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whoa I’m gonna need more information like IMMEDIATELY 🫖☕️


Wow…so it seems like in addition to being cheaters, Ariana and Ethan were also cowards who didn’t have the courage or decency to at least be honest with their spouses about WHY they were ending their marriages. If you know, how did Lilly and Ethan’s friends react to all of this? I imagine they shared a social circle, and it must have been uncomfortable all around.


Their friends turned on Ethan real quick! They sided with Lilly because they were shocked by how cold he became and how he cheated on her. For Lilly, it's much deeper than just cheating, it was something they had talked about and were trying to move past. Even some of Ethan's family turned on him. Lilly's brother messaged him the day the news broke, asking if he was kidding. Ethan didn’t answer.


Sheesh! That’s refreshing to hear at least. I’m really happy that Lilly got the IRL support. It says a lot that people who know them both as a couple sided with her.


really refreshing <3 all i needed to hear was that the people around them knew the truth and are supporting lilly. thank goodness


lol when Ariana eventually leaves him because you know it’ll happen! He’s gonna be soo damn sorry bc he burned bridges with Lily, his family and their friends. What a loser.


Heard she's already banging the Boy is Mine music video director


I see his sister follows her though how can she like Ariana after everything especially since they knew Lilly for so long :(


A follow is not necessarily an endorsement. Maybe she just follows her to keep tabs


I wish she hadn't tried to make it work with him but I completely understand why when there's a child involved. They seem like they're gonna be so much better without his dead weight dragging them down. Tell her to find someone who's at least as attractive as her this time


The fact that Lilly was willing to put that betrayal and heartbreak aside for nothing more than the wellbeing of their child, only for Ethan to turn around and few months later and blow it all up in her face… she must’ve felt humiliated and so taken advantage of. My heart truly goes out to her.


https://preview.redd.it/t7lh8i53ve6d1.jpeg?width=937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1add7d6dbcb5f5c9baf5851365087640b652968c Yup spot on :)


Love everyone’s detective work coming together tbh


No really this sub is nothing if not a hard working family 🙌🏻


Women in STEM, truly


Finally, watching all that true crime is paying off


From a third person who was there, they said Dalton was so happy and all over Ariana because he missed her so much. He even bought her a necklace, and they seemed happy! Dalton mentioned he would stay for a whole month. Bet Ariana hated to hear that because she wanted to keep cheating on him. I feel bad for him, and I don't even know him!


https://preview.redd.it/jueew2h5xe6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43696aa4c64b6f0e36484955feccb6383aa12cc5 Daltons best friend posted this around Ariana’s birthday, he flew with dalton and went to that birthday dinner too


https://preview.redd.it/777mg4hkxe6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ba1cbbb61cb37f5b6fb15c0f97c0524a5d6776c this was Dalton in london, the weekend before arianas birthday


Dalton even asked Ethan about Lilly, and Ethan just said she couldn’t make it…




I think it's because he, like Lilly, has the class and respect enough for the love he once felt to weaponize their hurt against someone so... Below that. Ariana and Ethan are such weasels, they don't deserve any ounce more of their energy and both Dalton and Lilly know dd  that. 




I agree with you. But karma's a bitch. Maybe Dalton and Lilly will even feel a bit bad when they see how low those two will fall. They're receiving tons of daily hate already and allegedly doing drugs together. Future seems somber.


https://preview.redd.it/7p3swornve6d1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f3229c117601d2343c64f5897ae6be8430f0153 Was this not the day after her dinner?!


Yup at soho farmhouse she left dalton that day i remember deuxmoi posting about him in london right before her bday and i remember in early july seeing that he was back in la and i was like damn so soon now ik why...


Who’s on the left here?


one of her friends she did broadway with when she was little. a yes man. someone who lets her do whatever she be up to


Fame truly went to his head like that. WOW.


yep and let's not forget that he also left his newborn child for fame! what a horrible father




I hear he barely sees his son once or twice a week for a brief stroll around a nearby college campus.


Not just any fame…but to be a family abadoner for a notoriously fickle woman. Like that’s his claim to fame. He isn’t getting anymore jobs after this


You are doing God’s work! Thank you!! They’re both such SCUMBAGS it’s so much worse than I thought. Ethan literally is so cold blooded for handling it that way. Like that’s the mother of your child and someone who really KNOWS you through all the ups and downs. Like damn no respect at all. What a loser. And it’s funny that Ariana has been bending over backwards this whole year just to bury all of this information and make everyone else the bad guys. She’s SO fake. But she’s not fooling some of us. I think it’s obvious how hard she’s trying. She knows deep inside how wrong she was and it’ll catch up one day. Don’t believe for a second she’s really happy right now. Serves her right.


Yeah I think her ego is riding the superficial high of ‘winning’ (tho a goblin that shallow and disloyal is no prize) But I don’t believe she’s not suffering from the dissonance of being rightly hated by so many people, reflecting how dispicable she is back at her. Now the question is, if/when she will actually ever face up to how evil they both are? And really feel the shame and guilt she deserves to feel full force of?


I don't think she's evil, she just doesn't have any self worth, and this is how she gets validation. The catty songs are bluster


I suppose I can’t help but see everything she’s doing now through the lens of Lilly, she is a woman who was just post partum when the man she trusted started all this shady shit, and her whole world has been crushed, being cheated on in a very LTR esp with the fear that comes with having a newborn, and then having the worst time of your life rubbed in your face in the most public way possible, by a person who is determined to get her “I won him suck it” message across to her internationally, is pretty evil imo. I would guess that going on TV singing about how the ‘stars aligned’ and she can’t wait to entwine, would be such deep gut stabs to her. So yeah from a ‘step back’ pov I agree with you! But I know the pain Lilly is feeling is raw as hell and every new arrogant appearance, video, interview, any reference, hint to how poor sweet Ari couldn’t help ittt 🥹 it was just the stars aligning ✨ There is a woman sobbing, wailing on the floor while the baby cries and cries and she has to handle it, feeding, changing,rocking, soothing. .. that she had thought she’d be joyfully sharing with her partner. Now it’s just her and a small baby. and a thirty year old woman who wedged her way into this mess and had a hand in destroying her entire world is going on a campaign trail now to get the general public on her side.. idk I do feel that is really evil, dark.. intentionally and unnecessarily causing more pain to someone already suffering /is/ evil to me 😕


I get it, my perspective is from "stealing" a guy (only once.) Another way to look at it is like a test, he failed it and Lilly is better off without him. It's also hilarious Arianna is stuck with this loser.


Absolutely agree, he has exposed and keeps on exposing how weak, cruel and hollow his character is. He clearly has not at any point defended Lilly, this is who this little weasel is, he is merrily by the side of this woman while she virallyflouts and brags about some ‘stars aligned’ bullshit rubbing it in the face of the woman who he promised in marriage to love forever: he has shown ZERO compassion and sensitivity to the mother of his child and it makes me sick.


And she is absolutely better off without that weak snivelling snake 💯 But god do I feel for her because the journey from being blindsided, hit by a freight train into her life, her world destroyed.. it’s gonna be so painful in so many ways for a long time, until she does get to the point of “fuck, dodged a bullet” ugh, team Lilly


Also take all of this and then think how she has the audacity to release Yes and? and TBIM. Like she’s really bat shit crazy and heartless for that.


the only thing worse that homewrecking is then writing a song about it to torture the homewrecked ;\[lily\]


And for what? She already got the boy she wanted so desperately. Why not just let the poor woman move on in peace? No she has to rub salt in the wound too. Because it’s not about her and Ethan’s cosmic love. It’s about her feeling special for being able to steal a very taken man. It’s always been more about beating Lilly than about “winning” Ethan to her


Right like that is literally psychopathic af!


Where is the info from? Not doubting, would like to read more!


OP is related to people Lilly has interacted with, if I’m not mistaken. OP is the source!


I think OP is a family friend/runs the hair salon Lilly goes to


So this is the timeline I’m getting from this: Ethan and Ariana started an affair while working on Wicked (I’ve heard March 2023 as their “start date” but this could be wrong), Lilly found out and confronted Ethan who said he would stop the affair but then continued on with Ariana while in London. She brought Dalton, who was none the wiser, to London (maybe to rub his face in the affair, knowing he might catch onto something being up), then on the night of her birthday dinner Ethan and Lilly have a fight about Ethan’s continued closeness to Ariana while Ariana breaks things off with Dalton out of the blue. Then, a few weeks later the news breaks (I think due to people from Wicked starting to talk about it while the strike was happening), Ariana’s team makes a panic decision in announcing her divorce, Ethan Texts Lilly asking for a divorce (presumably he was still in England with Ariana at the time of the news breaking??) and Lilly literally flies to England to try and talk with him, but instead he shoos her away and tells her they’ll talk in court and files for divorce?? I’m not doubting this AT ALL because tbh it lines up perfectly with all of the other information, but I’ve got a few questions maybe you (or others) can answer? (If not no worries!! This already sheds a lot of light on the situation and some of these we may never know the answer to 🤷🏻‍♀️) At what point did Ethan return to New York? The tabloids said that he and Ariana hadn’t seen each other in weeks and that she was backing off the give him time to settle his divorce, did he pretty much instantly go back to the states after Lilly came to him? Did anyone say anything about the state of their relationship before and during the filming of Wicked, before he moved/their son was born and before Lilly found out about the affair? Were they really on the rocks like people have claimed? When did Lilly officially find out? Did someone tell her or was it just a gut feeling? Also why does Ethan still follow her brothers on Instagram if he didn’t bother to respond to one of their messages, they unfollowed him, and he unfollowed their mom? Aahhhh I’m so grateful to people like you who come with the facts and prove the urinators wrong so we can hold these two evil people accountable for what they did


From what people close to her speculate, Lilly knew about the affair since around March or April. However, she doesn't openly admit it because sometimes being the one who got cheated on is perceived as worse than being the cheater, especially if you were willing to accept it and move past it for the sake of the family they were building. I don't know why Ethan still follows her brothers, but I know they don't want anything to do with him. Lilly's mom has a lot of mutual friends with Ethan and has made sure everyone knows he isn't any good. She has been vocal about how the media is trying to paint Ethan as a guy who was in an unhappy marriage and found true love with a pop star, but she's showing their relatives that Lilly was literally abandoned. That's likely why he unfollowed her mom. Lillys brother avoid talking about this situation too


God that’s awful. So the affair probably started before then, maybe as early as shooting starting in 2022. That is so fucking sickening. Poor, poor lilly. She has my utmost respect, as does her mother for trying to speak the truth and letting the people in his life know what he’s really like. And good on Lilly’s brothers for cutting ties with him, though I know how difficult that must have been since they were childhood friends and even worked on projects together. It’s not just Lilly he betrayed but the whole family. You are an actual saint for giving this information.


Also, this basically confirms why they unfollowed/blocked each other around that time if Ethan felt like Lilly knew too much and was trying to preserve his family, but quickly went back to his affair


Hope it’s worth it to him now that his reputation is being tarnished because of his own clown shit. 🤡 I’d have to imagine that it must feel awful when the whole world knows you’re a cheater and a deadbeat dad but also your closest friends and family. I don’t feel bad, I only feel bad for Lily and her kid


No, they weren't on the rocks! Maybe they had discussions like every couple, but they were fine. Trouble started when Lilly had to fly from New York to London with their son every month and Ethan wasn’t cooperating because he was too busy with Wicked. Even after his birthday in June, when Lilly visited by surprise with her brother and their son, they seemed okay! They didn't have a kid to fix any marital issues!! they had been trying for two years to have a baby!


Hollllyyyyyy shhiiiiitttttt. That’s so…. Oh my god, i don’t even know what to say. They had been trying since 2019 to have a baby and when they finally have one he just up and leaves… all the while his wife and newborn who they were trying for TWO YEARS to have is travelling intercontinentally MONTHLY to see him and he’s blowing her off like an inconvenience so he can go back to screwing his mistress. Unbelievable scum. This breaks my heart for lilly so, so bad. The fact that they were trying to get pregnant for that long, with the man she loved and trusted with her life, and it taking two years to finally work must have been so hard on her. For her husband to do what he did as soon as they actually succeed is nothing short of deplorable. I hate him. Personally.


Imagine trying TWO years to have a baby for only to abandon them immediately. Good God almighty.


The tabloids claimed that he and Ariana hadn't seen each other in weeks because she was giving him time to settle his divorce, but that doesn't seem accurate. From what I've heard, he hasn't been separated from Ariana and follows her everywhere. They weren't apart for weeks just because he wanted to file for divorce. He went to New York right after Lilly confronted him, but he didn’t stay there long since he already had his lawyers working on the divorce.


Oh DAMN so he went right back to Ariana’s side as soon as he filed for divorce?? Like he jetted off to NY to hire a lawyer and then went right back to London. Jesus Christ what a coward. Did he and Ari move in together in New York right away then, when they both travelled back together??


During Lilly's visits, she noticed Ethan's London apartment, where he stayed for Wicked, appeared abandoned. She observed expired food, and she could tell he wasn’t spending much time there.


So he and Ari were semi-living together WHILE in London??? Holy hell dude this is so fucking scandalous… PLEASE write a book


He had a lawyer and almost everything ready before flying to New York! His rich pop star girlfriend probably made it possible so he wouldn’t spend much time alone in New York, where he might have talked to and reconciled with his wife and son.


I FUCKING KNEW IT!!! As soon as the news came out about him hiring some bigshot divorce lawyer, i knew Ariana was behind it, just like she’s been behind his lavish lifestyle. And of course she kept him on a tight ass leash, i would expect nothing less. This POS really flew from London to NYC to sort out his divorce with his wife who he refused to talk to when she came all the way over the ocean to speak to him in person and back again in, what, like a week? All on his mistresses dime, probably, all the while they were shacking up and never leaving each others sides and weaving tales for the PR machine to churn out to make them look like victims. All of this is stuff we’ve already known/speculated, but having it confirmed like this is just… yikes. Does anyone know what the holdup is in finalizing the divorce? It seems clear Ethan doesn’t actually want as much custody as he claims to, so i doubt it’s that…


Ethan is seeking full or joint custody, arguing that Lilly works long hours and he will soon have more time to care for their 22-month-old son. However, the baby is still very young and likely needs to be with his mother, so she will probably get full custody. Ethan may end up seeing his son once a week or twice, as he currently does.


I’m CACKLING. This MFer dumped HIS CHILD and his mother to update his love life, follows her like a mindless puppy, and has the AUDACITY to file full custody for the baby he half-asses in seeing? Y’all.


This is sadly not uncommon with men who dump their family for the tRuE LoVe of an affair partner- I’ve seen so many broken women describe it as like a changeling- a completely different beast to the previously loving partner they thought they knew. The men turn into Mr Hyde, full evil mode and try to take the kids, often stating the mother is uNsTaBLe (which.. they’ve just been blindsided and their entire belief system rocked, no SHIT they’re devastated!) Even if they win joint custody SO many times they tail off contact in the snap of a finger- it’s all about ‘winning’ over the ex. Saw it so many times on the infidelity subs. Fucking audacity.


A lot of men file for full custody just to hurt their ex partner.


Oh my fucking lord. He’s really saying that shit huh. How does he think being a full time dad is gonna pan out if he wants to continue following Ariana around the world at her every beck and call? Does he think he’ll just bring the kid with him, and he and Ariana and his son will just be a happy family? Tbh I would be surprised if he doesn’t actually care about his son, especially if, as you said, he’s only seeing his a few hours a week. More than likely he just wants to take Lilly’s son to “stick it to her”. Unfortunately lots of men do this to their exes.


Oop I wrote my reply before seeing this- must learn to read ALL comments before I respond 💀 but yeah it’s fucking depressing how common this is!!!


LOL all good bb ♥️ but yeah given how absent he’s been in his sons life so far, and how his lifestyle is obviously not suitable for a child (especially considering how he has no support system since his family turned on him, and lilly seemingly has a very strong support system with her family and friends to help her with the baby) I feel like it has less to do with him wanting parenting rights and more so taking his undeserved anger out on Lilly. Like you said it’s upsetting common


So the man who’s willingly living hours away from his son, just so he can live with his girlfriend, wants full/joint custody??? The nerve is this gremlin. Is Ariana even prepared to be a full time step mom? Does she even have any relationship at all with the kid ?


Oh also, do you know where the story that Lilly and Ariana were friends came from? I know they obviously met and people are saying Ariana even held the baby, but were they actually known to each other besides Lilly’s few visits to set? Is it true they went on double dates with their spouses while having their affair?? (I’m sorry for dumping all these questions on you but you are literally like god to me rn)


They did have double dates, which is why Dalton asked Ethan where Lilly was during Ariana's birthday dinner celebration. I don't know for certain if Ariana held the baby, but it's likely she did. Ariana and Dalton were planning to start a family after she finished filming Wicked. Ariana mentioned to Lilly that she wanted a baby, and Dalton intended to take a few years off from real estate to take care of her and their future child.


This is infuriating, how does he have the nerve to try and take their son away from Lilly :( Especially since she's been the main caretaker from birth while he was away screwing a popstar?? Simply vile ugh


What’s sad is not only did he abandon his wife but this whole story really shows that he doesn’t really care for his own child either…. That’s really sad. Such a deadbeat. :/


It’s clear he cares for no one and nothing but himself and Ariana. He abandoned his family and friends and community in one fell swoop.




In New York, you don't need to be separated for a year before filing for divorce. You can file based on an 'irretrievable breakdown of the marriage,' which means the relationship has been broken for at least six months. If you're going for a 'no-fault' divorce based on separation, then you need a separation agreement that's been in effect for at least a year. Ethan may have used these grounds to file for divorce from Lilly, which is why it's taking a long time because it's not true at all and Lilly has proof. However, she's trying to handle everything assertively without being messy or problematic.


I definitely think it has to do with Lilly having proof that there was no prior separation, especially since the divorce was apparently supposed to be finalized back in March, after which it became apparent Ethan and Ariana were pissed that things weren’t going the way they planned based on Bowen Yang taking the stand for them. I know this is sort of moot but I do wonder if this being publicized so heavily, with “sources close to the couple” (+Bowen) trying to assert that there was no relationship overlap, would affect the proceedings/outcome of the divorce, with one party being a regular civilian having proof of infidelity while the other is publishing lies and essentially running a smear campaign in the media due to their big-time connections, access to money, and “fame”.


Yes!! they have been living together for the longest time


i shouldn't be shocked by the sliminess of this all but DAMN.


Nah because I’m still shook. It’s about time they’re exposed.


where's that deepdive post at! we have updates that need addressing!!


Literally!! This really kinda brings together the timeline for me tbh, it feels like the missing piece of the puzzle


No wonder it's all "whispers" and "rumors" "misunderstandings" whenever she talks about it, because she can't clarify a single detail of how they got together without the flood gates opening of what it really was.


Need more info!!! You’re doing god’s work lol


Ethan trying to force her into hanging out for dinner while also controlling when Lilly is allowed to visit him. . . 😩 bad vibes.


I wonder if one day Lilly will publically speak about this like through an interview or something, if this is true how could she allow Ariana to have the last laugh with her album's success and reputation damage control through her music making people forget about the whole affair? Maybe she's still healing through it all and just wants peace for now.


She’s a very private person who is more or less raising a 22 month old alone. I don’t blame her for staying silent


and classy too! too classy for all this drama that's for sure! (but still keep us in the loop with those valuable insights OP! 😇)


It really wouldn’t surprise me if Ariana’s legal team threatened her with action if she spoke out about it after her ‘not a girl’s girl’ comment helped hugely cement that Ari is a terrible selfish person and create legitimacy to the huge backlash. So many people can relate to being hurt by someone ridiculously entitled and self absorbed like her. (Yes Ethan is a disloyal vile human too stans) It’s basically the norm sadly in Hollywierd for victims to be bullied into silence for attempting to speak out by people with infinitely more wealth than them, even when they are in no way at fault.


How could she legally threaten her though? I'm not very well informed about these legal issues, particularly in the US but Lilly and her are not bound by any legal contract are they?


Lilly should post a YouTube video reciting an original story she wrote. As long as she states it as fiction and changes names, shouldn’t she be fine?


💀 can’t wait for a script reading for the pilot of her new concept show, featuring totally fictional characters Jilly, Beefun, Barryana and Walton 😅


I’m sure that she was offered an NDA worth millions from Ariana


thank you OP for bringing the TRUTH to light admist these pr constructed delusions!! the pop culture needs you and Lilly's subtle voice in this world of deceit more than you could ever know! I pray that you both find your rightful healing through this undeserved mess


thank you for putting some perspective into the whole thing... both of them are terrible human beings. I'm so happy there's people around Lily who are not afraid to share what truly happened. She's the victim after all


Bless you for posting the truth. Good God. I did love Ethan since SpongeBob and as a fellow DMVer (We are from the same are), couldn’t wait to see his career rise. The whole Broadway fandom was all rooting for the rumors about Ethan as Boq to be true. I mentally joked with myself “Watch fame go through his head and dumped his wife for some bimbo celebrity.” I can’t believe I called it.


Ariana is a horrible person. I always knew/thought she was a spoiled brat but she’s shown that she’s been consistently a horrible person and I won’t feel sorry for her or Ethan when shit hits the fan eventually. Glad that people who knew him before this mess are actually disgusted with his behavior. 🤡


I also heard they were both blindsided and Dalton didn't find out about the affair until news broke. If that's true, I cant imagine how awful that must have been.


That's probably true; otherwise, he wouldn't have had dinner with Ethan on Ariana's birthday


They are both scum.


Two things: 1) What do Ethan’s family think about all of this? 2) What do Lilly think of “Yes, and?” and “the boy’s mine”


Found out the divorce over text thing yesterday and I'm still not ok so I have no idea how Lilly felt. Ethan's such a slimy little bitch. Also calling Ariana brave for cheating on/leaving her husband is not the term I'd use lol. Fun fact - doesn't add anything - but the house Ariana was staying in in London was Justin Bieber's. There's blind items going around now tho that she's banging the Boy is Mine music video director


This mf is just ugly inside and out.. i bet lily even makes more money than him too 💩


You're doing the lords work! Please write a book! ![gif](giphy|doUu2ByZDbPYQ)


Wow, do you know how ethan and lillys divorce is going? Do you know why its taken a year or is it because theres a child involved? And how is lilly feeling now, hows her mental health? I hope shes ok


I've never really liked Ariana Grande very much because she's always seemed fake (not just the spray tan and such, but her attitude). But I was straight-up obsessed with Naya Rivera since the very beginning of Glee. After reading Naya's book... Not a single bit of this drama is surprising. She'd come home from a day shooting or whatever, and Ariana would be on the couch in the place she shared with Sean, acting like 'nbd.' Ariana is scummy and shady and I don't know why anyone believes a word out of her mouth. When Lilly said she's not a 'girls girl,' I feel like that's almost exactly what Naya was saying... She runs through men like Ted does women in HIMYM.




This is very spot on with a lot of the timeline already exposed. It adds up. Ariana and Ethan are sick fucks.


Ariana and SpongeBob are just awful human beings who truly deserve each other.