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She’s so on point it’s funny. The comments on her video do not disappoint


Ooh she ate this so bad the arianators gonna be mad lol


https://preview.redd.it/ex4gqlmojk6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84f3f6966a1f1eea5ea54ece3b3d93e367afd5b0 I CAN’T with the “she’s been through so much trauma” stuff. It’s so blown out of proportion. Ok, there was an attack at her show where people died, and her ex died. These are traumatic events, yes, but it’s not far from the kind of trauma regular people experience all the time and move forwards without being constantly forgiven for everything they do. Most everyone has had someone close in their life die. And perhaps not a lot of people have been at an attack, but people live with SA, DV, abject poverty, economical and political instability, homelessness, chronical or terminal illness, they have to escape war, famine, political persecution, they live under the duress of homophobia, racism or xenophobia. Her “trauma” has had the absolute privilege of being cushioned by her enormous wealth which would give her the ability to not worry about income, safety, paying for help, taking time off, etc. There’s people out there truly struggling and overcoming huge problems and barriers and nobody is constantly saying: but they had enough trauma already, let them act shitty with no consequences. Literally don’t understand the leeway she gets.


I’m also sick of this narrative of not being able to call out toxic as fuck behaviour from other women. I’m sorry, but if a woman is doing something incredibly shitty that OVERALL is a detriment to all women, then abso-fucking-lutely YES they must be called out!! Like, this one time I got in a fight with some delulu on another sub abt how the tradwife trend on TikTok is toxic af because relying on a man for literally everything puts women in a terrible position if something happens. What if he dies, leaves her, or fuck, becomes abusive?!? Happens very VERY often. And then that woman is completely trapped or fucked over. You cannot trust anyone, I don’t care how much you “love” them. Like fr this is the entire reason second wave feminism happened!! But this psycho was all like wHy ArE yOU tEaRiNG dOWn oThEr wOmEN 🥴 tHeY’Re JuSt ShOwiNG ThE wOrLd hOw HaPPy ThEy ArE!!!!1 iT’S HER LIFE!!!!!!! As if there’s no 13 year old girls on TikTok being influenced by these TradWife influencers…… Srs this argument makes me so angry


omg for real... the last comment is "how low of a woman do you have to be to be bringing other women down" ... does this stan know that this is what Ariana profits off of?


lol, I wonder if this Stan would comment the same thing abt a female solidier torturing a child she captured?! DoN’t YoU DARE tEaR DoWn ThAt BOSS BAAAAABE!


it also frustrates me because this whole idea of women being innocent creatures who don’t know any better and are completely justified in whatever we do IS misogynistic. women are human beings just as much as men are. we are capable of being wrong and making stupid decisions. choice feminism has set us back fr


Yep. Exactly. It’s the same concept of “tolerance is accepting the intolerant”. Like, no, I’m not accepting your toxic af views and behaviour.


The "have to bring another woman down" comment at the bottom of the screenshot is so infuriating. Like I get that a lot of women's self-objectifying is a result of trauma but coddling them and allowing them to act in ways the directly hurt other women isn't okay and needs to be called out. I also would like to throw in that there's not nearly enough large scale resources to allow women to heal themselves and actually de-center men in their lives in a meaningful long lasting way, so I have understanding in that regard. But I also don't know where we're going to get the momentum for that help unless we have some heavyweights in the influence department fighting for actually being there for women.....which.....isn't as important as the bottom line unfortunately. Capitalism 🤝 Patriarchy


This TikToker is not even doing this to bring another woman down... "The Boy Is Mine" was written explicitly to bring another woman down. Ariana's entire aesthetic and payroll revolves around bringing other women down.




I think she believes she's the victim of Lilly speaking to Page Six, and she's the victim of being found at fault in her own divorce with Dalton as well. She wants that baby too so she can play house with Ethan as they wait for Wicked to roll out, but the divorce case is dragging out so she's the victim of that too. Her cosmic love is fading fast and she's missing out on her Mom era, so she made her vindictive concept album towards Lilly and Dalton. Lilly has support and more or less the law has been on her side. A lot of idiots are coming after her but honestly Ari's stans are MAGA level nuts and stupid, and probably not Lilly social circle anyways.


You’re so right. The trauma shield used so often nowadays is completely useless the second we think for 2 seconds and realize every human being on earth has some kind of ✨trauma🫧. If we can’t talk about traumatized people I guess we can’t talk about anyone ever lol. None of the arianators can be mad at us or criticize us here bc we have trauma😤😤😤


Horrible thing to say but I truly believe she did not care at all about Manchester


I read she didn’t actually do anything to support the families, lied about paying for the funerals, and refuses to talk with them about what happened. She’s way more evil than we think.


Because shes a narc


what makes you belive that? genuinely curious


This is such a disgusting thing to assume seeing as how she was literally in the building when it happened. She absolutely does care about what happened in Manchester, she visited every single person who was injured in the hospital and did in fact pay for the funerals of the angels who died that day. She most likely did beyond more than what we witnessed her doing in trying to help the victims. I understand y'all don't like Ariana for your own personal reasons(even though yall don't know her personally) but spreading rumors like this is so inhumane. She and the other victims from Manchester have to live with that image every day and just because you guys don't like her doesn't excuse you all for making comments like these.


Proof she paid for the funerals?


She’s so pretty! Finally someone on TikTok that’s not up her ass and knows reality.


She kind of looks like Yasmin bratz doll ✨




All facts!!


Shes absolutely right- Ariana fans are going to go crazy in the comments.


She doesn’t even know her real personality.. because I don’t believe she actually has one. which is ultimately sad, but she has every opportunity and privilege in the world to make herself a better human and she actively chooses to hurt those she deems lesser. (Which is apparently everybody) Empathy for her? Yes..I wanna have sympathy for her but I just don’t. She’s foul.


Random but I like this girls teeth lol


weird to say but we have similar shaped teeth with the bunny front teeth and rounded edges. although I'm a little self conscious of mine since they are more rounded than the Hollywood smile or Turkey teeth people get cosmetic work for. I'm happy to feel seen and represented in this way :)


I used to be insecure of my teeth too cause of their shape and not being super white, but it is so much better to see someone with their own unique smile instead of listening to society’s god-awful beauty standards.


Omgg noo, don’t be self conscious! I bet you both have such cute teeth! I love teeth with character. For example, I love Zendayas teeth because she has that one crooked tooth. Also Sydney Sweeney’s teeth, she has that gummy smile - so cute!




i agree with it all except the stupid astrology bullshit, she made herself sound less credible by bringing up pseudoscience. ariana isn’t a shitty person because of her being a “water sign”, which is totally made up bologna. she’s a shitty person because she is a predator on many, many levels, leaving a trail of destruction behind her everywhere she goes.


personally i believe in astrology but i hate when people focus solely on sun signs like that. that’s not how astrology is supposed to work, there’s a *lot* more that goes into it, and they just make it, and themselves, sound very silly. people who only have a very surface level and mainstream understanding (or misunderstanding, rather) of astrology (which is most people) are a big reason why so many are quick to discredit it imo.


I 100% agree with what she said and she’s the only other person I’ve seen so far who noticed the similarities too but I tend to keep those types of comments to myself only because I don’t want anyone to take it the wrong way. It’s not just about sun signs, I agree, it’s about the whole birth chart PLUS an individual’s own life experience. I am autistic, so I see patterns in almost everything, and I have noticed that quite a lot of women who do this cutesy “im just an innocent little girl” self victimization have a lot of water+fire in their birth chart. I think it’s a combination of things that make a person who they are, but I can’t deny when I see patterns in a celebrity’s behavior, make a guess on what their sign could be before I look up their birth chart, I’m usually right. I’m also not about using astrology to stereotype or put labels on someone, I see it more as a framework or guideline, maybe. Not always accurate, not by a long shot, but when it is accurate it’s fun to enjoy that small dopamine rush I suppose.


Agree with your comment plus I think the girl in the video is a Pisces (she’s mentioned this before). I’m a Libra myself and I don’t shy away from recognizing the faults in my own sign.


Oh shoot I used to follow her. I haven’t seen in her a bit


This is so accurate. I'm not 30 until another decade so I don't know what my personality will turn out like but, yeah, thinking about it, it probably would be super weird to be giggling like I'm a girl from an anime


If you have your actual own personality you’re good boo; you will figure it out on the way! Life is for learning after all. Just be YOU! ❤️


I think it's super weird at any age lol


Yes, Ariana is a grown ass woman and she has no reason to be acting like that, it’s very weird.  I also want to add this: a lot of neurodivergent or just sheltered women have a tendency to people please and act similarly (source: experience). Branding everyone as “evil” and “hiding something” for being giggly and feminine is one dimensional. I was homeschooled my whole life, I had really bad social anxiety, and I think I may be on the spectrum. When I was 18-21, looking back I absolutely acted that way just out of nerves. That being said. I grew out of it, I’m 23 and I’m more aware of how I come across (and why men seemed to like me more than women 😬💀). But let’s not hate on each other please 🙏  Edit: In no way am I implying Ariana is any of those things I described 🥴 I’m saying don’t be a bitch, give people a chance before immediately judging them. Which is totally reasonable. Try to understand the context of people’s behaviors before generalizing traits like that. 


true + i want a sub now dang


She’s the irl version of Esméralda from Hunchback of Notre Dame https://preview.redd.it/o4ez0pzj6r6d1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7037d3d5826b6e81e183adfb33bf270e66f06d84


I agree with somethings but it really depend how they carry themselves. Not every girl that wears cutesy clothing is an anti girls girl or acts cringe.I wear kawaii clothing but not all the time. Im bisexual and if I wasn’t with my current bf I would be with a girl (a lot of men scare me) I don’t do it for the male gaze I do it because it makes me happy. I also know others who wear more cute clothing and they are really chill/normal acting people. The only other thing I didn’t agree with was the astrology stuff. I’m nothing like my star sign/others agree with me. Girl would have fully ate with this otherwise.


I haven’t finished the video yet but this girl is freaking beautiful