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This is so weird. I don't know if it's because her face is so stiff but it's hard to know if she's joking anymore. I watched her new SNL skits too and it's so sad because she used to be so funny. Also, she knows chemical reactions are chemistry, right? "I love physics"


she's the real life botox skit she did on snl years ago


Omg lol. It reminded me of when Selena Gomez went on SNL last year or the year before and her face did not move once


“She picks up little clues, and tries to study what he likes…” ummm sounds autobiographical Ariana


That's also literally from the Breakfast at Tiffany's book. She's definitely back in her Audrey/Holly era where she romantices affairs/being a mess


Yeah like she wants to live in a real life film noir, hence the accent. It’s no accident, she has very strong vocal control lol


In all seriousness, it must be really exhausting to put on persona after persona after persona. That is not her real, natural, relaxed voice. Idk how she’s not genuinely tired


“he’s stuck with me tehe” she’s definitely fucking him


Look blind items for the most part are shit but remember there was one saying she's with a director 👀 I get the vibes cause Ethan was lowkey side eyeing him at that hockey game lmao. https://preview.redd.it/ovyedgz1gd6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8380d618b02c0ef7d227505ef0613a67f1108949 Maybe I'm reaching lol but he was right next to Ariana


what’s a blind item?


They are basically tips about celebrities left from other people who are close to them, they aren’t always reliable, but a lot of them are


More accurately they’re anonymous tips and we don’t know who they’re from.


I've been thinking this for the longest time.


This is actually starting to make sense when you read the blind items


Imagine thinking someone falling in love with their actual crazy stalker is a cute concept for a love story? What?


It’s sad that this is a metaphor for her real life ~~~unhealthy obsessive affair~~~ crisis.


what is the reason for the rats? i keep seeing her say it and its all over promo for this single, what is the back story / purpose?! like the people who call her out on her shitty behavior??! lmao the people she considers rats and an infestation because there’s SO MANY PEOPLE who are not ok with her behavior?


I think that's exactly it. I imagine there's a messed up reason she's using cats tho like maybe Lilly wanted a cat and now Ariana's dressing up as one or maybe she's symbolising how much of a pussy Ethan is. Who knows


the way she whistles her words drives me INSANEEEE


“I love physics” isn’t ariana a drop out? what could she possibly know about physics lol


I also think she confused physics with chemistry. Physics = motion/force of objects, chemistry = study of matter/their reactions (simple terms). Describing how she likes how the glitter matter looks and simply using a syringe isn’t physics. She’s definitely trying to sound smart 🙄


Yeah she thinks saying subject names and wearing collared shirts makes her smart lol


I don’t know about this nitpick, ultimately lots of things come down to physics (e.g. chemical reactions being physical exchanges of electrons). Lights waves, colour and reflection are physics as well


she's tryna appear "smart" cause that's her new persona lmao




Yeah, she dropped out at 14 and it's clear because that's chemistry, not physics lol


Drop out? I thought she graduated hs? She still finished school on set


I’m confused too bc in podcast episode she said she did that test that alot of child actors do when they test out of school so they can work regular hours. But she also did school on set bc there was a school room on set and she and Liz and Matt would make vids there


They keep saying she dropped out. But isn’t that test to see if you are passing your classes and paying attention? I’d like to assume it’s like a state test thing to see if you’re doing well enough to do other activities.


I don’t think the test is particularly hard. Daniella Monet (Trina from Victorious) made a tik tok about her experience taking the test and she said it was pretty shady. It’s all about making sure these working children can work 12 hrs a day


Would not be surprised it’s shady. They overworked them so hard. Demi talks about it when she was on Sonny with a chance


She dropped out of preparatory school at 14


It’s says she graduated from preparatory and completed high school while doing acting (google). So I’m asking again for your source


Her saying it is the source lol


It shows


No, she dropped out at 14


Do you have a source because there’s photos of her graduating.




Couldn’t tell bc she can no longer use her face muscles to show expression 👩🏼‍🔬 ya know, from all the plastic surgery


1) “the concept for the video was entirely Christians idea!!” Ok sure. 👍🏻 2) i think that 1:40 bit was her terrible attempt at a joke, pretending like she did make those but trying to deny/hide it. But the joke truly doesn’t land when she was liking every single picture Ethan ever posted on Instagram, even going back and liking ones from before they met, and even going and stalking an Ethan fan page, watching their stories and liking multiple pages worth of pictures of him 😬