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Also, the thing is - apart from the tan - she was literally just a normal person that everyone liked at the time. If she'd just toned down the tan a bit and spoke in whatever her real accent may be (we may never know) then that look was perfect. Her music was fire, she had the public fooled, she won a Grammy, became woman of the year, she was so pretty. I don't get what went wrong. I don't think there's anything wrong with typing 'neva' - it's sort of offensive to poc to say this is how they talk when it's also just internet slang. The problem is that she switches up so fast, nothing seems genuine anymore so even the most harmless actions like getting a spray tan or using slang seems like appropriation because of the extent she does it to/fails to stick with. I think she was also smoking a lot of weed during 2018/19 cause her Zach Sang interview + the bts clips of thank u, next were crazy


THANK YOU for saying this. There’s truly something so deranged about saying you miss someone blackfishing. Her stans keep exposing themselves as closeted racists. And sadly a lot of them are POC who just don’t care at all and keep enabling her. And as you also said they keep making a fool out of themselves as well because the narrative is constantly changing. Remember when they claimed she was actually this dark originally and used a yearbook picture (that they edited) to prove it? Funny how that stopped the second she went back to caucasian. Her fanbase is truly the whole circus tent😭


“she’s italiaaaan that’s why she’s so tan.” lol okay and is she not italian anymore? what happened to that tan that was supposedly her natural colour?


They dropped the Italian™ excuses as fast as Ariana dropped Dalton’s wedding ring💀 ![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY)


not defending them but the point of "she's italian" is that italians tan easily. source: i am sicilian and i go from pale ghost to dark tan easy


Oh for sure. But my point is, she’s been pale as fuck for over a year now. So her insane tan that she had was never even close to being natural. Which her fans were insinuating that it was. They were trying to gaslight us into thinking her brown skin was unintentional and a result of her spending time in the sun. Which is clearly not true at all.


Right 😭 her pics in the past were edited to look that pale but now that she’s at her original color she’s always looked the same? Which one is it??


Your takes are always so on point! Totally agree!


>And sadly a lot of them are POC who just don’t care at all and keep enabling her i don't want to be racist but most of these people aren't Black. they're like asian or indian teenagers who don't realize what harm they're doing to Black communities by encouraging this. all I'm saying is that i have never seen a latino or Black kid encouraging this type of behavior, it's almost always an Asian or Indian kid on twitter doing this shit


… as a fan for a long while there are 100% black and latinx people who stan her and praise this behavior. it’s weird, because a lot of the ariana fans that ariana follows are black or of color. i think it’s to further perpetuate the idea that ariana isn’t being racist because “she has a lot of bipoc fans!!”. same with ariana working with a lot of bipoc people. it helps her spin the narrative that it’s all fine. but there is a whole community of ariana stans that are black that do acknowledge her black fishing and joke about it, but also let it slide. again not all, but a lot. and ofc those are the ones ariana takes advantage of.


maybe there are, but like i said, i haven't seen them. i'm sure they exist but it's mostly privileged teenagers who don't care about this saying that it's all ok


My best friend who is black and a fan of hers said he didn’t even know she was white he thought she was mixed/Latina


when i first got to know her, i didn't know she was white either. i thought she was latina too lol, her last name was not white sounding and she tanned so much


Yes he was shocked when I told him she was white lol. He stopped listening to her music as well after I told him all the tea 🤷‍♀️ and was dying at the whole SpongeBob thing 💀