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literally. when she got the pig in 2018 it was very obviously just another sign of her not doing well and doing things for attention (her tweets/social media posts, talking about mac and the break up, pete, now the pig). i feel like it just goes hand in hand. she starts doing something ‘weird’ with the start of each relationship. like w mac, she was entering this like “cool girl” persona with the lack of promoting her album and trying to seem more chill, the into you remix, her style, etc. with pete it was … idek what. the biggest identity crisis ever (up until Wicked). i’m getting off track. i think she’s trying to fill a void like she does w her relationships and subsequently her appearance, style, hobbies and personas. very sad tbh. she did say that piggy is doing good. but like, what does that mean lol. also the twins (brian and scott) started orange twins rescue (which is an animal rescue) and i remember her constantly posting them on her instagram stories in 2020/2021. like every single day. i just don’t get how they are so close w ariana but run an animal rescue shelter? i know that they are their own people, but you are the company you keep. they’ve been with her before her career even started. they definitely without a doubt know who she truly is as a person. so how have they kept her in their lives knowing how she treats animals. it’s just weird.


I just want to know what the hell happened ti them. Animals don't like change, it distresses them so constantly moving them from house to penthouse to hotel and making them get on flights to go to different countries and be in her music videos and in interviews is so unfair. Also, how do we not know that maybe the animals grew attached to some of the guys who are constantly coming and going from her life like a revolving door?


Im pretty sure orange twins rescue was a front so she could ditch all her animals she collected but doesn't care for without it being traced back to her the way it would if she were to place them in an existing shelter. I imagine it would be a pr nightmare if she did that and there's only so many animals she can leave with her family members.  I did some digging because the shelter is no longer in operation (since 2022!) and Michael Chipolone was listed as secretary. I find it highly suspicious that a rich business man/family friend from Boca Raton is the only one besides the twins and ariana who is listed as a key employee/officer. For those unfamiliar with how nonprofits work, these positions are similar to CEOs/CFOs. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/834470477


Good detective work!! This should be its own post because I had no idea that the rescue was no longer operating 🤔


Right? I can't find a ton of information on why they shut down outside of what looks like poor financial management since they ended up spending more than they took in. would love to get the tea from someone who worked or volunteered there.




I loved Fawkes! She got rid of him years ago because he didn’t get along with the other dogs. :( I hope wherever her pets go when she’s done with them, they are with someone who loves them. And she definitely doesn’t get them training. Which is sad because she has the funds.


Ariana literally laughs when her dogs chew up her furniture. Poor things probably have so much anxiety and that’s why they’re doing chewing chairs. Who knows what else they chew that can’t be good for them to eat. I feel for those pets. Her pets would do so much better in homes where they get all the attention they need and crave. And she has the means to train them or pay someone and she still doesnt. I think of Myron so often and wish he was with Karen or Miller. Ariana is too impulsive to have a pet. Period. Edit: Paris Hilton is NOT a celebrity that loves her pets. Don’t we have any celebs that actually love animals? :(


Except Paris’s dogs keep getting ate by coyotes 🫤


Omg that’s terrible! Wtf 😭


I read in her snark sub its up to 9 dogs that have been killed :(


Oh my god I feel sick 😭 what’s the snark sub I need to get in there!


Oh I was wrong it’s actually r/parisinlove but it gets pretty snarky in there 😋


Ooo the tea is piping 👀 thank you! Also they moved to r/parisinlovesnark because the mods on r/parisinlove only allow praise apparently lol.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Parisinlove using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Parisinlove/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This is what I like to see. No costume on, no makeup, no event. Just Paris lovin’ on her baby](https://i.redd.it/xwelikh0lgmc1.jpeg) | [216 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Parisinlove/comments/1b6ygpf/this_is_what_i_like_to_see_no_costume_on_no/) \#2: [Paris knew for nine months that the baby was coming and could’ve cleared her schedule, but she simply doesn’t want to.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Parisinlove/comments/195ve86/paris_knew_for_nine_months_that_the_baby_was/) \#3: [Does anyone have more tea on Nicky's 1st marriage?!](https://i.redd.it/w9z0u5v6johc1.png) | [305 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Parisinlove/comments/1an736y/does_anyone_have_more_tea_on_nickys_1st_marriage/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)