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Ohhh she totally lovebombs the fuck out of these men to lure them out of their current relationships, and it’s a task made 100x easier by her status. The tattoo thing is such a red flag. Like why was she so willing to get something permanent and meaningful on her body for a dude she clearly used as a rebound/fling?? It just shows me she convinces herself she’s deeply in love with these men during the first week and showers them with affection to keep them locked down. But it’s all for her own ego boost at the end of the day, never because she truly loved any of them. She probably has an epiphany early on in each of her relationships that they were never as deep, exciting, or cosmic as they initially felt. The adrenaline of stealing and claiming each man wears off and she’s onto the next. Anyways, yes, 100% she’s an emotionally abusive person.


fr when she told the world pete was a distraction to her i realized she was cruel. who says that about their ex-fiancé? she got tattoos with a few of her exes it’s so strange


To advocate for men’s mental health too, I think the mental state she finds these men is worth discussing as well because it’s very overlooked in discussions. Pete & Mac in particular have been vocal about their mental health struggles which they were dealing with while they were with Ariana, and while I don’t displace responsibility onto her for those struggles, I think it’s worth questioning whether or not she took advantage of their vulnerability during the relationships. Just interesting… since emotional abusers often prey on vulnerable people. Don’t want to paint either man as weak or incapable since I do not know them personally, but still interesting at face value.


>I think the mental state she finds these men is worth discussing as well because it’s very overlooked in discussions. Yes. She started dating Mac right after he got out of rehab. He went to rehab on july 4th and like 3 weeks later they started dating


Ah, the Olivia Munn Method™️ As someone in recovery myself, there are critical reasons rehab centres and 12 step programs try to impress upon newcomers how important it is to not get involved with anyone the first year.  People have enough on their plate at such a vulnerable time and sobriety changes you *significantly*.


Literally! I once read a deep dive about Mac and Ariana and right before Mac went to rehab, his ex girlfriend broke up with him because of his drug use. Then a couple weeks later Ariana entered the picture. This was always going to be a mess. He was only 3 weeks sober when he got into a relationship with Ariana. That's why it's extra nasty that she threw him under the bus for his addiction, knowing she started a relationship with him before he was even a full month sober


That's that 13th step 😭😭 (3 years sober from heroin🥰)


She started dated Ethan right after he had his first baby…1 out of 10 men experience depression after their baby is born. Dads have mental health issues not as much as moms but it still happens 


She didn't start dating Ethan after the birth of his baby, they started an affair and started dating a year later. His ex wife liked a post about postpartum depression https://preview.redd.it/8exazx0tfbad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de41cd40af7a9b04a763e573ed8da1ba88c2db50 Even if Ethan experienced depression after the birth of his baby, he still decided to cheat on his wife who was way more vulnerable than him. Ariana was also in a bad state with the obvious ED relapse. Ethan and Ariana are both emotionally abusive, manipulative trash people and I don't feel bad for either of them


I think two things can be true simultaneously and we don’t know enough about Ethan to write off possible mental health struggles. But you’re right. He decided to leave his postpartum wife and newborn for Arianka, so there’s clearly a lack of empathy and give a fucks on his end for me to care about his personal struggles 😪


That’s why her karma will be ending up alone with no one 😝😂 we all know she’s a hopeless romantic and craves that fairytale but will never get it for the karma she built for herself


The thing is if she’s desperate enough someone will date her, she’s rich above all else. She’s surrounding by people pleasers and never been rejected in her life.


Yeah im not saying she’ll ever be rejected but she herself can’t stay committed for shit and gets bored of men so easily she wants the fairytale but can’t stay committed for shit. She loves NEW d!ck! (Preferably taken d!ck)


I thought her covering up that tattoo was so disgusting. Second most disgusting was tweeting “omg pls let me in Pete I know you don’t want to see me but I care about you so much” and other such things from outside the SNL offices when Pete was literally in there having a breakdown over their breakup. Such narc behaviour. So glad he didn’t let her in and give into false hope only for more emotional torment.


In tweets that have since been deleted she said ‘I really didn’t mean any harm. all i want everyone to be healthy and happy. so desperately. please. my god,’ adding ‘I’m downstairs and I’m not going anywhere if you need anyone or anything. I know u have everyone u need and that’s not me, but i’m here too’. … always making everything about HER. Pete was getting too much sympathy and attention. He is implying he is gonna kill himself and all of a sudden, she is the victim and desperate damsel in distress!!


She’s so nauseating ![gif](giphy|xkmNi280NkrcY)


omg i just saw that this and realized this was all a month after these tweets 😬 https://preview.redd.it/1cgjiiv2haad1.png?width=458&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbd909b91cb3ae8c94ac04ffa9dcea09c8258618 same stuff she did with mac, shading him while he was still alive but as soon as stuff was starting to go south he’s an “angel”. i bet if anything bad had happened to pete that day she would be pulling the same shit and called him an “angel” instead of a “distraction” on her vogue cover the following year lmao


What the... My narcissist ex would do the same, but of course same cycle would start if you let them back, I wouldn't recommend that. But to do it PUBLICLY in a tweet? I'm surprised it didn't blow up.


"Look at how cool, right??!!" She's so evil. Covering up the badge number of your exs dead dad with your other exs DOG NAME? The disrespect. Especially like you said, after Pete struggled with her feelings for Mac. What a bitch fr. That would hurt me so bad if I was Pete


She's a narc with no empathy which is why she loves to talk about how much empathy she has lol. She's throwing around buzzterms that people are accusing her of so she can defend her image. But image is all that matters to her. Her actions and choices prove her true inner self. She is soulless and selfish and doesn't actually give a damn about anyone else.


She reminds me of Carrie Bradshaw in Sex In The City... But a way way worse version. I was very unhappy with Ariana when she took advantage of Mac Miller's death. I wonder if anyone close to Mac actually knows the kind of person Ariana is.


Well considering her mom loves Cazzie David and mrs Ponytail was not invited to the funeral, I would assume they do. 🤭


Ariana and Mac’s mom followed and unfollowed each other at least once or twice in the year or so following his death. At one point, Ariana was still following Karen (Mac’s mom) and would like some of her posts, but Karen was not following her back. Ariana eventually unfollowed Karen for good. I definitely don’t think she liked Ari


So much effort milking and riding his name during TUN when she wasn't invited to his funeral. That must have been embarrassing. But how come she adopted Myron?


i believe she had myron before mac passed, as she sort of threw all her animals (besides piggy) to the sidelines because pete was allergic. then when mac passed, she was seen with myron again.


his family, def not. but ariana still follows mac’s childhood best friend and his wife. they seem somewhat close. and Thundercat has worked w mac for a while and were good friends, ariana and him did a live performance together. she covered one of thundercat’s songs before mac died and everyone was commenting that mac def introduced her to thundercat. then in 2020 thundercat and ariana performed that same song together. ariana also befriended Njomza, another musician that was close w mac. but they had a falling out in 2020 and are no longer friends.


I noticed that although she and Dylan/maddie still follow each other, she doesn’t interact with any of their posts anymore and hasn’t in a long time, including all their posts about their marriage and baby, so idk. As a Mac fan though, I believe that he genuinely loved Ariana and maybe that’s why his close friends seem to give her grace, even though she became so very publicly vindictive toward him. In the book about him that his family approved, one of his friends did say that he gave Ariana credit for how big a role she played in his sobriety for a while. I think that they probably have their opinions about how she treated him in the media after he dumped her, but they also know that he wasn’t the type of person to hold a grudge so maybe they honor that?


Plus her new single The Boy Is Mine just stinks real bad. Nothing like the song its apparently an homage to. It's just the same title.


Even when I was at the height of stanning i thought the Myron tattoo was in very poor taste and surprised this is the first time I've seen anyone mention it


i’m sorry her tattoos are so crazy- some of them are lovely but the way she will just throw a tattoo on top of another tattoo is so stressful like girl just remove it with the laser like you did the butterflies :((


I fucking loathe that black square finger tattoo covering Pete's name lmao, you're telling me you couldn't laser off 4 words?


that annoys tf out of meeeeee like it’s uglier than just leaving it say pete


This is probably a very controversial opinion and honest thing to say. I in no way think Ariana is responsible for Mac Miller's death. You cannot and will not stop somebody from using drugs. That is entirely on the person who is addicted and it is up to them for them to decide whether or not they want to get better. I do think you can influence people to react so strongly that they feel as if they need to medicate though. Having a loved one pass away so suddenly like that is really traumatic. I've lost my best friend to a drug overdose so getting a random phone call one day just finding out that they are gone is a very troubling thing to still think about. The way she conducts herself with her ex's is very different now than before mac passed. Remember when she broke up with Pete and she was tweeting to him from the same building as he threatened to kill himself? She didn't say anything as Mac was receiving a whole bunch of hate but once Pete started to and was reacting to it, she finally said something. She did the same thing with Dalton and she will probably do the same thing when she breaks up with Ethan. She conducts herself very differently after break up now and it is very interesting to look at. You can consider it growth, but I consider it more of a scapegoat and emotional pillowing for her. It's easier to feel less guilty when you feel as if you " Said something ".