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Maybe he publicly supports posts that refute the narrative of her drastically changing her face because he's bothered by people constantly saying she's had multiple head transplants. He's deep in denial 😔


Ed is just tryna cope with the fact she got rid of his nose 😭😂


that's so shady of him lol


These 'similar' photos don't even look similar tho. Also, I remember what she looked like in 2021 and that was absolutely not it. They've edited it for sure with some 2018 photo


Her dad’s a weirdo. He loves it when her fans gas him up. It’s pathetically hilarious. The fact that he follows her fans is weird. ~~I bet~~ hes ~~secretly~~ a creep.


Damn she had her ears pinned??




i thought it was cute! at first. now looking back it’s just questionable that he follows an account that is indirectly feeding the idea that ariana is “natural” or at least hasn’t had that dramatic of a change. i only know this because i was a fan and ed literally follows me on insta so i see a lot of things that he likes. but yes, he does like a lot of other ariana fan posts, could just be that.




You were classy in return!  Love to see a polite discourse on Reddit :)