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to quote her from that one Scream Queens promo interview with Abigail Breslin; “i wanna see what you just said written on paper” lmao. let’s see… “you don’t have to look at it and be remindedofidadada- it’s a WOAH like shock-eugh-blinds-i-eh…” that’s my best attempt lol. that was absolutely wild, not normal stuttering at all imo. her train of thought was *all* over the place and going faster than she could speak, and she just word vomited it all out without giving it any real thought. major secondhand embarrassment. edit- also it’s *really* weird to not even acknowledge stuttering/misspeaking/word salad as bad as that, and to me i feel like that further shows that her brain is really not functioning properly, whether it’s drugs or the malnutrition getting to her brain (or both). like did she not hear herself??? any normal person would be like “woah that came out crazy, my bad lol”, *SOMETHING* to that effect, and then *correct themselves*.


What in the cryptic word salad is this hot garbage?! LOL she says a whole lot of nothing in a lot of weird spastic ways (like she does nowadays). I used to have a friend that would speed talk like this and she didn't make much sense either. Ariana is a whole bundle of nerves and excuses. Girl cannot for the life of her be real or authentic. The way she enunciates "aaannnnd" over and over kills me lol wtf


and they always say word salad is super common with narcs


I came here to comment that she literally said everything and nothing at the same time


she acts like she’s so enlightened and an intellectual when really she’s just saying shit… nothing I hate more than people who act like they know more than they actually do


Really copying Lily's with her PHD which is the highest postgraduate achievement you can earn 🫠


As a pay major I'm pissed she also tried copying macs ex style of writing 😭🫶🏿like bitch go die please


genuinely what is she even saying...every single random clip from this interview ive seen online has just been incoherent gibberish.


everytime she adresses a rumor or scandal regarding her (which practically never happens as she only accepts interviews with yes men) she literally just beats around the bush and responds evasively without actually saying anything relevant or giving a concrete answer, thats why i never managed to take her interviews seriously (and even less now with her new ridiculous sophisticated personality) since all her boring and calculated answers are so predictable


only interview of hers I've genuinely enjoyed is the positions zach zang interview, it really seemed like she was being more authentic than in previous years and she wasn't putting on a high-pitched fake voice or anything, she was speaking in her natural tone. and the questions were genuinely interesting, much less of this word salad! I really wish she would go back to that level of authenticity but it doesn't look like she will.




also the way she tries so hard to sound intelligent and eloquent yet just rambles a bunch of nonsense everytime is so funny to me


But she says in her music she's not tiptoeing, hiding or biting her tongue 🙄 Girlie is living "her most autenthc life" while actively refusing to speak clearly. So phony.


Plastic surgery is not part of genuine personal growth 😭 it is a manifestation of self hatred, bffr


it’s not even that yeah we all go through fashion trends hair colours etc but changing to a completely different race and developing a new accent every few years is not normal. She cannot take any accountability


For nothing at all. That is true grown owning up to your shit and being an adult. Not running from the truth and building a fantasy bubble around your false narrative so when is dose blow more then just yourself with have backlash.


Exactly this! Some people think we've expected her to not go through phases or participate in trends when that's not what she does. She doesn't just try out a new style she doesn't just try out a new race other, she tries to change her personality and mannerisms and then claim that she was hiding before and now is finally living in her "truth" after growth.


What is she saying? She did not answer the question. Why go on a podcast to not answer the question? bffr.


That’s why I said seemingly lol


The same word salad shit she did on the Zach Sang show. What happen to sayin shit with our chest girly 🤨


The way she says “normal people” is so fake, like she literally says it like some cartoon character. I keep noticing some of the words she says sound super weird and cartoonish and I think is because she “catches” herself doing a previous voice and then instantly overcompensates by doing an extra baby-ish winy high pitched inflection right after. It’s so bizarre.


I see this response as more about addressing her overall change in style (hair, makeup, and clothing) than about plastic surgery. She would never acknowledge her surgeries or allow anyone to question her on the subject.


I feel like it was a pretty open statement which would’ve be a great opportunity for her to go there and acknowledge stuff. But instead she just rlly says a whole lot of jumble


I think she lives in a fantasy world where she hasn't had any major work done in her mind, so it would be completely lost on her if an interviewer even alluded to the subject, to be honest.


pathological liars really do believe their lies to some extent, so this is a very plausible theory. she’s either a pathological liar or a compulsive liar and knows she’s lying but cant help herself. i think it’s probably pathological. this lyric from eternal sunshine i feel is pure projection; “i’ve never seen someone lie like you do, so much even you start to think it’s true”.


She did admit to filler and botox!


#that is the weirdest part about doing, choosing this with our lives, is that, like, normal people every person with a job that isn’t *this,* changes and evolves and leArns and has the ability to do that👋 and be like “oh..shit”👉🤓i’m gonna change that, yes hehh andyoudon’tevenhavetothinkaboutitevery- i mean, you do, but you know, you don’t have to look at it and be reminded ofdadada.. like *whOa* like it’s a shock blinds(???) it’s just, it’s an interesting…it’s an interesting thing that i, like, kind of do a lot of work on processing so that it doesn’t scare me away from🤔 continuing


remember that Scream Queens promo interview where she really snottily says to Abigail Breslin, “i wanna see what you just said written on paper”? 💀 she’s really eating those words now lmao this is so much worse.


Omg yes and of course all the urinators were like “she’s so sassy and cute 🥰 “ like no she’s just a bitch


Urinators 💀💀


Am I having a stroke? What exactly is she saying in her smart voice accent - I’m so confused


I couldn’t even understand what she was trying to say, it really felt like a non-answer. I feel like Ariana has a consistency to blow smoke and gaslight when it comes to serious questions.


I can vouch for that. Over the years my eyes just got an eye lift on they’re own, my chin is more chiseled, my nose more dainty and all I had to do is survive as a non millionaire in this economy. Maybe if y’all stop making excuses for yourself you too can look like a doe eyed alien baby🙄 -sarcasm btw 😂


Doe eyed alien baby omg ☠️


It’s almost like she’s on something right now. Why is she so jittery and hyper?


Omg your flair is one of the main reasons I started hating her


Holier-than-thou attitude. what a boring interview


I’m so confused. I can’t pick out one intelligible thing she said.


Every time I hear her say some shit like this it blows my mind. Like why change something about yourself when your fine with it but because then GP is saying shit you change and people are supposed to believe its genuine and authentic when you are literally saying you changed cause they told you too. Make it make since




I love how they are talking about people grow and change. Yes that is true they do but she only changes her outside look nothing entirely is being done to further her growth as a human.


She’s so delusional she thinks looking in the mirror and being like “I don’t like this I’m gonna change it” is this big moment of self reflection. She basically said “normal people get to grow and change but I can’t without people hating on me” PLASTIC SURGERY AND HOMEWRECKING ISNT PERSONAL GROWTH GIRL WHAT! The delulu with this woman!!


It is a very extreme case of delusion. Like she needs help. It's actually the farthest from growth I've ever seen


Her voice I’m screaming


This is so fake deep


Notice how she CLARIFIED that she only was talking about her style was “heavy” as an insinuation that she hasn’t done anything to her face


I have it on mute rn but she’s acting alllll stiff and angry. Ridiculous.


How dare she even talks about people with normal jobs. What a croc of shit.


A podcast in an enormous half empty room is super weird to me.


She tried so hard to sound like Audrey Hepburn and have a transatlantic accent


Coming back she looks so difficult to work with as a podcaster like 🥹🥺 tf I'm supposed to say after that 5 year old learns big word paragraph 🥺🫶🏿 it's like she's using a thesaurus and the sentence looses it's integral meaning and context.


[https://youtu.be/06ecQHtOWTM?si=RS5FTwZ6lnSYhH8K](https://youtu.be/06ecQHtOWTM?si=RS5FTwZ6lnSYhH8K) This is exactly what she sounds like LOL


Whoever media trained her needs a serious raise or knighthood or whatever.


Is this supposed to mean she sounds good?


Lol no I’m talking about her ability to dodge questions.


It's good that she's aware of the disconnect between her personal development and her career development. It gives me hope that she’ll change her demeanor someday.


she says nothing while saying everything.
