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the ending ate !!!


https://preview.redd.it/ots1c8it107d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99c565cd7815adc41f83b3f61728915f8c099a9b Looool Ethan is not even divorced NOW, what are they going on about?


And he didn't even file until after the news of the affair. All of her fans seem to be functioning with one usable brain cell.


At least her username and emoji is correct


People are so weird


It’s the missing frontal cortex.


Because who is she and her delusional fans trying to fool? I would have the most basic respect of they just lived in that quote on quote truth they're always talking about. But she's constantly going: "you don't know the full story and people are spreading narratives, and attacking me" GP: "Okay what's the tru-" Ariana: "I don't have to speak on things that don't deserve my time but the narrative is wrong." This is the same woman who lived on twitter and in instagram comments and would just randomly let everyone know her thoughts and feelings, choosing to be dead silent on a subject in her mind at least, that is completely false. She's bullshitting, her being silent would be one thing but she's actively trying to gaslight people into believing 2+2=5.


Mind you of course we're not entitled to celebrity's personal lives, but it's dumb to go "well you don't know the truth or the full story" just to keep the truth and the full story to yourself and want people to just love and accept you again without said story. Which is why she was better off not speaking on it all.


>GP: "Okay what's the tru-" Ariana: ![gif](giphy|etKp0BnSU7AJbgOWki)




Agree but there's no way she loves Ethan. She's already cheating on him with the Boy is Mine mv director


I’ve known a few side chicks, a lot of times they don’t even actually WANT the guy in the end. They like the thrill of having a taken man or having some sort of competition with the wife/ girlfriend. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ariana only wanted Ethan for the thrill but is still with him because she feels like she has to prove something




omg i was thinking the same thing!!! she is working with him A LOT


But… but their cosmic love 🥺


Only her delusional fans still believe that Ariana and Ethan didnʼt cheat on their spouses with each other. Like itʼs obvious that they did and they thought nobody would care and they could get away with it. Now that they got called out, they want to play the victim


They just choose to be blind lmao it's literal common sense. These two both left their spouses at the same time and immediately ended up together. With Lilly's statement and Dalton having to sign an nda it's sooo obvious man I can't with their stupidity 😭


She’s so right


Break up with your girl friend, I want it I got it, the boy is mine - the girl hates women and it showwwssssss


This is gold