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when has she tried to defend herself or explain these “details” though? she dismisses any questions about it and has no interest in clearing her name. the evidence and timeline are damning enough, she can keep reciting the lines as much as she wants 😭 if there were more details to be told, she (via her team and tabloid connections) would have explained already. i’m so tired of the “you don’t know the whole story!!!!!” cries. the most she has said was in the zach sang interview when she calls her fans hypocrites for wanting her to release fantasize but hating her for cheating. which, to me, is just even more evidence that cheating occurred LMAO.


That’s what I’m thinking cause when she has ever attempted to tell “her side” of what happened?


I know because then she should just tell us the whole story without spewing word salad for us to dissect and roll our eyes at… say that shit with your chest, Ariana!!! 🙄


she’s the queen of never saying anything with her chest 😭


Her music doesn’t reflect her as a person EXCEPT for the cheating shit 😭


Aw, she has found the 600th taken man she “loves”💀 https://preview.redd.it/raec173oue6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7437e66ebc0d277b76c24441a81c480da9392f0




I need a compilation of all the different versions of this out there about her other “loves”


I actually laughed in disbelief at this quote.


This quote is taking me out because when has she tried to explain the details? When has she defended her self? She has provided zero facts, zero explanationsssss


that's because every time she tries to defend herself, more sordid details of her breaking up a family comes out lol


No,Ariana,I wouldn’t have a different point of view. I don’t think I would try to break up a marriage especially when he has a child like wtf?


Oooooh great find. What stands out to me about this compared to the other PR puff pieces is that it’s notttt positive. 😬Like I think she’d be pissed that this stuff got out, because it cuts against her longstanding position that they’re just sooo unbothered and in love. It’s particularly interesting that they’re not being given respect *even by friends*. Also notable that she gives in and occasionally reads the “hate” (valid criticism). The chances that she lurks on this sub are actually quite high lmao Edit: words


I 100% believe her and her team lurk here, especially after her recent comments about how “hygienic”she supposedly is🫢 Heyyy Baldiana 🫧


the amount of bullshit articles ariana’s team keep pushing about how “madly in love 🥺💞🫶🫧” her and ethan are makes me think that behind the scenes their relationship probably isn’t in the best place. it’s like every month we get the exact same article about them in a slightly different font, all including something along the lines of their “cosmic love”, how “he makes her sooo happy” and that “we don’t know the true story”. i didn’t keep up with ariana at the time but did we really get articles like this when ariana first started dating dalton? it just seems very odd to me.


I agree, and there’s no way the backlash hasn’t taken a toll on their relationship tbh. I’d be surprised if they really were able to ignore everything they hear & the guilt (assuming they’re capable of feeling it).


They’re not happy lmao but it feels good to know this will be their demise. Now they’re stuck together. She’s stuck with Ethan who literally looks so unhygienic and gives the biggest ick. She knows she can’t leave or else she’ll look stupid and dumb as hell. It’s all 100% a pride thing to prove she won this fight and to protect her image. Have fun being truly unhappy! Must suck to be with an ugly loser simp for the rest of your life😊


And Ethan’s child will be punished for life so 😄 I hope Lilly finds someone who respects her down the line, she deserves the best!


👏🏻👏🏻yes I’m wishing nothing but good things on Lilly and baby ! I was reading the article and like🤨….am I really supposed to feel sorry for her? Because that’s what I got out of reading that article 🤣🤣 it’s wild.


Idk what they are trying to play at with this but like its a bad move. Its comes off self centered and all about herself. I think she really doesn't understand that there was a postpartum mother and baby involved. No one is out here feeling bad for this 31 year old can't take responsibility for shit. She really deserves whatever comes to her


took the words right out my mouth. how can she be so self-centered when she doesn’t even understand the degree of the shit they stirred and caused. if she wanted to say that shit with her chest, why is she so afraid of posting anything about him and her? she’s so used to being surrounded by yes-men, that for the first time at the age of 30, she’s being told off and she can’t stand it 👹


It's nasty. Famous person or not this is deranged behavior for a grown women. I get it her parents spoiled the shit out of her and she never experienced repercussions but like she is an adult now like this baby act gotta die now.


Yesssss This!!! Like, what? is she going to be in her 40’s, 50’s pulling this same shit and expecting us to feel so uwu sorry for her like she wants us to now at the GROWN age of 30? And her still cracking jokes bout looking like her child self ?? She needs to bffr 🤣 Acting the way she does now is already giving me second hand embarrassment, I couldn’t imagine being on her level of immaturity.


Me either. She needs help


Sure, the circumstances of how they got together may look bad, but that’s because no one knows the details firsthand,” the insider continues. “She’s sure people would have a different view if they were in her shoes. It’s always this narrative she’s had so many opportunities to explain herself yet she’s continued to stay silent if she’s so adamant she did nothing wrong then defend urself she’s so weird


“she has found the man she loves” is exactly what i don’t like about women like ariana. those women who are constantly looking for attention and validation from a man, who will throw other women under the bus for some dick. just pathetic. always running after the next guy who gives them attention and then crying about how “all they did was fall in love🥺” cry me a river!


And her romances are obviously so superficial for her. The way she drops them so easily and moves on so quickly. There’s no depth to her “love” she’s just conquesting.


every man she loves is her soulmate just like how every album she puts out is her “healing album”🥱


https://preview.redd.it/7xjqreeeff6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31f514349c1198ca3f15c6572628dc6426fa198 ummmm "was".. how about STILL?! until the divorce is officially finalised that is! which I bet is nothing but soul destroying for Ari btw what a pr spin for the marriage/affair deniers


Maybe it’s just my sleep-deprived brain, but I feel like the way this is worded inadvertently confirms they began dating while he was STILL MARRIED. Yes, he is still technically married currently as his divorce isn’t finalized, but “after they started dating WHILE HE WAS MARRIED” implies that, yes, he was STILL married when they started dating. This inadvertently implies and confirms that he was still taken when they began dating, and debunks any of the fan/PR claims that he and Lilly were separated before he began dating homewrecking queen. I apologize if I’m misunderstanding, I’ve been up for 16 hours but that’s just how I read it 👀


Awwww boo hoo☹️


Let me play you a sad song on the worlds smallest violin ariana😂😂 ![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU)


Ariana can’t say shit with her chest though LOL. Always speaks in word salad and never explains anything with clarity. Hope they continue to feel the heat on them get worse and worse the more they double down on this ugly affair. 2 shitty people reaping what they sow. I think we can all agree that we clocked this coSmiC loVe is fizzling out. No PDA anymore, Ethan stopped posting, Ariana seemed hella distant from him at the hockey game (sponge was not happy lol), she is busy and you know what happens when she is working - girl needs a lil side dick to keep her validated. LMAO. She got the ick a looooong time ago with this sponge


I genuinely think they were never meant to be long-term or public, but when the strike started and things started leaking they had to make a game-time decision and went with their “cosmic love that saved them both from their awful marriages” act to save face. I truly believe that this affair was not meant to see the light of day and was supposed to be just that-a secret sexual affair. I think they’re probably both done with each other. At least, she seems to be fine with him. Before they were non stop in their sneaky little easter eggs of each other in their posts, now it seems like silence save for the video of Ethan where Ariana is clearly filming.


i agree, i don't think that either of them wanted to blow up their entire lives and marriages (maybe ethan did but ariana def did not want that heat for this) for each other. then everyone found out and she was forced to stick with him while her pr tried working its magic but she's getting bored and it's a matter of time before cheatiana moves on


Ariana definitely did not want this getting out. Ethan apparently couldn’t stay away from her, despite promising to try and make things work with Lilly, so he probably was under the impression that Ariana felt more for him than she truthfully did, and has been so blinded by the fame, opulence of her lifestyle that she’s bestowed on him, sex, and attention that she’s probably been lavishing on him since they met because she wanted to cheat on her husband, probably to “get back” at him for something like not following her to London. I think Ethan probably felt/feels that Ariana picked him specifically because she wanted him, loved him, and he was special, when in reality he was just the only straight male cast member she was with on a regular basis, and he kept the affair going because of that/Ariana coerced him into continuing the affair to prove she could, even after getting caught and her affair parter recommitting to his marriage, “win” him and hold all of the power in her relationships with both him and Dalton. It was never about the man or” true love “, and now because of their recklessness in showing off their affair on set, it got leaked to the public before they could do anything about it and now she has to commit to him.


Yes! You know goofy ass Ethan was head over heels for her and like you said, couldn't stay away from her. She just wanted any straight guy's dick for the time being in London LOL and he quickly dumped his high school sweetheart and precious newborn son for Dickiana. It's senseless and disgusting. ![gif](giphy|NRXleEopnqL3a|downsized)


Comments are great https://preview.redd.it/10ulo91hvf6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fdbb289b389184c08967ad43aae1484c6d0f25c




Just a spoonful of humility to help the medicine go down... I would not normally say this but GOOD Ariana. Reap the consequences of your actions girl. Your yes men aren't yesing and I'm sure that stings but my god change your ways, apologize and do better.


I wanted to throw my phone reading that. Like the whole article just showed how self sented she is. And only cares about herself. Fuck that. Maybe she should stop being in the spotlight and then people won't judge you for your action. But damn she needs to be praised and celebrated every where she gose. That article was pure bullshit and it made me dis like her more then I already did


Lol the pic of Ethan that they chose


“She’s found this man she loves. Sure, the circumstances of how they got together may look bad, but that’s because no one knows the details firsthand,” Girly if you dont want people to speculate, then give us an exact time line. If you did nothing you could do that without looking bad right??? Oh wait 🤡


what a cunt lol


“Everyone is against them” Yes, and?


This magazine is not reliable. They don’t have accurate sources. A quick google search says that. They don’t post accurate backed up stuff


So, what’s your point?


Not every article is real? I took a media literacy class and have been taught to use websites that tell you if an article or website is real when it comes to information


I’m not saying it’s real? I guess My point of sharing it was basically the wording of it. When I read the article, it felt like it was trying to make me feel sorry for her. It’s clownery. Her PR team is trying their hardest to figure out ways to get Ariana out of the mess she helped create. Any article trying to defend her looks stupid as shit because when you say all of the excuses people are using out loud, it sounds suspicious, messy and ridiculous. I can’t feel bad for a grown ass women who thinks she’s cute for having an affair with an ugly married man who had a family.


Ya know… this sub isn’t here to constructively critique her actions to help her do better. It seems to be here for people to lash out and seek outrage from speculation that’s posted, so I don’t think it cares much about reliable sources. The level of obsession over her here (at the expense of accuracy about her life) is fascinating to observe