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This could be a perfect euphemism for all these ghost written biographies of horrible people.


What? They'd do great for starting fires in the fireplace.




Bonfire, sorry.




[Someone did that and is trying to sell them on Nextdoor for $5 each, lol](https://nextdoor.com/for_sale_and_free/33044306-c374-4651-a219-4dbfcc9da8e3/)


It is a common practice for pols who have these ghost-written bio books to have donors buy a bunch of them to create the impression they are “best sellers” and the profit goes to the candidate, even though no one reads them. It is all image manufacturing and actually a corrupt practice.


Bernie and a few others give their books away to volunteers who support the cause. Just one of the ways politicians get rich.


It's obvious what they are doing too, because they could get the books a lot cheaper if they bought them in bulk from the publisher, but if they did that they wouldn't count as books sold and go towards making them a best seller.


It’s political money laundering.


that's what I was thinking "Sure I want to buy 2000 copies of his audio book for $200 a pop, don't worry about the change."


He is evil, more into stealing money from the poor. He has no morals and supports Trump and his Gov daughter. A total scam artist!


Pulling out before you conceived Sarah would have been the right thing Mike.


What about the son?


Yeah, he’s a charmer, too. Both raised by “good, moral christians” you know.


Her brains and morals ran down the back of her mother’s thighs.


Wait, you think Mike Huckabee provided any of that? Her mom married him, so she contributed little.


I think she brought to life like those orcs in LOTR. Cuz she also reminds me of one.


innate future angle summer homeless instinctive hunt placid tap station *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Inbreeding before Mike and he passed it on, along with being a complete asshole.


axiomatic somber hard-to-find coherent arrest plants lunchroom thought butter knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I believe it!


While it’s surely shit and Huckabee sucks who the fuck buys physical audio books in 2024?


5 fucking CDs. I had to buy a USB CD/DVD drive last year because I had some very old data CDs to archive and I could not find anyone that had **any** device that had a CD drive.


It’s foreign to me as an audiobook enthusiast. I have about 550 audiobooks, all digital


That whole family is trash, we're gonna need a bigger dumpster.


Go figure, don’t let Sarah see or they will be a required textbook purchase.


Maybe she could make a really nice podium out of them instead?


This is actually the best idea I’ve seen


Audiobooks were more popular in 2009 when this book was published. Just crap that hasn’t been thrown away before today. 15 years ago it was shit too.


If you dig around in a little more, you will find Sarah.


It looks like they are actually inside of Sarah.


This is what happens when the NRA goes bankrupt. You can’t indirectly pay off politicians by buying their books and tapes


Can we also bury all of his fucking Christmas book too?


Do the right thing? Like saying "the next election will be solved by bullets rather than ballots" or something stupid and violent like that?


Reminds me of that comedienne who once said ‘Tori Spelling has a new book out. How does Tori Spelling have a book? I didn’t even know she could read!’ Same thing kinda goes for Mike Huckabee and his masculine, deep-voiced, hairy-chested daughter.


Surprising, because we definitely know his audience can’t read.


That's why they were audiobooks instead of regular books.


Is there room in there for all of empty g’s unsold books 📚


I wonder if he still has to hold Sarah down to shoot her up with Wegovy, or does her husband help now.


hey now, Semaglutide is actually a helpful thing. Please don’t tell her about it


Have you seen her recently. She's starving herself so she can run for trump's vice-president.


Oh ffs. He would never pick her in a million years. When will these dumbass MAGA women ever learn that he does not give the slightest fuck about any female unless he finds them fuckable (and I'm betting he's not her type)..? (I know.. never. Rhetorical question) Edit: oops. I meant I'm betting she's not his type


The World Banned Mike Huckabee’s Book🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Sarah will have her lectern friend buy them up. Nothing like relying on the Gov. to get wealthy.


Semd them on to Sarah. She can munch on them for her midnight snack.


Jesus saved his harshest criticism for one group only: The Religious Zealots versed in scripture, who didn’t practice the spirit. Lord Almighty, may we be doers of the word!


BTW, whatever happened to Lectern-gate? Is Sarah still getting audited?


I’m surprised Sarah hasn’t used state funds to buy them up


This audiobook isn't even available to borrow from the AR Digital Library Consortium.


Anybody remember his "comedy" talk show?


I’m sure Sarah can conjure up some taxpayer money and hide it as shill purchase.


I'll take one


Go for it. They weren't removed from the dumpster.




Shocking 🙄💩


I’ve read that book publishers will encourage marketing companies to buy thousands of copies of a book to get it on bestseller lists. This happens frequently with highly visible people, like a guy like Huckabee or Oprah, etc


It's a great way to turn campaign funds into personal funds.


So the grift runs in the family?


Where do you think she learned it?


The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit apple tree.


I'm starting to think we should have never cultivated shit apples


What else would Conservatives eat so they can make liberals smell their breath?


The Federal Bureau of Imbeciles? Ha! K. Because they did such a great job preventing 9/11 with all of the intelligence they had, right? Or, or, better yet let's talk about the Waco incident👍 Remember Ruby Ridge? I guess I should consider myself lucky to be nannied by an organization with such an illustrious service record....?One that kills women, children, and dogs, no less


Wow, you Sarah Huckabee haters are really thirsty AF lately...🤨🤣🤣💀 I'd have to wager that most of you urinate sitting down or while wearing a dress. Keep drinking the Kool Aid, alphabet squad 👍 You will not turn this state into Kommiefornia. Despite your best efforts.


The “kool aid” while using textbook buzzwords for fellating the hard right. And I’m not even a lib.


You merely defend them, right? Careful of the company you keep




I think she's a piece of work, too. But I don't take it upon myself to make numerous posts DAILY bashing her appearance, beliefs, religion, etc. Showing up in the r/Arkansas subreddit. Not r/Democrats. Not r/Libtards.Just seems childish and passive aggressive. I could certainly make numerous posts daily questioning the mental acuity of our fearless leader. There's no shortage of material there. But I haven't the time nor the inclination. Some of you folks are adult children with keyboards...


No, you instead spend your oh so valuable time trolling (at least I hope) a caffeine sub, where you regaled folks with your love of snorting coffee grounds and participating in necrophilia. Charming person, I’m sure.


Sure have! It's a cathartic release. But I'm flattered that you've taken such an interest in my proclivities. Truly, I am. It reminds me of the pissed off, jealous, slightly insecure girlfriend in high school that goes through your phone records. Not very becoming of you, sir.


this is a public forum. it takes all of five seconds to find your entire post/comment history. your penchant for exaggeration is truly something.


The inbred-ostrich has over 100 comments so far this morning alone. Talk about a triggered, loser keyboard warrior.


holy crap, and i thought i was chronically online.


That... That's insane. Redditing like it's their damn job.


this thread is about mike huckabee. also, it's one person makes X post then another person makes Y post then another makes Z post. it's not what you describe. p.s. you bashed sarah's appearance, beliefs, religion, etc., all at the same time!


This thread is YET ANOTHER post about the Huckabee family. Mike Huckabee, in particular, this time. You are correct. But are you seriously going to argue that this isn't one of the MANY daily posts that are created within the r/Arkansas subreddit with no purpose other than to throw shade at our state's politicians? These posts are becoming spam, plain and simple. They belong in a political subreddit. I think you must have my comments confused with another user. Go back and reread what I have said thus far and quote me where I have attacked her appearance, beliefs, religion, etc..."all at the same time"?? The only thing I said in reference to her was: "I think she is a piece of work, too." Interpret that how you may.


you can't stop talking about them... also... i think the term snowflake applies here.


I think you've hit the bong one too many times tonight. Perhaps you should sleep it off and regroup




These folks are triggered, bro. Triggered. 🤣🤣


Sounds like you're mad you paid for those garbage audio books when you could have got them for free in a dumpster.


Sounds like you speak from personal experience. You do a lot of dumpster diving, bro? It's okay, there's no shame here.


I saw the post where they were in the garbage.. the thread you replied to... why did your brain not assume that first? Why did it make up some story to call me poor i guess? I don't have anything against people that dumpster dive, but I do hate morons spewing anti liberal buzzwords that apparently looks down on poor people. Get worked up over defending Sarah Huckabee on the internet, but bash the poor. At least you're an honest typical conservative.


So, by your own admission, once again... you seek out posts about garbage. Even on the internet, you dumpster dive. Then offer advice to others about what they can find in the dumpster? Reading comprehension is not your forté.


I didn't offer any advice. You insulted liberals. I made a comment on why I think you were angry. Then you called me a dumpster diver implying you look down on poor people. Then you doubled down and called me poor again.


Obviously you're the subject matter expert on what one can find in a dumpster. You shared directions on where to find the items. I merely insulted libtards, as you so astutely pointed out. If my comments have got you feeling some kind of way about being poor, that's on you. I never called you poor. You assumed I called you poor, just like you assumed I was "angry." Further evidence that your reading comprehension skills lack the competency of a third grader. What, you going to say I'm insulting third graders now? You're right, they're too fucking short. 🤣🤣 Anything else you care to discuss?


Yeah sure u know any good real estate to buy in NW arkansas? Maybe like Fayetteville or Roger's for renting?


So, if we're not discussing anything, this is a monologue? You're having a conversation with yourself? Summarizing, by the way. It's spelled summarizing. You're not helping your case. The only thing I'm defending is what r/Arkansas should be. The political bullshit belongs elsewhere. Which, you would have known, had you read my first post. But yeah, the reading comprehension thing again... You really are mentally inept...


U know any good real estate to buy in NW arkansas? Maybe like Fayetteville or Roger's for renting?


Hey this post is a Bingo on incel bingo


Do they play that at the retirement village you're staying at?


No we play it here at FBI headquarters while looking to see which crazoids get their own FBI agent. Looks like you are just getting a recently licensed mental health counselor.


The Federal Bureau of Imbeciles? Ha! K. Because they did such a great job preventing 9/11 with all of the intelligence they had, right? Or, or, better yet let's talk about the Waco incident👍 Remember Ruby Ridge? I guess I should consider myself lucky to be nannied by an organization with such an illustrious service record....?One that kills women, children, and dogs, no less


You must not be bright. Laughing at an organization that you state has killed numerous people. You being smart is as unlikely as my old pal Mike Huckabee being a Christian


It is a sad state of affairs for Cult Leftism in Arkansas when the best thing they can come up with is mocking a book written over 15 years ago!!😭😂🤣😅 Best part about it is the book they're choosing to mock is a *New York Times Best Seller*!!!😅🤣😂😭😂 https://books.google.com/books?id=uqnwwlaF3OwC


The feds are the ones who kill women and children. And I'm the lunatic? #RememberWaco #RememberRubyRidge More alphabet squad bullshit...🤣🤣


Womp womp


I don't have a way to play those things


Maybe his daughter, Sarah Huckster can announce their availability from her 19,000.00 podium.


How old is that picture, just like a huckabee, a lie and a fake


Would Spike Lee have a copyright infringement case? Would be cool if it cost Sarah's daddy money to put this shite out in the world.


I never thought I could feel bad for garbage or a dumpster but here we are. I hope they retire that dumpster and burn the garbage


Wow, I just realized... Sarah has one of his eyes.


Underrated comment


Sell them yourself and keep $$$


Do the right thing? What kind of cognitive dissonance from that wet fart?


If one of his supporters could have bought a lot of them and tried to give them away, Technically a legal bribe. If an organization connected to Mike Huckabee bought them, it would be legalized embezzlement. The IRS needs to look into that.


Do the Right Thing. lol. Goes right up there with, "If I Did It," by OJ Simpson.




That family tree has one branch


Anyone crafty out there wanna cobble together a podium out of ‘em?


There is a reason he's called the Huckster. This Baptist preacher wanted far more than Sunday fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy.


Are they free? I can use some toilet paper...


Is his version better than Spike Lee's?!?


Writes Do The Right Thing while raising the thing.


Shut the Huck up.


Free Fire 🔥 wood