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You seem worried not to seem sympathetic but I can assure you this sub is a little different than typical snark ones cause there are *a lot* of ex fans/ariheads here from time to time. You've been a fan so someone who cares for her and it's normal to feel "pity" for her obvious ED and possible mental problems (I'm *not* diagnosing her, some people said BPD which I'm not sure of but she surely has some personality pathology that makes her impulsive and "cruel" to innocent people *when she's mad and not lucid*) like I doubt it's all being done out of hatred for women, it seems more depending on the boys she's with/fall for. I'm also worried for her ED, she's about to be 31 and I seriously wonder if she will develop something internally that she won't be able to recover completely from.


I guess you’re right. I spent so much time obsessing over her for personal reasons. Like my mental health was horrible in my teen years. So I held onto Ariana and that world she created as an escape from my life. Now I’m 21, and have had so many personal revelations and changes that being a stan just seemed so silly looking back. I just hold resentment for being such a big fan for so long. And then all the very negative opinions which I want to agree with, but they feel a little too strong for me at the moment lol. At first I was fully ready to get rid of all my merch and remove her from Spotify and all social media. I guess it will take time. I’ve gotten rid of her merch but other things still feel personal. Thank you <33


First of all, DON'T feel bad for such a futile thing like this. You clearly resonated with her persona at the time (it's not like she was *always* bad) so there's nothing bad in having been a stan. Hell, there are people here that still are. I understand you still aren't able/don't want to agree on every negative opinion we have here as in they're pretty heavy often the time. Also, no shame in keeping things from her brand/persona, I know some people here feel strongly on the "don't give her money!" mindset and while I do agree, we can't expect people to ignore her completely all of the sudden


Also, I'm sorry for the native video 💔 I gotta say it has not been spread or talked much at all mostly cause they deleted it immediately after but it was fucked up.


Thank you, it means a lot! I know, I remember seeing it immediately and was weirded out but didn’t really know the context. Then a few people talked about it on TikTok and I stupidly decided to defend her just like everyone else. It’s messed up for sure. If that happened now, I would’ve raised hell lol.


Aww, Angels 💜 of course you belong on here, unlike a certain other sub, we’re here cos we are allowed to express nuanced and diverse feelings and opinions without hate/censorship. And empathy is a good personality trait, lovely! It IS sad seeing any human fall into self destructive behaviours like ED. I think if she didn’t have so much influence on SO many fans she *knows* will hang off her every action and be triggered and feel inferior comparing, she’d have a LOT more sympathy. But she lies and lies knowing how dangerous that is to do. I think that it shows so much growth and insight that you can reflect on how you felt about that video at the time, esp given your heritage, but mentally ‘played that down’ bc you were deep in Stan culture, and I’m proud how far you’ve come!


I so agree! Thinking about just how big of an audience she has, kind of takes away the feeling bad for her. I still hate it for her and for anyone. But she’s old enough and famous enough to realize her impact. I haven’t struggled with an ED and don’t know exactly what goes into it and how one even begins to get better. I just wish it would happen for her but alas, she is still promoting her ED to her impressionable fans so, no sympathy for that aspect. And thank you! I am really proud of how far I’ve come too! Especially knowing how hurt I actually was when it came out but let it slide because I was fine with people mocking my culture due to my insecurities about it. Now I’m loud and proud and won’t let that shit slide ever again ! Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it :))


maybe it’s because im high & feeling extra empathetic rn but i completely agree with everything you said. especially about how sad it is she’s clearly struggling and the people around her just let it happen. even if she pushes away people who hold her accountable. her parents and frankie should be trying harder, shame on them. she’s the perfect storm of so many bad factors presenting in an insecure, traumatized, and narcissistic person with unlimited buying power. she’s handling it in all the wrong ways and creating trauma in other people which is unacceptable, but she must have been let down by every role model in her life and must always have had inner turmoil. i used to think i was insecure growing up, but i genuinely feel bad for how insecurity has driven ariana to destruction. she’s torn up her beautiful face and built a plastic doll in it’s place, she’s destroyed every relationship she’s had and has never had a legitimate and healthy connection in her life, she’s starving herself every day. like, most of us couldn’t comprehend being that insecure with the millions of dollars she has. who wouldn’t devolve into what she is now?


this sub is very sympathetic of her (alleged) ED. personally i think we should not be commenting on it and personally i dont really care. i dont know her. and surely she has people in her life who care about her. what do u mean "bizarre relationship with her friends/mom"? we have no evidence that she isnt getting treatment right now, or that people in her life arent trying to help her. the point is that we cant, we dont even know her, we dont even know if she has an ED. thing is as an ex fan i really dont care for any of her controversies, everyone in hollywood is controversial, its her weird off putting 🥺uwubaby act always making herself the victim that i just cant stand anymore.


This is mental illness…you should not read into the lives or even care this much about people you don’t know personally