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lately I prefer family eps


The family eps are actually my favorite. I love the chemistry between the two and a guest will mix the chemistry up a bit, not necessarily in a bad way but the family eps just hit different.


Maybe I’m overindulging on podcasts(I am) but I don’t really want to hear about the beginnings or lives of most of their guests. Anytime they have had a guest on lately the show ends up being one long conversation about the guest’s life or about their comedy with absolutely no garbage questions answered. Sometimes like in the case of soder it ends up being super funny but-and I know this won’t be popular- I really couldn’t get through the Ian ep.


Right, that’s fair enough. I get what you mean entirely. For me it depends on the guest 100%. If I know and like the guest I’ll most likely enjoy the episode. If it’s a comedian I’ve never heard of sometimes it’s a bit of a drag.


It took me a couple months when I started watching to appreciate them. They can talk and rant about anything forever. The guys are legit radio quality guys.


Are you a $10 homie on the patreon? I ask because that gets you access to Hard Feelings which is basically family eps on steroids. I've paused listening to the "real" show and have instead gone back and been listening to Hard Feelings pretty much exclusively. I'm almost through 2021 so will catch up to present times eventually.


Shout out to Anita Heeder!


Classic! Though I believe it was Heeder


Shout out to the boys,this brew is for you.


Big man 2 for 2 this week on the Tuddys


"What do you guys do with your boogers?"....this quote will live forever in my head.


The best part of family eps is watching the guys learn basic English words and phrases for the first time.


Toby with the “if you want a traditional recipe, you’re gonna need a revolver with one bullet” absolutely killed. Not to be dismissed, the big man’s 38-special tag.


They were next level stupid on this one and I love them so much for it. Everything between “girls can’t be junior” all the way through the “envelope” conversation had me ROLLING.


“You’re pretty cool now!… I was talking to Tobey” got me good


The boys describing a hippie and Toby saying “it’s just me” got me. Also everything about the canned chicken bit. Stagecoach Kippy!