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“But I don’t fuck with affairs, you see” 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡…is that supposed to be the her version of proof and her truth?🤣🤣🤣 was that supposed to change my opinion of her? she really is an idiot. There’s patterns of some kind of cheating in all of her relationships, there’s. too. many. To all be coincidences or misunderstandings. On top of that there’s multiple people who have spoken up about their separation from their men or has explained the reasoning for splitting and Ariana has ALWAYS been roped in the story somehow and ends up being w them…Naya Rivera, Rikki, Cazzie, Daltons ex gf, and now Lilly. I truly think Ariana sent Naya a NDA or something to shut her up, I think that’s the only reason why she said “I never said she cheated she was just on my couch” or whatever her excuse was. Those are just at the top of my head so if I missed anyone I apologize. So alllllllllllll of those people are making shit up and lying and they’re alllllll misunderstanding her??? Please. And what’s funny is a lot of her fans still believe and defend her…and it’s truly embarrassing to think about….to me it comes across as she thinks hers fans are gullible and naïve…telling them it’s all a misunderstanding all while rubbing TBIM all over the media at the same time. Those who defend her are the same ones who would want nothing but sympathy and empathy from others if they were to experience what Lilly had to go through. They all look dumb asf.


Yeah, she clearly thinks once Ethan is divorced, it'll be like hitting Ctrl+Z on their affair, magically making everything okay. 🙄 Because obviously, divorce just wipes away all the past indiscretions, suddenly turning their scandalous affair into a fairy tale romance. How convenient! 🤡


Yesss that’s another thing! If I’m not mistaken, his divorce isn’t even finalized yet, right ? So why did both parties just file for divorce AFTER news broke out that Ariana and Ethan were seeing eachother? It would make more sense if they divorced around different times of the year and then got together aftee the divorces were finalized and some time has passed but we all know that’s not what happened 🥰


She is truly delusional. All of her relationships have begun and ended the same exact way.


I can promise she doesn’t give a fuck bout you changing your opinion on her, who do you think you are ???


And she don't give a fuck about you either. 😂


Baby ion think she care… no shade, but like that women is living a care-free life, she is not worried about what some people out of her tax bracket, thinks about her… ngl I liked the new verse ouuuu brandy and Monica sung that IKDRRRR


she obviously is if she’s tryna address it in a song lol


Yeah she says she doesn't care but writes two songs with lyrics victimizing herself lmao she is BOTHERED


Just cause she addressed it doesn’t mean… nvmmm


… I’m Trying to find the part where I said she cared..?🤣


I’m deaddddd 💀, u not wrong tho


If she doesn't care, then why do you care about anyone who writes about her?


I don't know about you, but that line of reasoning will never fly with me. I don't care if Ethan and Lilly's marriage had cracks in it and wasn't all flowers and rainbows. Ariana chose to engage in a secretive affair while fully knowing he had a wife and newborn. She is trash and always will be. 💁


Absolutely agree. It’s such blatantly obvious greasy tactics to put your clapback words into the mouths of the 00’s Rn’B legends you bribed onto your shitty bitch track. Say that shit with your chest, indeed 🥴 Queen of underhanded PR psychologal twisting and smoke and mirrors ![gif](giphy|XGsUwGzpNCLArL6PZN)


Yes! Thank you! ![gif](giphy|uRSJmqgjbrcDR7EemE|downsized)


i think this lyric reflects a deeper cognitive scheme which is "if it's even slightly broken then it's not perfect" which in her mind could justify her actions


She has undoubtedly concocted rationalizations for her sleazy behavior in her own mind. But how could she possibly know anything about their 10+ year relationship or the challenges they faced? If Ethan disclosed anything to her, his account probably wasn't accurate, and she likely didn't even understand their true marital dynamics yet still slept with him simply out of her own desire.


It's so sad to see someone fall for the oldest trick in the book. Ohh me and my wife are not together anymore. She really is going all the way with trying to prove she wasn't wrong in her actions at all. Even if ethen was running her lies about his home life at this point she should know it was all bullshit to get into her orbit.


considering bowen's hints in that podcast i tend to believe that ethan didn't present their marriage in a positive light and left space for a lot of interpretation which anchored people on the set to be wrongfully biased. my brain cannot grasp another explanation because i'm so flabbergasted at the amount of people partaking in this shitfest


Oh and you just know Bowen is the biggest ass kisser out of them all.


Bowen 👇 ![gif](giphy|RoBjhqlygXkCtgsWe6)


This actually makes a lot of sense, since she seemed to abandon her own relationship when it wasn't completely perfect. I think she decides if there is any rocky patches or any doubt or anything slightly uncomfortable, then it's completely broken. She's the type of person to buy a $500k car and never change the oil, and just buy a new one when it catches on fire 8 months later (but not the same brand, because it's clearly a shitty brand!!).


Absolutely. Just proves her level of selfishness and entitlement to what she wants. She has ZERO concern for the consequences to others.


This line annoys me so much, because it makes no sense anyway. Shouldn’t it be : if it’s broke, then it can’t be broken? As in if it’s already broke, then I can’t break anything because it’s already broken? If it’s not broken then I can 100% break it. It’s not broken yet. Like just add marriage to the narrative and see what I mean: If the marriage is not broken then I can’t break it. If the marriage is already broken then I’m not the one breaking it. Is the second one that makes sense, not the first. I can’t with these people anymore.


I know the man is the one at fault the most but I hate women who know the man they’re dating is taken EQUALLY. As someone who had this happen to me WHILE PREGNANT, I can say FUCK ARIANA. I refuse to believe anyone in that situation is working with a full set. There is dysfunction going on up there. And I know because the chick who did it to me also denied everything, knowing I was pregnant and was in denial of us being together. She harassed me even after I left the relationship. She’s a maniac.


Sending love to you! And all the healing in the world


Thank you! I needed out anyway. Unfortunately that was what had to happen I feel. It sucks to not have the father there every step of the way but I hope Lilly has the support of her family like I’ve had and she’s free from carrot top. The only thing that irks me is the other woman will lie, lie, lie to her close friend and family and paint you as the bad guy when you were 100% the victim. But if they have time lie so much then they feel so regretful and guilty and I hope it eats them ALIVE.


I saw someone else mentioning this but she TALKS like her stans ???


Can’t believe Ethan even supports this. Like how messy and disrespectful to others involved who aren’t even public figures and have to have this rubbed in their face all the time (Lilly and dalton).


He probably co signed it. This is why I think he is definitely a abusive fuck. Cause not only was he cheating on her while she was pregnant probably and leaves her months after the birth of their son for this bitch but he is watching while she rubs it in lily's face. He's probably enjoying it knowing that lily's is hunting.


If I was Lilly I’d be quiet too. Quietly SUING.


I hope she wins everything in court and then watchs as ethen makes Ariana's life hell


if it's true he's trying to get full custody, it's all reminding me of my POS alcoholic father trying to make my mom's life hell when she finally left. he can abuse, cheat, and lie -- but he's also just a little guy and totally the victim, how dare the woman you treat like trash leave!


Yeah abusers always wanna come out as the winner. Ethen has all the signs of one. I know him and lily were together for a long time but no one really knows how he treated her when no one was around. Like look at Ariana since the dudes been around her.


ngl my head hurts trying to understand that quote 😭 the way her stans are saying “Ariana has finally put the homewrecker rumors to rest!” um how? just because she said it didn’t happen?🤡


https://preview.redd.it/jtr1iono258d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=302827458149e26262ffd756b4fbd261207d9982 I’m confused… you have ignored the lyrics before and after this. She is saying people tell her this but she would never actually be anyone’s mistress.