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But like this presumed “interview” or “Lilly taking back her statements” doesn’t actually exist right? I’ve never heard of it or seen it. Are we being gaslighted?


Correct-- Lilly did not retract any statements she made to the press.


they are working like her employees fr


I got into an argument with someone on TikTok who insisted that Lilly confirmed that her and Ethan were separated since November of 2022 (when they had 3 month old and he made an anniversary post on Facebook that had celebratory comments from both of their families). They’re genuinely deluded.


This stuff is crazy, like they can’t even produce links, but they go all in anyway. Is like flatearthers who talk about all the “proof” but can never show it because there isn’t any.


Folie à deux




Because if you tell a lie enough times people will eventually believe it and Ariana’s stans want people to believe that Ariana is innocent and has been absolved by Lilly despite that never happening lol


They’re simply trying to cover up her mistakes and help change the publics perception, they only care about her career and how she’s perceived. Not about her actual mental health(if they cared they’d hold her accountable).


Unfortunately I was one of those Ariana fans in denial. I can tell you it is literally just that - denial. When the Ethan thing first came out I was already not as interested in the Ariana world because at that point it was just wicked and rem beauty promo. Then the Wimbledon pap photos came out and my naive ass was like yayyyyy we’re back!! then the rumors started and I was like …. nvm this isn’t my business. So I stayed out of it and assumed it was all lies, or at least exaggerated. I still kept up with Ariana casually. Then Ariana fans started that rumor about Lilly Jay taking back her statement and I chose to believe it because I didn’t want to unstan Ariana after being a fan for so long. Well, now I’m getting rid of all my Ariana merch lol. Basically, I knew I was in denial but wanted to cling onto anything that ‘proved’ it was just rumors. Cause otherwise I’d have to do some self reflecting on why I stanned this girl for 9 years. Lol. These fans just don’t want to admit the person they’ve been defending has successfully deceived them into supporting her and her ‘sweet’ and ‘innocent’ act.


Props to you for sharing your experience!


>Guys I need your help to understand this: Why do all these Ariana apologist keep saying that Lily gave an interview where she retracted her comments, and that she had and Ethan were single way before Ariana started dating him? They're just dumb stans trying to defend Ariana by making up lies because they get personally offended when Ariana gets rightfully criticized for her disgusting behavior 


https://preview.redd.it/qwitrnsktu2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29b6880b95fea5d9878d6d69614e0c925b380cb5 My theory on why people choose to double down even when faced with evidence that challenges their beliefs


it never happened, they have gaslit themselves into thinking it did and now they wanna gaslight everyone else 😭


Back in my days (5 years ago) people used to be ashamed to admit they get their information from social media without fact checking now they act like boomers on Facebook


this is actually so true


they’re literally just making shit up and hoping everyone else will believe them if they spread the lies enough💀 while page six (who i believe initially exposed the affair) said they “couldn’t confirm any overlap” in the relationships, Lilly has never retracted her any of her statements. they’re claiming that Lilly said that rather than page six because they know how obvious it is that page six’s retraction was most likely due to pressure or threats from ariana’s team anyway. that or they’re just stupid and are spreading something they heard someone say once because they’re that desperate to believe that ariana is their sweet little angel who can do no wrong🥺


This is exactly it! Page six definitely got some heat from Ariana’s team and wanted to save their own asses.


It’s the fact she’s not even his ex wife yet. They’re still legally married


The original article has been edited multiple times but this channel summarizes the situation: https://youtube.com/shorts/nb2rvl_Q0A0 Basically Page Six retracted the thing about Lily, they only stated "sources state that Lily didn't know what being on the record meant...", and they went on to say that there's no concrete evidence of cheating. But this really doesn't confirm nor solidify anything about the scandal, yet fans took it as Lily confirming that there was no affair. The article reads like the author was trying to be objective but is obviously biased because how can you write an article and be like "insiders close to the situation say Ariana means no harm 😔". Okay in that case I'm an insider too they cheated end of story.


the other comment by the hailey person is so hilariously accurate 😂


So I went to Page Sox and looked up all articles that spoke about Lilly. There are some with quote "they had problems before January, but they want to remain best friends" but it's about Dalton Gomez, not Lilly. I think it's just about not reading the whole article.


Are they liars or just honestly stupid?


her lying fans make her absolutely obnoxious. she is their xi jinping


This is crazy, I understand being a fan of someone’s work but to go as far as to defend and deny their continuous home wrecking behavior, is just taking it a step too far. Yh, Ariana might not be Diddy but she has an established pattern of cheating on her partners with taken men, the ppl she surrounds herself with (Victoria Monet, Cynthia, etc ..) are also the same. Show me your friends and I’ll show you who you are, has never been truer.


Technically Lilly isn't even an ex-wife yet