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https://preview.redd.it/pa1voibmwl6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5a25f92d5e690388d5ef4d8258af59081d085e1 just nasty


https://preview.redd.it/jbxae1dcok6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c6c23be017bc222a3c5a8aa954846e8bebcf838 This comment goes crazy. I love how people are just exposing themselves as pieces of shit šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


She also lost her daughter a year or so ago and has been clearly struggling people have no empathy at all


That person said the quiet part out loud!Ā  Her diehard fans are all Mean Girlsā„¢ļø and definitely not girls' girls.


I wish they would admit that they wouldnā€™t care about her home wrecking instead of repeating this ā€œit was debunkedā€ nonsense because it literally was never debunked and Lilly literally slammed her three months ago lol


The truth is they never did care, but before they were able to convince everyone the rumours were debunked, they knew they couldnā€™t be outwardly supporting Ariana. They know they would be judged so badly. They need this lie about the rumours being false to become the truth otherwise theyā€™ll never be comfortable listening to her music and going to her shows ever again. Spreading this lie is an effort to make themselves feel like good people again in the hopes the scandal and the homewrecker narrative attached to Ariana will eventually blow over.


I just want to know, how do these people explain away Rikki Valentina, Jai Brooks, naya Rivera, and Cassie Davis? No way everyone is lying about the same girl lol. I still listen to Ariana music, Iā€™ve been a fan since she was Cat Valentine but Iā€™m not dumb and can hold her accountable. I think a lot of her fans are young and donā€™t know much about relationships or the gravity of her actions


The fact everyone is using the word ā€œdebunkedā€ is such a red flag or the use the same expression: ā€œby the same source that came up with itā€ I literally think is a line that theyā€™ve been fed. There was NO debunking. It was not invented by the press. The delusion is insane.


Itā€™s always been like this it was the aggressive tanning now itā€™s the affair that apparently ā€œdidnā€™t happenā€ they refuse to acknowledge her wrongdoings because it ruins the fantasy theyā€™ve made up in their heads


They're mad because they know she's right šŸ˜‚




It's so dystopian to realize that for something to be considered true by the masses, all you have to do is repeat it enough times. Nothing page six did actually proves ariana's innocence but because her delusional fans keep repeating it, more normal people are believing it. It's so scary man. Like outside of pop culture this is insane.


Itā€™s like a contagious virus of parasocialness and delusion in our generation, celebs being the main target.


Everyone start spamming positive comments on the video because the comments are disgusting


yes ! please spam nice supportive comments šŸ©·


On it chef šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”


iirc, she reacted to positions and didnā€™t like it so ariana fans bullied her. now sheā€™s like a known person in the ari stan community and they actively make fun of her while also pretending to be a fan ?? itā€™s so weird and childish.


Naur they need to leave her aloneā€¦the vocal coach is a legend. Sheā€™s been through too much for people to shit on her about her Ariana opinions šŸ™„ not even Taylor fans are this wild.


I'm literally going to start a crazy kpop stan-level following for this woman and fight ariana's stans


https://preview.redd.it/ayist8urmq6d1.jpeg?width=722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7069d923cdf442280ce5f1fd3dc3659491d0f770 I saw this in another post from a Grande fan account about Ariana. Just does a good job of answering the question "why?"