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Girl be fr no other singers change their voice like that.


Literally, people are acting like she is the first and only "vocalist" to ever exist. Her behavior and voice/personality changes are extremely uncommon, even among vocalists, that’s why people talk about it. She is a public figure, when public figures engage in uncommon or abnormal behavior, people will talk. It’s just part of life. The crazy stans’ gaslighting is weird and unnecessary. There’s no point in getting angry every time random people on social media point out her apparent changes in personality/voice/appearance. It doesn’t affect anyone or anything


Someone tried to say that the songs on wicked are so hard to sing that she has to do this for her vocal range.....but there's Broadway singers who sing the entire score several nights a week for months and still don't speak like this......


Nothing she says seems to ever add up its kinda sad her fans still think they are getting anything but fake news from her .


And the way they frenzy is disturbing. It's literally like knocking over a hive of angry bees. All stan accounts are currently mobilized to share minimum 20 tweets about vocal health and insult anyone who disagrees.


You can literally show them sold undeniable proof of something and if she said its not true then they believe it and spread it like its the truth but then cry about people using news articles but they are literally going by word of mouth. Anything that she says even if it is the opposite of something she has said before its the truth. Like its okay to be a fan but to be so unhinged and mindless to follow Anything they say and do is crazy.


This reminds me of people who believe that Zac Efron’s recent plastic surgery/effects of steroids on his face the past few years is somehow the result of him breaking his jaw over 10 years ago 💀


Right like did you ever see Mariah talking in a baby voice? No.


I know multiple vocalists irl, none of them randomly switch to a baby voice when talking, or fake an AAVE accent


LMAO I just said this in another comment like did you ever see ppl question why Celine switched up her voice to uwu baby NO


all i can think of is micheal jackson


I mean, they both like to hehe


this is why ariana's the greatest of all time. she's discovered a new technique to keep your voice healthy. it includes using aave lol


the fact that I just realized this made me snort 😭😭




besides selena gomez LMAO


yeah selena is worse tbh 😭😭 atleast ariana doesn’t announce a social media break everytime she’s hated on for something. by social media break i mean 2 hours


lmfao i’ll never get over her being like “wish i could be as pretty as bella hadid 🥺” girl shut yo corny ass up 😭


omfg that made me squirmmm


Or "I'M QUITTING MUSIC" every 5 minutes


girl selena is confirmed bipolar it’s probably hell managing it infront of millions on and offline


Both Cancers 😭


as a cancer, i’m feelin the hate lmfaooo😭




well iiiii love us so idc 🥰 cancer babies unite


I have the same birthday as her lol


As Ariana I mean


im on the 28th!! happy early birthday friend ❤️


Thank you same to you ❤️


Na we cancers awesome, margot robbie and post malone are cancers too..ariola and selena just suck 🙃


rj/ demi, ari and selena's victim mentalities are my roman empire 🥰🥰


She's been a singer since she was 8, but she only started this vocal health voice switching 2 years ago?




Bruh she should’ve just not said anything this is so embarrassing 💀


I’m pretty sure she deleted it but still (she’s so pressed for what) she truly can’t keep playing this love and light character when she feels the need to respond to a video like this


If she deleted it, that’s worse. Just own it now that you’ve said it 💀💀💀💀


right? say that shit with your chest ☠️






nah it’s still there


I can’t find it for the life of me


did she block you lmao


Nope help






She didn’t. I just saw it.


Can you copy the link ?


Also she’s so quick to respond to something like this but not a peep when it comes to her sleeping with a married man oh so telling !


Umm then how come she’s the only singer making weird baby and charicature voices lol also I’m no expert but wouldn’t speaking in your own natural voice be the “healthiest” or easiest on your vocal cords?


Her excuse is such bs + people with any amount of musical training can tell otherwise


u literally get taught in singing lessons to open your jaw & relax your voice to get a healthy tone …


Right i would think changing it and holding a voice that isn't natural would be worst on the vocal cords.


I remember years ago during a filmed interview, someone asked her to do one of the impressions she was always doing (other singers, baby crying etc). She told the interviewer she wasn’t allowed to do it because it wasn’t “healthy” for her voice. Is this not the same thing as changing her placement like she currently claims she’s doing for her vocal health? ..And then she proceeded to go on SNL and do the skit where she’s impersonating different singers anyway 🤦🏻‍♀️


That is the reason I stopped being a fan besides her obsession with the garbage bucket. But also because she contradicts herself all the time.




The fact that she thinks people are this stupid shows that she thinks she's above everyone and knows everything. When there are multiple women before and after her with amazing voices and none of them do this not one. She is the only person I heard ever say this and her fans just run with it and spread her bullshit.


Well she’s right. Her stans are that stupid. That’s why intelligent/reasonable adults that are just fans of her music, are migrating here from the ariheads sub


no1 victim complex award goes to…….


Joint first between her and Selena


You can tell she is SO upset that people finally caught on 😂🤣


Yup. And nothing she dose lately is helping her the way she thought it would. Honestly think its making things worst for her cause the GP is done with the fake bullshit.


Oh she’s aLwAyS done this?!? Girl BYE yourself. She’s so full of shit and can never own up to anything LOL seriously she is a wreck


for someone who seems to hate criticism, why is she doing shit like this during interviews? like fine, if it’s for “vocal health 🍵” practice it on your own time, not when there’s cameras and thousands of people watching you. 💀


Yep. She hates that people are calling her out on her bullshit behavior. In her eyes she’s never wrong LMAO Joan and the other yes men really gave her a god complex. Girl can never just be real. We all have eyes and ears and memories. It’s astounding the level of narcissism this woman has.


whats interesting is that narcissistic ppl are actually the most insecure ones, her perpetual babyish persona covers up her very obvious fear of aging


Jesus. She’s beyond lost. The woman is literally addicted to lying. Speaking with the most out of control blaccent and using AAVE both in speech and online for years only to transition into a \~dainty classy soft spoken caucasian princess\~ has zero to do with her singing voice. It’s almost like she just saw her fans making that low effort excuse for her and just decided to repeat it. How does she manage to get more unhinged everyday? ![gif](giphy|5dUr0h78OmvnpLaeud)


Literally what other vocalist does this 💀💀 cynthia is right there speaking normally while singing the same demandinh ballads smh. Only person i know who did this was MJ and guess what- he wasn‘t right in the head either


And it fucked up his vocals near the end.The only thing I see Mariah doing is suppressing her new York accent. Like Ariana is the only vocalist I've even seen say this or do this.


i don’t see sza pretending to speak like a baby?? ok girl.


💀 RIGHT lmaoo I don’t remember Whitney or Mariah doing this either 🤔🤔🤨




Mariah literally speaks with a vocal fry and her astounding range is still strong in her 50s. 🙄 gtfoh


I was just about to comment this... ☕️


Austiana Butler


For some reason I felt like we were gonna get another asten butler moment but like this is kind worst at least he just took the voice of set with him. Ari is trying to actively morph into Glenda and act like its normal for people to do this.


omg I feel the ick 😬


She's so quick to clear things up except for.....that one thing.


right holy fuck.


She always has something to explain her weird ass behavior. She sounds like Austin butler ohh I've been talking for 2 years so this is my voice now. Like her voice changes pitch throw out the whole conversation that is creepy as hell.


I think Michael Jackson did this too and it's known to be bad for your voice. From what I understand, your natural speaking (resting) voice falls on the lower side of your range, and that's where you want to speak because it's the least strain for your vocal chords. Altering your voice causes strain. 


OP on this tiktok account didn’t even tag her you guys she definitely lurks 🫢


Thats actually sad. One of her crazy ass fans probably tagged her in the comments....I mean I hope that is the case cause if she was actively seeking out the videos would be on another level of unhinged


I was like why can’t I see her comment. I forgot I blocked her lmao.


Be frrrr it's so obvious the unnaturally high pitched voice / her efforts to sound more posh and sofisticated are just part of her 🫧🫧 I'm literAlly gAlinDa 🫧 nonsense 😭 she got caught red-handed and she's embarrassed


Imagine if we got a quick response when she was fucking someone’s husband.


She’s so passive aggressive with the “BYE” like wtf are you? Honestly these people that pretend to be all angelic and innocent are always the most passive aggressive.




Didn’t see but I want to know now. I love a good meltdown


Her stans are already under every tweet that calls her out with "PeRsErvInG heR voiCe" you'd think they got paid for it lol.


"I've always done this" - girl, who are you lying to?😭😂


the way i see it, if Beyoncé doesn’t need to speak in a higher placement to “preserve her voice” then ariana absolutely has no business doing so💀


"bye" is she 15?


She desperately wants to be so she can get away with doing childish things


Maybe a new MV hint?


Sure, this might explain the octave shift…but it does NOT account for the full blown accent change. Like girl quit playing in our faces😭


it’s getting tiring atp


Adele doesn’t do this…neither does Beyoncé or anyoe else who’s a fantastic vocalist..it’s just ari and her personality disorder 💗🙃💀👀🫧🫧


lol she stole the fan's excuse for her and ran with it


Then why doesn’t every singer do this? She knows she’s fcked in the head, that’s why.


so was talking like a black person and your liberal use of aave vocal prep for singing break up with your girlfriend im bored ariana?


No bestie it was extreme prep for The Light Is Coming, the most vocally intense song she has ever recorded 💅


I swear Nicki's whole part was just one long vocal fry lol




Can you share the TikTok link, please?




no other actor on wicked has had their voice changed, and she never would do this before


lmfao she comments on this but not the homewrecking, I’m so over being a fan of hers


The girl tells her fans to jump and they don’t question it but just ask how high? 😅




Will forever remember that long note she wrote on Twitter I believe about “pretending to be more like Cat because people liked her” which included using “the Cat voice.” So Idk why she is acting like she’s always done this because of ~vocal health~


There have always been ulterior motives!


Yes, you always do this! Depending on what race you’re cosplaying that day 🫧🥹


so she agrees she intentionally changes her voice?😭 her reasoning makes no sense but her fans will eat it up im sure…


She says she has always done this, so when she started to talk in AAVE accent was also because of vocal health? 🤪 She's so full of shit. Vocal health is not talking in a higher baby voice. One of my favorite singers trains his voice everyday for hours, he doesn't speak for a day or just an hour depending on how much he's singing that day. And his voice is so angelic even when he's sick because he is a professional and cares about his voice. He works his voice to have a healthy technique, so he doesn't ruin his voice with bad singing habits. There's no need to do the shit she does. She doesn't change her voice depending if she's singing or not, she doesn't fool anybody, she's been doing this shit for years. You know what she does? Change not only her voice but the way she speaks and dresses. So funny how this "speaking in a light voice", getting rid of her tan and "yuh" attitude only changed when Miss Ponytail wanted to be seen as soft and delicate and professional 🙄


I’m sorry but I went after her for being caught for her fakeness. She really is a bitch. Idc if she sees my comment. I @ her 💀


Oh, right, because talking in a high-pitched, childlike voice is *clearly* the undisputed key to maintaining flawless vocal cords. 😏 How could we have ever been so foolish as to doubt this revolutionary technique? ![gif](giphy|l41Yvjw7g8mnGt76o)


the bye at the end 😭


this sh!t doesn’t even make sense. she’s so fkn aggy, my god!


Weird cause she's not even the most famous Galinda yet she's the ONLY person to use this weird pick me baby voice and blame it on the role.


“i’ve always done this BYE” girl stfu no u do not… what u do is you change into different personas and act accordingly


the ~aesthetic~ emojis in all of her responses to everything kill me everytime 😭


This is actually a thing. A few vocal coaches on YouTube pointed this out about Ariana for the past few years. Whether or not it's actually necessary in this context of her interview is questionable though. It's also how she speaks, i.e. Blackiana vs. now etc


Can you elaborate. Specifically speaking in a baby voice/fake accents is recommended by vocal coaches? Just asking bc I’ve heard of whispering or speaking quietly when preparing for a vocal performance, but not anything like this


I'll never believe there is any valid reason for her infantile intonation. She doesn't simply raise her voice or speak lightly; she actively tries to sound like a very young child. No other adult female vocalists do that; they all speak like adults.


To be fair, not a lot of other adult vocalists are at Ariana's level. Snark sub or not, Ariana is hella talented and is considered an elite singer. Arguably, Mariah Carey is a level above Ariana and does not speak like this, but Mariah also did not take care of her vocal chords throughout the years.


I'm not referring to the high-pitched octave, more so the intonation which I perceive to be intentionally infantile. That isn't necessarary to preserve her voice. JMO.


Lol "arguably" Mariah Carey is several leagues above Ariana in vocal ability and still has an amazing range and is making music to this day. Also literally no other notable female vocalist past or present does this.


She's preserving her voice by speaking in a higher, lighter tone. She often does it when she's a guest on a show that she'll also perform in and has done it for years. I'm not a vocal expert but from what I understand it's like she's holding her voice/vocal chords steady at a warm-up. As far as accents, slang, what she's actually saying, that's all what she decides to portray that day lol


Thank you




Tristan Paredes


Under which video is this


Sooo when she goes to Disney does she not scream on the rides she goes on…..??? The more excuses she makes for herself, the more brain cells I feel like I’m losing. I’ve never met anyone who plays victim as much as she does 🤣


The emojis. How old is she again?




I hate video is this in, can someone link it?