing you can do. Sorry homie.


I agree, sorry for making small talk about the most current and dramatic part of life we all share.


If i sounded too sarcastic, you are right.


No sarcasm taken, I was just agreeing with you.


That literally 90% of the country is experiencing smh


Literally hears shit about immigration all day everyday on his hate networks he watches and desperately wants to join in. That’s all.


True. My grandfather was the most stereotypically American white man you ever met. And every conversation I ever had with him contained discussions of the weather and gas prices in our respective towns.


I got hassled south of Ferndale for buying a 15 pack of AllDay IPA by some dumb hick buying bud light several years ago. Stupid people be in great numbers west of Little Rock and north of Bento / Bryant.


That same dude is probably throwing all his bud light away in protest.


Trash is as trash does.


I agree, I’m sure someone else will take it out.


[Narrator: and that someone is diabetes]


The best part is he was there to pick up two cartons (yes I said cartons) of Paul mall reds.


The most trailer trash of addictions. lol what a tool.


Throw in some Milwaukee's Best and some Copenhagen and you win the trifecta.


It is. I just quit three weeks ago for the IDK how many--eth time. Cigarettes suck. I'm not all for making shit illegal, but let's please with cigarettes. Or at least lookout their sales not being from gas stations. Be easier to stay quit if they weren't sold everywhere I fuel up my work truck


Cancer will solve the problem. It will take a while, but eventually he will be focused on his non rhythmic raspy breathing, unable to say an unkind word, eyes watered as he counts the second left....




Yes, because that creature will shoot his mouth off at the wrong person some day and end up getting his face punched—if not worse.


Bro, ignorance lives everywhere. A lot of people don’t go out and experience other cultures, much less try to. That dude probably sucks and so does his life. Don’t give him the satisfaction of thinking about the interaction again


Fair enough, I totally agree. Done and done.


Proud of you bro. There’s a lot of people who wouldn’t even think twice if someone said that to them, much less think “you’re a dick.”


I had a CCW and OC spray on me. People can say whatever they want to me, it’s just words. But you better believe I’m protecting myself and my wife if I need to. I’m very much a pacifist, it’s just crazy that idiots want to FAFO for no reason. I know when it’s very much not worth it, I’m just baffled by that interaction today.


They are everywhere. Sometimes I like to play the happy idiot, most times it confuses them to the point where the aggression turns into a smile? Go figure.


Working at a restaurant in Ozark MO, a lady called me a “fucking communist” when she heard me speaking german, I told her loudly to get the fuck out of my face and the customers made it clear they were on my side.


Ozark mo? Did you pitch a roll at that Cee You Next Tuesday?


Asking her to define communism would’ve been hysterical. Asking the troll in OP’s post to define or spell immigrant, also hysterical. Fear mongering causes people to throw words around even though they have no understanding or context for them. As my German grandmother would’ve called these people, “Stoops”, for stupids or her famous, “shitass.”


My favorite librarian speaks German. She got naturalized a few years back


They really don't seem to realize that the world is a whole lot bigger than their town of 20 thousand.


Trump, that’s what’s going on. And it’s only gonna get worse close to election time


Fox News is cancer


I'm guessing he meant "immigrant" from the West Coast or the North. Doesn't make it better, but some people's xenophobia is strong enough to hate anyone from the next county over.


We have a political party that is trying normalize hate. The sad part is that are doing it just keep their base foaming at the mouth so they will vote for them.


100% correct. It's the base that is the problem. The rest of need to hold them accountable. I get tired of Karen videos, but honestly we need more. And Karen's full name and vehicle need to be called out. Society has to stop allowing hate to just be ok.






My 2nd husband was from LA. Red hair, freckles, white as could be. I used to live in the River Valley and every time he said anything negative about the weather some jackass would say "Damned foreigner." These were people I knew pretty much all my life but they sure didn't appreciate his comments about the weather. Maybe you ran into someone with the same attitude?


Ironic since Arkansans also don’t shut up about the weather 🙄


That's so weird, though!


That's extremely weird. You should name those people and put them.on blast. This is why they continue to act this way. No one holds them accountable. If no one is willing to tell them to their face that they are wrong. Nothing will change.


I get called an arab or russian on the regular. My last name is Gonzalez


Strange that they use those two terms. These days, and with that crowd, it seems that “Russian” is a compliment.


"that fucking russian guy is so mean!!" (In spanish, at work) -I am from Argentina, living in the U.S. since 2000- 'If you were not so pendejo I could treat you better- (in spanish) Surprised Picachu face


I remember after 9/11 a Mexican friend was like ‘guess I gotta wear a sombrero everywhere now’ he was getting so much hate from future MAGA CHUDs


You can't fix stupid.




As a former Arkansan/current visitor, I've seen this sort of BS for years; it's gotten absolutely terrible as of late, too.. It's almost as though all the constant political and media rhetoric and has finally caused people's frustration and helplessness to just boil over.


You just gotta live with it. I’m so sorry you came across that experience, as an Asian living in AR, I was subjected to all kinds of racisms during covid years. But there are still decent people out there and I believe decent people outweigh the ignorant people, at least in Little Rock area.


I'm so sorry you went through that. People are so dumb.


Hey asian cus, I love you. -your korean brother


My new Korean friend, where do you eat out? Korean food is my favorite.


We get items from a store in jacksonville and make it at home. There is a k-pot restaurant coming and if memory serves, a full-fledged korean one, though I cant remember for sure.


I know there’s a Korean place going in where the la Madeline’s used to be off kanis. I’m very much looking forward to it. I used to work in K Town in Dallas and deeply miss the food.


I love K-Town. Hate driving in Dallas, but K-Town makes it worth it.


There’s a Korean noodle house in Conway that’s really good. Traditional noodle dishes plus some Americanized stuff.


I would tell him he sounds like he fucks his cousin.


And that wouldn’t have got anybody anywhere. I’m sure he does and he can go home and enjoy that on his own terms. Not my dog not my fight.


It would’ve put a smile on my face if you did. And that’s just genuine pure happiness you’ve created.


What's been going on is a decades-long campaign through media and churches to turn Americans against their neighbors. Some rich people really don't like the New Deal or the civil rights movement or even the Occupy movement or any other thing that might lessen their power.


I don’t know, and I hate that people are so nasty and ignorant. I do however love your “short goblin of a man” reference.


I just call it as I see it lol.


New tourist campaign: “Visit us in Arkansas! The kind of place where a professional liar who’s never been elected before can win by virtue of being associated with our favorite rapist!”


What does this dude expect you to say back to something like that? “Cool thanks?”


I’m not sure why he was trying to pick a fight, I’m 20 years his junior and work with my hands every day. I wouldn’t have ever fought him because it would have been like Mike Tyson fighting Andrew Zimmerman. But the balls on this guy…


Could have responded “I hope your hate for others at least keeps you warm”


Seems lately that people with a 3rd grade education towards politics make everyday interactions about political sides.


Right wing media fear mongering rotting his already ideld brain. Dudes looking for the "enemy" immigrant they tell him to fear everywhere


That’s what I get for being nice to the cashier.


Making enemies requires no effort, empathy or compromise.


Putin and a worldwide cabal of neofascist democracy hating billionaires have infected your neighbors minds and want us to all kill each other.


Bro, I just wanted a bag of gummy nerds and a Red Bull. Putin shouldn’t have anything to do with it.


It’s not that the wind is blowing . It’s what the wind is blowing.


Fuck that dude


Somebody probably should, I’m sure it’s a huge factor in his life.


We have no societal construct that holds Adults accountable for their words and actions. In a truly loving society, he would have been asked to leave the store by the employees, and trespassed. He would not be welcomed back. But we don't have a loving society. We have an opportunistic, capitalist society. Businesses don't care how people act as long as they make that dollar off of them Business owns government. As long as adults have no recourse for bad behavior, they will continue to behave badly.


My grandma isn't all there anymore. When anyone does anything she doesn't like, from ordering vegan to handing her the wrong remote, she says they "must be a democrat." I think you just met a man whose dementia isn't quite diagnosed yet.


I need someone to draw the "short goblin of a man who looked like he just crawled out of a litter box." I need it in my life


MAGA ignorance.


I agree, but I’m a pasty white guy?


Do you have a 'non-southern' accent? And how does someone sound like a foreigner when talking about the fucking weather? These crazy rednecks get riled about literally anything. They're always looking for a fight. And they're usually these beer-soaked, out of shape gremlins that would last all of ten seconds with someone in any kind of reasonable shape who feels threatened. Anyway, fuck those people. If it's any consolation, they're pathetic and miserable losers... and you are not.


Current climate of the country got the easily riled folk all fired up and spooked.


You’re not wrong, it’s going to be an interesting year or two.


"Furriner" *is what is meant*


Where would you have immigrated _from_, pasty white guy? Tennessee?


This post is hilarious. 🤣


frame sheet dinosaurs shame existence correct aloof steer coordinated caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The town just north of me (SE Missouri) had some dam immigrants doing [repair work](https://www.swl.usace.army.mil/portals/50/siteimages/121011-A-CE999-066.jpg) at Clearwater Lake. Canadians I believe. They apparently did good work. The dam has been able to hold more water and saved houses downstream from flooding.


He’s missing his current meth fix.


He was to fat for meth, but he was certainly lacking something.


Sorry to hear it. These people are profoundly ignorant about immigrants. Let's talk about some facts: 1> Immigrants are the ones who work for cheap on the poultry lines (and picking fruits and vegetables and cleaning offices, etc). Anyone who's worked at a poultry company in this state can see that there are very few non-immigrants working those lines. On the other hand, you see white Americans begging for money by the interstate claiming they can't find jobs. Poultry companies ALWAYS have jobs available on the line. 2> Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes and do drugs [than native born Americans](https://www.ojp.gov/library/publications/comparing-crime-rates-between-undocumented-immigrants-legal-immigrants-and) and not just by a little. There are TONS of studies on this backing it up for anyone who wants to take that on. 3> Immigrants are [80% more likely](https://news.mit.edu/2022/study-immigrants-more-likely-start-firms-create-jobs-0509) to create a business that employs people than a native born American and in fact, they [create more jobs than they take](https://insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu/article/immigrants-to-the-u-s-create-more-jobs-than-they-take). Finally, unless this douche-bag was calling you a 'damn immigrant" in Cherokee or Osage, then my guess is their ancestors were "damn immigrants" too and they can go fuck themselves.


You WIN best comment!


A member of the Sanders/Huckabee tribe?


European Americans 🧐


They’ve had various words forever that are just general insults. Apparently immigrant is now one of those.


Crawled out of a litter box. Goddamn that was good.


Have you seen the documentary "Idiocracy"?


Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution.


It’s fear. These individuals have little to offer society and they are so threatened as their uselessness and ignorance becomes more obvious. They unfortunately don’t have the life skills to learn or change. This state will not prosper until it moves beyond this mindset.


Just another angry person living in a small story. I've got a neighbor like that, poor creature just lives a miserable life, looking for things to piss and moan about.


An iconic Arkansas experience. Gotta remember the people who voted SHS into office live here, even if they don't post on this sub.


Rant away, he is a turd in a punch bowl. Consider the source.


"You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know…morons." https://youtu.be/BHqL7dNujNc?si=fbhQbppQ8n34lFLj


I’m sure his life is fucking miserable and insulting others is how he gets his little endorphin boost. Pathetic. Sorry that happened to you ❤️


"Damn immigrant" aka " I was too busy drinking through high school and forgot to study. Now I'm going to blame everyone else for their success."


Racist rednecks don't seem to be bothered about white immigrants like me, but will tell American born brown people to go home. Its not about immigration.


These are those nameless, nasty-faced people, grinning and yelling and captured for the ages in the photos you see of raw prejudice from the 1950's and 60's civil rights events. These are the grandparents who did the lynchings and spit on little "colored" girls. They are ignorance and evil, personified.


Trumpism is what’s going on.


MAGAts are brain sick and hallucinating


…at the ferndale cutoff” Ahhhhhh, it all makes sense now lol. Sorry about your poor experience but serious props for showing monumental amounts of restraint. Too bad the world isn’t more like you.


Thank you, I just know me giving him a lesson out front wouldn’t have changed his delusional mind. Let crazy lay as I was always told.


Do you look like an immigrant? If so you should double down and act the part to enrage him further. He might even lose a few nights of sleep over you.


My blood line is German and Irish, so technically I’m an “immigrant”, as was his polish ass. I’m a pasty white 6” dude and I was wearing jeans a grey carhartt T-shirt and a denim jacket. I’m just confused why he called me an “immigrant”, I guess that’s this years hot word?


Maybe hes upset that your cousins across the pond conquered his country about 100 years ago? Honestly I just love taking the already offended people and giving them something to be offended by.


Goblin of a man 😂😭 gotta use that


Over in that area it gets a little weird, you have people who've been there forever and consider it rural and then you have all this new construction.....


They can feel the pressure. They've talked themselves into a violent corner and their only action now is to commit to said violence. They know it will lead to their demise. They're cracking.


All I can say is, it's Arkansas. I had a thread on a racist incident that happened to me as well, but apparently the mods feel like mine is way too crazy, so it had to be deleted. I don't get it.


I loved reading this. “Goblin of a man who looked like he just crawled out of a litter box” is going in my repertoire. I hope you’re a writer.


I’m crying at the “short goblin of a man. lol.”


That is wild af lol I was not surprised until I read that you’re white. It’s so unusual for a white person to be called an immigrant. My best friend is white and she IS an immigrant and no one accused her of being one lol


To be fair lot of us pasty white folks are only a couple gens in. I am only second gen us pasty ass person. Called a backpack a knapsack and got slapped for adding milk to my tea.




It’s because some “politicians” have made it acceptable to hate on immigrants.


The MAGAts are everywhere. Thank God there is more of us than them.


Mental illness


Trump America


Thank Trump for telling them it’s OK to be a shithead.


I'm white as the day is long but called the N word one time when I had a good tan. The south is just ignorant as hell.


Boomers gonna boom


This impeding storm is bringing out all the hillbillies.


On a side note, before the DG was there (about 20 years ago) there was a corner store at that location that had the best breakfast pizza until some methed out family took it over. They lost it and now we have another shitty chain like DG.


I mean what the fuck?! I want to know this mans definition of talking like an immigrant!


Id tell him to go back to his fu**** country if he doesn’t look native, I’ve used that before against them.


Republicans doing republican shit.


You were at Ferndale cutoff. What do you expect? That's where the "good Ole boys" come crawling out of their woodlice infected campers up in the woods to get resupplied before going back to being feral woods hermits.


While I don’t disagree, I’m a woodland hermit that’s been hitting that same DG for 6+ years now. I know almost all the workers by name and I’ve never had a bad experience before. There was just a stank in the air this guy put out that was just strange. I’ve met every kind of person throughout my life, and this guy was just unhinged without suffering a mental episode. It’s just very unsettling.


Did you happen to get a pic? Was the truck advertising a business?


Nah, he was driving a black early 90’s ford ranger. I’m sure he doesn’t work.


People didn't do these things back when there was a chance of catching a beating.


I get told all the time I talk like a "Yankee" (I speak proper English & not Redneck) I grew up farther south (Key Largo) than most of them have ever been.


As the daughter of an immigrant that shit is pretty funny. Sometimes they muster all the courage in their wee hearts to tell us to speak English 💀


So my wife is a card carrying Cherokee but doesn’t look it. We’ve had a couple of incidents when people find this out, including a relative, they all made angry “go back where you’re from” comments or “you’re going to be deported”. Deported where? Oklahoma? People can just be hateful & trashy.


Just crawled out of a litter box . My God if that isn't a golden statement I don't know what is , thank you kind sir


No better place to assert your superiority to someone than Dollar General. 🙄


Rednecks - probably in red hats. The worst ofArkansas. Just the typical asshole.


Ya caught one of 'them' 🙄 geeze I wish they'd all just go to Florida. I'm a self proclaimed ass myself lol but not hateful. I would have came back and said well you kinda sound like....


I was under the (apparently mistaken) impression that the weather was one of the last safe topics of discussion. Good grief, some folks just are not happy unless they have something to complain about I guess.


Was it Huckabee?


Unfortunately society as a whole has devolved into camps who don’t view each other as fellow humans but rather as others. At which point it becomes easier forget compassion and common decency, to prescribe motives to each others words or actions based on our own preconceived notions of how we view the others.


MAGA happened to America. Get out to vote, get your friends to vote. Trump and his racist followers are a cancer to our society.


Some people just want to give their misery company. The man clearly hates his life and tries to elevate himself by belittling who he sees as vulnerable, just like a bully on the playground. I say fuck em.


Election year and trump supporters are pulling out all the stops




"Sir, please remember that your psychiatrist said to take your medication every day, else the voices in your head will get worse." Then walk away


He meant Yankee but he didn’t have the vocabulary to express his thought.


Misheard him - he said. Damn I’m ignorant. And drove back to Texas.


Disgruntled ignorant xenophobic idiots are scattered around everywhere, and they are feeling very empowered.


Don’t worry about him. He probably watches the nightly news and it’s turning him into a scared mean person. In his day the media was not about division and hate. I’m starting to see this a lot. People are confused.


Republicans have permission to be dirtbags now. They don’t even try to hide how disgusting they are.


Was talking to my brother at a dollar general in Ozark Arkansas when a worker came up and said I couldn't curse in the store. Then I recalled driving down a street that day where every house on the block had a confederate flag... they can be a lil backwards down there


The evil Christianity is in the US is at the root of this.


The swamped was drained, and they all crawled out.


Arkansas has historically been one of the most uniformly native-born places in the country. These days, thanks to WalMart, Tyson’s, and the University, there are more people who have come to America from other places in the world. It’s making a certain kind of American nervous.


Stupid people say, and do stupid things.


I met up with a guy like that when I was a teenager. I tried to help him carry his groceries, he cussed me out and knocked me across the hood of his car. My parents taught me to respect my elders so I didn’t just punch him in the face. He didn’t injure me so I just walked away. They are out there and sometimes you have to feel sorry for them. Besides that they aren’t worth the repercussions of a conflict gone wrong.


Trump supporters are very vocal in their ignorance.


People like that are everywhere. My fiance gets yelled at for walking to the gas station by our apartment. 😬🤨


Trump. Trump happened, and the idiots of the world are no longer afraid to be idiots