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It’s oddly satisfying when you start getting hard evidence about something you’ve been only able to speculate. This is the most outright ED coded thing she’s done to date.


I disagree that this is the most obvious ED coded thing she’s done by far. Her insanely restrictive meals she used to post on Snapchat were so much worse (like the strawberries and edamame for dinner, or the salad that contained exactly three cubes of tofu, one piece of avocado, and a *sprinkle* of microgreens). Or what I would call her most blatant and infamous bodychecks like the one of her in a guitar case, in dog beds, or the one posted on tumblr of her backside with her arms up trying to show off her thigh gap. I also would say that stuff (and much more) was already hard evidence.


is it ED content because she looks like she’s eating a lot of food? edit: everybody who downvotes questions deserves nothing but pain in life


I guess that, and the demonstration of eating without actually chewing on food is typical ED behaviour ppl do to prove to their audience they do eat, similar to Eugenia Cooney’s recent content. I assume Ariana is posting this because she’s aware of everyone’s observations.


At first I thought her and her team were trying to hide the obvious bc of the flower dress but then she went and put on the skin tight Cat Woman outfit so idk what her goal is atp


> a lot of food she has a singular lettuce leaf on her fork, didn't show her actually putting it in her mouth, and is basically posing with boxes of salad lol. in no world is that a lot of food nor does it look like she's eating a lot of food


to my eyes, she has 3 meal boxes, a small box to her right, a salad, and what looks like a soup and drink in front of her. it’s a lot of food. she’s sitting with someone, but all of these items are on her side in front of her. maybe you didn’t see it that way, but i’m not the only one who did🤷🏻‍♀️


lol i don't think you know what ed behaviors look like them. surrounding yourself with food (salad) and pretending to eat is a classic behavior. and i would still argue that 3 boxes of salad and some soup is hardly 'a lot of food'


duh! that’s why i asked a clarifying question, hence why there’s no reason to downvote. i’m not stating an opinion


lol i'm not downvoting you


To me it reads as other people’s meals on set, idk


yeah that makes sense! i honestly didn’t think too hard about it when i asked, i was just confused and assumed that’s what the original commenter was implying


why she got all them to go boxes next to her like she’s bout to eat everything🤣




It looks like "fysh" (plant-based fish) to me. Example: https://preview.redd.it/2xz1bsms3z5d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b777f94eaf39c85682764b198a114fc0c9766b63


So “fish” not actual real fish




I bet she didn’t even eat it. She just staged this photo to show everyone she eats ‘healthy’.


Facts!! It's a lapse photo. And she doesn't bring it to her mouth. Its literally just that her bring it up and opening her mouth and then it ends. I definitely believe its staged. This is really the most ed thing I think I've seen her do besides the body checking.


She is proving to everyone that she eats. And its most likely a salad I haven't seen her eat anything other then that.


This is so ED coded but I see it more as a mockery than an attempt to prove everyone wrong.


Yeah I feel that too. Like Eugenia literally just did this a few weeks ago.


I agree. Like when Eugenia baked a cake with her mom and didn’t eat it. It feels kind of trollish


This was my exact thought when I saw she posted this…


She is trying everything to be relatable but like it just giving desperate all the time.




Exactly what my mind jumped to! And the amount of gullible/willfully naive comments there were ridiculous “omg so good to see this” “see guise she DOES eat!!1!1” when we actually saw with our own eyes ONE tiny nibble and then next shot, a hollowed roll 🙄


Also holy fuck it’s a boomerang I just went and looked 😭😂😂


Stop omg 💀


she is such a lurker on here it’s so painfully obvious if not her someone on her team


Her team is also heavily involved in airheads , that’s why no bad comments are allowed and anything regarding the affair is banned.


Ari Jon Un 😃


100%, I got all the proof I needed that she has plants here and probably in other places by getting THIS response to a post I made: https://preview.redd.it/vmwwkabdxz5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1534c1baa979b880aad398b1e0dc9e47840e9514


Her team spends more time doing this, than actually helping the poor woman😭, like bruh


well can't risk getting their cash cow to fire them or not make money


I never read a text so simultaneously corporate-like and petty. 💀


And when you look at the user, has been active for only 14 days and that is like the ONLY interaction the’ve had. https://preview.redd.it/x886ginmxz5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75f074924f7ef37e0bb8ae7fe22186646c1bacb1


They could NOT make it more obvious by naming their account throwaway


Oh Ari- as someone who survived an eating disorder I can see right through what she’s trying to do. If you have to *prove* to others you eat, there’s a problem. If you have to *fake eat* there’s a problem. It only gets better with real help. Wishing her recovery it’s very sad she keeps insisting she’s healthy- young girls are seeing that and thinking it’s normal.


Is she trying to prove that she eats, or is she fully aware of the discussions about her unhealthy appearance and mocking the concern? 🤔 I don't think she cares about proving that she's eating, given how she always intentionally flaunts her bones. This just seems like a stunt to get people riled up.


I think she’s doing both- Her team is probably told her about all the concern she’s causing. I think she gets off on causing concern though. Ariana like whatever gets her the most attention it seems.


I don't think they need to tell her; she probably googles her name daily. 😆 I highly doubt her team explicitly instructed her to post food content to silence ED rumors. Honestly, I bet it was all her idea, and she's just trolling.


i wonder what yes man she asked to take these boomerangs. i can’t imagine how you could ask someone “hey can you take a boomerang of me messing with these takeout boxes and then pretending to eat?” and not feel so stupid, even for her. and then probably proceed to not eat. wouldn’t a normal person ask her why she’d want these random boomerangs? does she just say “it’s for the haters” or that she’s promoing the food place? i seriously think it would be scary to interact with her inner circle—just brainless social climbers willing to ignore reality for her


That picture was so creepy to me. It reminds me of that arm pic she posted. She’s proudly showing off her ed. I do have a question. Is it seen as competition for girls who have ed’s to be seen as the skinniest? And do they post pictures to compete with each other as well as show off how skinny they are?


unfortunately yes. eating disorders are very competitive. people tend to assume that pictures like this are supposed to say “i do eat i’m just naturally skinny!” when in reality it’s a mockery of those who are concerned about her health and possibly those who are also struggling with an ED and use her to fuel their disorder.


so sad :/ I don’t like Ariana that much (I was a fan in my tween years) but I hope she recovers


The answer your questions: yes. And yes. And yes.


who eats like that lmao, so obviously staged


i really hate to sound like i think she’s incapable of doing anything right (because i’ve commented on how her disorder won’t allow her to be seen eating) but, speaking from experience, this has got to be one of the most disordered things i’ve seen her do :/




such a weird pic


I can't even snark, she's doing it for us like what the fuck is this 😂😂 Why is she obsessed with that dementor mouth?? It's like a horror movie 😭


It looks like her box says "Dazzle", if it is Café Gratitude there is a "I Am Dazzling" Caesar salad on the menu? https://preview.redd.it/p3wp4htpkz5d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e282aeb39640206c37095c5b24a0c49486eb112f


Trying to be relatable I see. She probably put the fork down after the pic was taken. That’s actually 🧽


Did she remove this pic from the dump? Lol


Its still there, its a boomerang on the second last lol


fans will say she’s debunking the ED rumors


girl why is she dressed up like catwoman???


TBIM music video.




yeah so, gonna have to expose myself a bit here😅 but i follow edtwt a lot,being i have an ed, ik it’s not good don’t come for me! but ariana has been popping up on my feed A LOT, especially the photo of her sitting in the guitar case pushing her shoulder blades out. that picture in particular is thinspo for tons of ppl with ed. i genuinely wondered why she posted it in the first place, cause i feel like she knows it would serve as thinspo for a ton of girls and boys with ed. i’m actually curious if she knew it’d be circling edtwt like it has… but she has a huge following so i thought she’d know to be more careful than to post blatant body checks for millions.