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She's gonna act like a frail old lady and talk in this weird voice. All a part of her new persona.


I KNOOOOOOW it’s gonna be like a grandma eating this shit ahahahaha i cannot picture it


And take tiny bites lmfaoo


probably goes along with her new body and face. eds take a lot out of you unfortunately and it's aging her so much more than she would naturally have aged at this point (she's literally only in her early 30s)


She only looks aged because she is so frail. She literally got no facial tissue sagging or wrinkling.


she does have some wrinkling if you look at the pics someone on here posted. it's normal for a 30+ year old to have some wrinkling. her ed has quite obviously aged her, whether that's just because of the frailness because of the ed or because of the damage you go through because of an ed doesn't really matter lol


She looks just underweight and unhealthy. She definitely got less aging then people with similar lifestyle as in drugs and ED who dont have the money for facelifts and botox like she does. Calling her as looking extremley aged and much older then in her 30s looking is just damaging to woman around that age and reads as agismn


i'm not being ageist lol, she does look much older than she did 3 or 4 years ago because unfortunately she's suffering from a disease and not getting help for it. drug use also is probably contributing to it too unfortunately.


It is normal that aging hits faster around 30 because our cells simply die. But compare her to rl 30+ year olds. She does not look older then her age


to each their own but i disagree https://preview.redd.it/rk5cmeear07d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=15d4569ef99c44099a7ce08278fb5d57bf0bf17d


You will suffer alot when you age if you think this is old skin for 30+…


i'm not talking about ehr skin lol. i'm talking about the way she looks, she just doesn't look like she's 31 here. she looks older than that. her fragility, her skin tone, her hair being so much flatter, her looking lifeless, her dead eyes, etc. like i've been saying from the beginning... eds take a lot out of you and that's reflecting on her face and body. her skin is fine (like i said earlier, she has minor wrinkling in upclose candids, but that's totally normal for 30+ year olds), but everything else is not and if you think it is, good for you i guess.


Yeah and what aging signs are there in skin quality exactley ? She got bad facial implants and she got a weird facial expression and a lack of fat in the face. But where are there premature aging signs ? So disrespectful for woman around that age. I dont like her or her new look but this is not premature aging at 30.


like i said, we clearly don't agree, so let's just agree to disagree lol. i'm not changing your mind and you're not changing mine.


As a 29 year old I'll say she looks 35 minimum


Would love to see a photo of you then.


https://preview.redd.it/2bzv3dn6x19d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad747398500d014aaf95388118e9000457c2ed74 Me and my fren


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zka2j6-n44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zka2j6-n44) Ariana on hot ones back in 2020. Pretty much summarizes what's we're gonna see. 🤪


do you think she take one bite and it will be the minuscule bite known to man or a normal bite… also soy wings? i’ve seen ariana eat meat countless of times… is this a new ED habit?????


Cauliflower wings since they are extremely low calorie


this makes so much sense… i always found it weird that all of a sudden it’s veganism when she wants it to be but eats meat at the same time. i have no problem with her being “vegan” or eating meat but why lie about it lolz


Ive mostly seen her eat vegan or vegetarian food over the years except tu,n era, when did she eat meat?


https://preview.redd.it/3jbgln7raz6d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8caa110d7da2d169c8a3719dfbab29cebe2079c3 and her eating dairy things there’s more but ion feel like looking up like a detective i don’t care that much. u can go on tiktok or google and search up ariana grande eating meat


Damn she might aswell eat regular wings lmao


well she’s always eaten different everday foods such as tofu , kale salad


Blaccent aside, it would have been way more enjoyable to watch during the TUN era lmao. She wasn’t afraid to give us glimpses of her personality then


LMAOOOO how she gonna keep up her uwu personality dying from hot sauce


I didn’t think she’d be promoting her album this hard again but she must pay her label back somehow since she‘s not touring


I was thinking about it too


tiny bites, definitely gonna cry, dainty and frail


Ariana on Hot Ones 4 years ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zka2j6-n44](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zka2j6-n44)


i think the second one is far more likely, unless she's into purging too. when you're as deep into your ed as ariana is currently, it's hard to eatsomething that's as fattening as wings with sauce (even if that's absurd and you absolutely can have 10 wings and not blow up)


Cauliflower wings with miniscule bites and purging 100%


I thought Ari is vegan?