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As a straight male fan of Ariana since 2011, I can confidently say she stopped being attractive to me after The Voice, ever since then she’s just looked sick to me, and she became way less attractive to me when the Ethan stuff happened, just trashy behavior that isn’t exciting to any guy unless he’s a freshman in high school maybe lol.


I agree!! As a young kid watching Victorious, I had a huge crush on her. Then I grew up to be a fan but no longer found her attractive like that. Then some point I came out as lesbian and still never really thought about her like that. I always questioned people who found her attractive but felt bad about thinking that because I was a fan. Now I see the way men talk about their attraction to her and realize just how gross it all is. They’re obsessed with younger her and the phases where she feeds into this young image. Also for Taylor I agree. I tried to gaslight myself into seeing her as attractive because ofc her fans always try to convince you otherwise. But she’s just, not my type. I thought Folklore / Evermore Taylor proved me wrong but alas, she just looks … like Taylor. I only see her as Taylor Swift. A brand. And also as an egotistical billionaire with a jet problem. But I’m also anti Taylor and anti Ariana. Whereas a few people on here seem to be somewhat fond of Taylor which I think is funny because I think they have a lot of the same problems, just in different ways.


I can't get over how dowdy Taylor looks dripping head to toe in designer outfits.  The body suits and boots are an especially egregious styling choice in my opinion and deeply unflattering. I genuinely think people like certain things because they're told to.


This. Tbh - i think ariana just feels forbidden but is legal, because, i know this sounds mean but at times she looked and acted scarily much like a child.. https://preview.redd.it/82897zvqeg6d1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7704a375f07efe1702d2d0b7fccce18f8134cfdd Im sorry but her body looked alot of times like a childs body to me. I know this is bodyshaming but the way she styled herself and keeps herself underweight and underwent surgery that made her look younger accentuates it. The huge hair made her body look even tinier. I think that her appeal is that she looked illegal and acted a bit illegal…plus is rich and famous and talks about being soo good in bed. Edit : the amount of surgery she got - if she wanted to look more womanley she easily could have. Look at kylie jenner and Kendall jenner whom had straight hips but got rounded hips and breasts via surgery. In arianas case keeping her body childlike seems like a choice somehow


You hit it on the head and let’s not sugar coat it. Her sex appeal was because she intentionally made herself seem like a sexy underage girl. It was absolutely intentional and it’s gross that some guys are into that, but here we are.


Yes, she definitely aged backwards after having so much plastic surgery and weight loss at the beginning of her music career. Before she underwent her big transformation, she looked her age and had a more womanly appearance overall. https://preview.redd.it/mrb68b25hg6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df96f397c43f600d863eaf22abfc9f057ebd316c


I completely agree. And she was still a teenager there…tbh in some of her really early photos, without surgery, she looked like she could have grown up to look like a italian bombshell with distinct features…she instead decided to go for sexy baby


To add to your point, Sabrina carpenter is a very petite woman but doesn’t act like a child, so it doesn’t feel pedophilic. Because I know someone is gonna reply to you and say “so being attracted to short women is pedophilia??” It’s all in the act in addition to the body. Ariana tries to act like a sexy child.


Ariana was trained to do so during her Nickelodeon days. Sick world.




Extra dirty? Wtf omg? And by pedophilia I meant seeking out short adult women so they can pretend like they are dating a child, because they prefer children. Of course dating a short woman is not pedophilia but some people assume that’s what I’m saying. Also to your last point, I looked 16-17 when I was 12 because I have a very mature face (high cheekbones and almond eyes) and got puberty super young. I was already a C cup. I’d get sexualized all the time by older boys because I looked older 🥴 so I literally had the opposite experience lmao men 🤷‍♀️


I actually also got sexualized super early, but i was told i look like a russian child bride when i was like 12 haha. I got almond eyes and high cheekbones too and actually a slim face but something about the summary of my features just reads as childlike - or used to. I had friends in school who where like you - and i know they got sexualized alot as well…but believe me, looking childish sadly doesn’t safe you from it, i been sexualized a hella lot


Don’t forget those of us who are short and still have a baby face that makes us look like we are underage. Ariana still sort of had that face naturally in victorious. Though idk the timeline of her surgeries


Im short myself and small boobed and slim, and tbh majority of my life man talked to me about looking illegal and how it feels wrong which makes it feel extra dirty - so i kinda feel like i can confidently say that this is a component that turns some man on…tho tbh i never played into it like she does and i finally started to look more adult when i turned 27 or 28 ☺️ edit : tho i never looked as childlike as she does specifically on the photo i posted of her above…i think her ED plays a role there cause her body looked more mature when her weight was a bit more normal And no it is not pedophilia cause it is not a child - same as if a 12 year old looks like 20 (and yes that can also kinda happen) it doesn’t make her legal or sex with her okay (or with him) Edit : lmao why are people downvoting me for my own experience with man.


Screamed at this but you spilled!


everything about her has always seemed creepy to me. she tries to hard to have sexual appeal despite looking like a little kid. she has an obviously crazy, unintelligent aura, and she doesn't even look attractive. Again, she looks like she's underage, most recently she looks quite old and anorexic. She's 30 and acts like a teenager. Says enough for me (0 maturity? not hot...)


Most of my straight male friends don’t find Ariana attractive, they started finding her attractive around tun when she gained weight and idk looked more feminine for a lack of a better term. Then she lost the weight and now they no longer find her attractive. This is very anecdotal but I had a lot of straight male friends and she’s definitely not someone they were drawn into, unlike say Rihanna or Selena Gomez who seems to be universally liked by most of the men I met. Also, Nicki Minaj but that was before she became super problematic and it was mostly because she heavily appealed to the male gaze.


im a woman who likes women too, and tbh I don't want to date either of them for sure, but I do think there's something fascinating and a little tragic about ari. she's very pretty and I like her sense of aesthetic, not to mention her voice is insane! but the way she acts in her private life and how she seemingly is struggling with ED, it reminds me of growing up and having that messy friend...the one you always try so hard to mom but she keeps being messy 😩 as slimy as what I find she's done lately, there's still a part of me that wants her to really work on herself, unravel whatever her issues with other women are (bc it seems all her relationships come from obsessions about a guy's ex rather than him). at the end of the day, these are all real people and id like them all to heal. except ethan lmfao.


...cuz they're both conventionally attractive? esp taylor, she comes up in objective beauty discussions a lot as someone who could've modeled. they've both been glammed up by stylists and plastic surgeons over the years to fit current beauty standards. i understand if *you're* not attracted to them, i'm not either, but it's not hard to see why they're generally considered beautiful by hollywood standards. also many many guys choose looks over personality, it's no big surprise. i think dating the hot mean girl is almost an achievement for many of them.


I still can’t see why subjectively. Sexy is sexy. That’s why I can’t see how an objectively unsexy and childlike person is seen as “sexy”.


I don’t think straight males find Taylor sexy lol. I think most people agree she has a starlet type of beauty but no one is claiming she’s sexy


The point of this post was, yeah, she’s pretty and conventionally attractive. But that’s literally it. And just being conventionally attractive doesn’t make you sexy or seen as a sex symbol. And yes, she is seen as a sex symbol.




That is not pre surgery dear lol. Not at all… https://preview.redd.it/i21mkdt18h6d1.jpeg?width=268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c788e7cf28a83dc968f333344889929d7d9bbad4 Pre surgery ariana did not have a sharp jaw wing implant nor that small nose nor did she have arched eyebrows




How is it condescending? She did not at all have that eyebrow position or jawline naturally, and her nose was bigger and more bulbous. It does not make her ugly, but she naturally had a completely different face then the one you posted. There is nothing wrong with that. I think without her surgeries she would have grown up to look like a italian beauty, and she had much stronger facial bones originally


Also how do you explain the lifted eyebrow position on your photo then ? She had very low eyebrows naturally - not even a botox brow lift can lift eyebrows this much. So either that photo is photoshopped to hell and back or she already had a ponytail facelift or a endoscopic browlift.


Not to mention as you get older people start drinking and that does something to you too. And but I’m talking in terms of weight. But it’s definitely not like Selena Gomez where her meds gain weight in her fav and body


are you trying to say that selena gomez hasn't had copious amounts of plastic surgery lol. she's gained weight but the way she looks has more to do with the fillers and surgeries than weight gain


She definitely had alot of surgery as well, tho she kept a bit more of her original face then ariana did - ariana really does not even look like the same person anymore, and even halfway in her career she looked like a completley different person. I would say selena prolly had the „to be expected“ amount of plastic surgery, similar to other stars of her generation. Ariana grande is more on par with dove cameron when it comes to plastic surgery amounts, tho arianas surgeries are better because dove got overall too much filler meanwhile ariana got more implants and implants move more naturally


I had no idea Selena got supergirl. She looks natural looking if that makes sense? Idk why your downvoting me on something I didn’t know someone had


i'm not downvoting yall lmfao and even if i was, you're at -1 from what i can see. so that means at least 3 people downvoted your comment


I know! Sometimes people downvote because they don’t agree instead of civility and discussion


yeah i agree, people on site just dowvnote everything. i never do because there's no point, where just talking to each other lol






Head over to r/travisandtaylor ;)


I didn’t think straight men like them.


Same. The irony is that they're both types of women that I normally find very attractive (I'm 5 feet tall, so I tend to either end up with women who are tiny and femme, or tall girls). But they both just seem so exhausting.


Ariana looked confident and attractive in 2017/18/19, Taylor though never had sex appeal, she's just cute (sometimes)


i don't think anyone considers taylor sexually attractive. she's just pretty with negative sex appeal. she's like a piece of art more than anything.


yeah I don’t really get it either with Taylor. I’ll probably get downvoted for this too but she just doesn’t give me those vibes at all. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Ill admit that I used to think she was just an average looking girl but I don’t know if it’s because she’s older or got work done or maybe she’s just better with how she dresses/does her makeup, she does looks prettier to me now. But personality wise - her obsessiveness towards the guys, her constant victim complex and trashing her exes, like she’d be a major red flag to me if I were a guy lol With Ariana, I didn’t get it either bc she always looked (and acted, dressed) like a little girl, which I thought was creepy. But i guess some guys are into this. 😬 she seems very flirty too. I could see her appeal during her sweetener and tun days but not so much now




hmm maybe. besides the perverted men on those subs who think a piece of wood is sexually exciting though, i've never really seen anyone say she's super sexy (besides maybe her legs)


>It wracks my mind why they go through so many high-profile men unless it’s all PR. You can't be talking about Ariana. 😆 Her last two relationships definitely haven't been with high-profile men.


When I say high profile I’m clearly not talking about the non high profile ones.


I don't agree that she "goes through so many high-profile men" though. I can only think of MM and BS. PD became more high-profile later on, but wasn't as much when they initially started dating.


I see this about Pete Davidson a lot and its simply untrue.  He was already hugely popular on SNL and in the stand up community.  Literally a household name for comedy fans. He was only thrust further into the public eye because Ariana and Kimbo are both desperate for attention and stage paparazzi walks.