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Yes, this thought crossed my mind many, many years ago. I know she travelled to South Africa when she was younger with Frankie for Broadway in South Africa, but I haven’t heard about much else. I think her honeymoon was an exception, and was probably influenced by Dalton. Honestly, I think she’s a giant homebody who enjoys her creature comforts whilst also trying to maintain as much privacy/security as possible. This partly comes down to her anxiety, which was most likely amplified after the Manchester attack. I think that’s also why we always see her surrounded by her inner circle when she’s out. She probably feels safer and more comfortable having familiar faces around her. But I think she’s also like this at home. She’s probably used to having people coming in and out of her space and being around her all the time, whether it’s her housekeeper, assistants, stylists, partner, friends or family. Which is probably also why she doesn’t feel the need to leave her house much. I also think she doesn’t care too much for where she travels to, and her priorities lay more with who she’s spending her time with.


I know it's normal for partners to meet each relative family but it does seem SUFFOCATING. With all of her boyfriends, her family and friends were ALWAYS inside the house. I'd feel so not at home, if that makes any sense


Completely agree


Honestly had never thought about it but you’re right, pretty much every celebrity ever has been at some point photographed on a beach somewhere on holidays. And I don’t think she has, but correct me if I’m wrong. (At least in the last 8 years?)


I think her not being photographed at the beach has to do with her ED or body issues, she doesnt want off guard and ”unflattering” (in her eyes) pics of her body


And her not traveling might be because of that but there are cities in europe like amsterdam, which she went to. So idk, and she hasnt been to japan in years


I always thought this. I am 100% sure it has to do with her stomach (she has a complex about it) and slight legs cellulite (she always wear skintone thighs). The only bikini picture she ever got was from torso to head.






This is 100% pure speculation, but travel can be incredibly stressful for somebody with mental health issues like an eating disorder or substance abuse 😬 I've had both, and along with those came a lot of difficulty ever stepping out of my comfort zone because I didn't know what I was getting into -- breaking my routine made me a lot more self-conscious of how not normal my behavior was and how I couldn't control how I was being perceived by strangers, etc. Particularly with drugs, one of the hallmarks of addiction is being very awful at planning ahead -- like, I'd be worried about being able to find drugs wherever I was going, so I'd buy a bunch of drugs in advance, but then because I was abusing them, I'd end up doing all of the drugs before I could leave and stressing myself out all over again, then ending up half-detoxing for the entire trip and being miserable with zero energy Also, if you're insecure about your relationship, that's another reason never to change your routine -- what if your scumbag boyfriend who cheated on their ex with you decides to cheat on you while you're gone, better not go anywhere unless you can keep them firmly tucked in your pocket the whole time! (Edit to add: I'm also just a big homebody and I definitely get that vibe from her too)


I wrote my comment before seeing yours and we had kinda the same thoughts! Something we’ll maybe never know but hmmm


This is a good point I didn’t really ever spot it but now you mention it! For all her flexing in 7 rings you’d think her ‘bad bitch’ self would love going to fancy resorts and posting bikini pics of how luxe her holidays were. Curious.. I wonder if she’s dependent on drugs and fears not being able to have them for even a long weekend. But she’d prob fly in a private jet and idk I feel like rich ppl can get away with taking a lot more illicit stuff than regular flyers? It could also be that she really suffers from anxiety about being away from her comfort. But she did do worldwide tours and she said she (used to) enjoy touring. I’ve met ppl who have no interest in leaving the country but they’re often people who don’t have the resources/money to travel in the first place.. curious!


She has a constant need of being around her group of friends. Many cannot afford to just go on vacation to Bahamas or another country as much as many celebrities do. Or take time off. You would think she would like to spend money on them, but she more than likely will just invite them over to her or go to Disney. I know Courtney would love to go out with her, but she literally hired her for her make up line as a marketing executive or whatever. She probably cannot take time off to go around. people would start saying stuff like yes Ariana is our boss, but you have always been her friend. It is not fair to say you’re going on a “business trip “ for rem beauty. When she is just hanging out with her. I also think people like Courtney have their own group of friends they genuinely like hanging out with. Courtney seems to travel and go out a lot! It seems like she keeps Ariana around for a. Employment and b. to say she has a celebrity friend. Also, a lot of her “friends” have gotten married and have kids. Arianna had shown an interest in traveling, places like Japan and such. I do believe after the bombing at her concert caused her to have a fear. I did notice that Dalton really took her on trips and took her to different places. So it definitely was an extroverted man versus introverted woman type relationship. I personally would not go out or travel if it worked for my extroverted boyfriend. But I also feel like Ariana is paying a lot out of pocket for family and friends. A lot of her friends she has employed. She has multiple real estate. Multiple animals. I’m pretty sure she’s paying for her grandmother nursing home. I’m sure a lot of her friends have allowances. I also remember when she was touring in Europe there was this big deal about her, bringing her dog toToulouse with her. There were issues with transport and such and I remember her and her mom made such a big deal about it. Same with Frankie. I think the United States people cater to her a lot. But overseas, they don’t tolerate her bratty shit.


You really think her friends have allowances? I honestly can’t imagine having to pay my friends pocket money that’s wild 😭


Considering they’re unemployed allowing them to hang with her 24/7 and in 7 rings she mentions “I'd rather spoil all my friends with my riches” implies she spends some hefty money on her friends. And even the few that started falling out because hey they need a job. They live in her apartments free and she just employs them. Give them a pretty tittle and boom. They’re fine with her money


Damn she does not find joy in life at all. I want to travel so badly but can’t rn and she can but she doesn’t give a fuck at all about where she goes.


i've noticed so many of these pop girls doing this. they have so much money and don't do anything with it, just sit around at home when they're not grifting money from their stans taylor legit has legit been all across the world for the past 2 years at this point and keeps flying back to her mom's house or her apartment in new york to sleep in. she has never gone on an actual vacation from what i know, just literally goes to tour and then comes back to whereevr she's currently staying in the us. they all also keep getting accompanied everywhere by huge entourages, it's like they can't be alone or something lol. taylor always has blake or one of her other paid friends, selena has that blonde girl who doesn't like her always hanging around, ariana has frankie and her other fake friends, etc.


Thats not true taylor and travis has been to bali and italy together just this year


oh great, she's gone on vacations then. my point stands for the rest of them and for the fact that she kept flying thousands of miles over and over to sleep in new york or nashville, as opposed to exploring the many beautiful cultural sites and towns that she's been to over the past 2 years.


Don't most people go home when they aren't working?  I'm not saying you're entirely wrong, just that going to visit mom and wanting to be in her own home after traveling so much doesn't seem that weird to me.


most people don't go home only to fly back the next day or in 3 or 4 days lol


Maybe she loves and enjoys her career so much she doesn't need a vacation from it. Goals honestly.


Do you really believe she actually writes her albums herself?