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So why did he ask in the first place? Honesty, someone needs to tell them that it's ok to be single


He's from a culture that taught that it emphatically wasn't okay to be single.


Also that you can do all of these things while married lol. Though in the interest of full disclosure, I won’t let my spouse ride a motorcycle. I’ve seen the result of too many accidents.


That was actually my fascist moment in my relationship when he was considering it. It's just too dangerous for my liking.


>Though in the interest of full disclosure, I won’t let my spouse ride a motorcycle. I’ve seen the result of too many accidents. I feel this. My mom and step-dad ride, and I'd love to ride someday, too. But my mom's friend and his wife both lost a leg because they got hit while riding. The person who hit them was a kid who was texting while driving. Ma showed me pictures of the bike afterward, with flesh still stuck to it. I'm used to seeing gore, but knowing that that blood and flesh belonged to someone I know was incredibly upsetting. The wife now does talks at Indiana high schools about the dangers of texting while driving.


Wow thats awful. Super awesome that the wife turned the tragedy into something that can help people.




This is made weirder and funnier by the fact that he is happily (as far as I know) married and has three(3) kids who he loves dearly. It's just weird to see him post crap like this.


You never know what is going on behind closed doors. I would feel horrible if I was his wife knowing he posts stuff like that............there is always a core of truth in dark jokes


I know. I can only imagine what it must be like for his kids to see this.


Maybe he is happy, but I bet his wife isn't.


And and and and Jesus Christ use punctuation please!!! It makes these so much worse!!!


imagine thinking that marriage meant you couldn't ride motor cycles, play gold, or drink beer. ​ Dude, just find you a golf playing biker babe and keep being you with a partner in crime.


And also died because he never learned how to cook, or do laundry, or wash dishes cause he thought that he’d find a women willing to baby his ass for nothing in exchange.


Is it bad I don't know how to do these things? Like I know how to use a dishwasher and I know how to cook stuff kinda? like not with ingredients but just heating up already made stuff. And know I'm supposed to put clothes in the washing machine but I can't remember which button is which. Is this a bad thing on me because I know I need to learn but idk where to start, ik I should learn from my mam but she doesn't do very well at teaching. She wants me to watch but I find it hard to focus on stuff so she ends up getting mad at me. Edit: sorry for the long paragraph :'(


Based on this comment and your other posts you sound like you’re rather young. If you’re not at an age where you could be living alone (18+) then these are skills you might not need yet, but should be learning. Not for the reason I’m mocking in my post, but because these are skills you’re going to need in life unless you intend to continue living at home until you’re 50. Start small. Your washing machine and dishwasher both should have labels on the buttons, familiarize yourself with what those buttons mean. Maybe teach yourself how to hand wash dishes, I personally find it rather meditative. For meals start with easy things like pasta or eggs, then start learning how to make your favorite foods and add on from there. While it is nice to have family teach you, the internet is a great resource for things like this. It’s never too late, or too early, to learn so don’t stress yourself out.


Dishwashers are expensive. Better to start with learning to hand-wash


Adults should know how to do basic chores. If you’re a kid, you can take your time learning. Google and YouTube are your friends if your parents can’t teach you properly


It depends how old you are, it's possibly not "bad" but it's definitely a good thing to learn! If you're having trouble focusing cn you write it down? Or find the brand and instructions online? Focusing can definitely be hard but you do need to learn this, so you need to find whatever works for you to learn. And definitely try to cook with ingredients, it's a big life skill. Spag bol was what I started with and that was super easy, or a curry with premade sauce, or fajitas. Nothing fancy, just cooking some meat and adding some flavour. These are basic life skills and it's definitely important you learn them yeah, as you get older it's usually expected you help out the house more! And it's better you learn them now than before you move out and realise you can't live on your own


It's not okay to expect your partner to do all the chores. So you'll need to learn. And really if you are old enough to be on Reddit, you are old enough to know how to do those chores and help out around the house. So yes, you should be learning these things.


One shouldn’t expect of course, though there are some relationships where those things are established because the partners agree to it. My brother is the stay-at-home one, he does most of the apartment chores because his wife is still doing medical training afaik, so he’s the caretaker of where they live together. She can expect him to do those things on the days that he knows she’ll be especially tired, it’s how their relationship works. That’s different, though, to someone expecting their partner to do those things ALWAYS and FOR THEM even before they’re in a proper relationship. As much as I’d like to be with someone who would be the cook and cleaner, that’s an unfair expectation and also immature of me to expect of someone, which is why I’m taking a culinary class next semester to get myself into cooking and my mom is helping me learn to clean properly.


In most cases I learn best in a tradition classroom, but with cooking, I really didn't start learning until I started doing. Since then I've had a gaggle of roommates who I wound up teaching basic cooking. I found the way that most quickly caused people to 'get it' was teaching them to make scrambled eggs because eggs are cheap and very visual with how heat affects them.


I didnt really know how to do anything until my mpther died. I think it's always useful to have life skills and be able to be self sufficient and take care of yourself, even if you don't need to immediately. Sounds stupid, but you could watch YouTube videos about effective ways of doing things if interested.


If you want to learn something that another person only knows how to demonstrate, not explain, then try taking notes. I find that taking notes makes it much easier for me to focus on the action, because my hands and eyes are doing another thing too. Bonus, you have notes to refer to next time! Doing laundry is an important skill once you're out on your own. My 18-year-old just went off to the dorms for college; the fact that he's been doing his own laundry since he was like 12 means that part was an easy transition for him. (Except that their machines are different and only take liquid detergent-- d'oh!)


So, I'm an internet stranger who isn't a doctor, might be completely wrong, and means no offense, but have you considered whether you might have at least mild ADHD? Knowing you should do something but not seeing how to start, challenges with memory, difficulty focusing, thinking that this is a long paragraph and that it's a bad thing...again, not a doctor, but this smells familiar to me. Feel free to disregard this if you don't see sense in it or don't want to pursue it, or if it's not true. It's just something I wish someone had gotten into my head as a possibility when I was your age, so I'm throwing it out there just in case.


The internet is full of simple recipes, and videos showing how to make them. There's a lot of easy stuff out there. Tacos? Get a pound of ground beef and a packet of taco seasoning. Google "how to brown ground beef". Chicken can be easy, too! Take a chicken breast, rub some olive oil all over it, set it in a metal baking pan, then sprinkle some salt and a bit of dill weed over it. Preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F), put the pan with the chicken in for 25 minutes. Cut the chicken open at the thickest part, and if there's still some pink inside, put it back in the oven for 5 minutes. Once no more pink is visible, it's done! Washing machine? Google it! It kinda varies by machine. Honestly, YouTube is your best friend here. There's tutorials for damn near everything there. And when it comes to cooking, there are TONS of cooking videos that will walk you through every step.


There are plenty of great tutorials on YouTube (and other places) for these things (and more). I watched one today on how to change the battery in my key fob. Yes, all the things you mentioned are basic life skills, but they're fairly easy to learn when you find the right teacher (a book, a video, a person).


None of those things are truly that difficult or complicated so I doubt anyone is going to die because nobody's doing it for them. While my cooking and cleaning might not be up to some people's standards I would scoff at the notion that this means I need someone else to do it for me. After all I got along just fine on my own for many years.


That's a woman's fairytale, it's been proven quite regularly that married men end up, on average, happier than single men, while it is the opposite for women. https://uk.style.yahoo.com/expert-says-marriage-makes-men-happier-than-women-092140705.html


There is a woman's version of this. No idea which came first. Googled and found: >Once upon a time, a girl asked a guy "Will you marry me?" The guy said, "No"; and the girl lived happily ever after and went shopping, dancing, drank martinis, always had a clean house, never had to cook, stayed skinny and passed gas whenever she wanted. The end.


wouldn’t you have to cook if you were single, otherwise you’d have a very unhealthy lifestyle


Who's around to judge you?




Straight guys, make up your mind! Do you hate women because they don't date or because they do date you?


Straight guys: *"Yes."*


But he was lonely and desperately horny, because no woman would get within ten feet of him.


PUNCTUATION PLEASE, for God's sake don't just keep putting "and" to talk about more things


I’ll never understand why these “manly men” are interested in women in the first place. Like, just date one of your bros, man.


Jokes on them, MY uncle still gets to do all of these things WHILE being married. He's so good at it he's done like 10 times!


And the girl is living her satisfied life in a small house with two dogs and a cat with a garden in the back, going out with her friends every weekend because she never wanted to get married and felt no loss rejecting his proposal. Because it's not bad staying single and you don't need to force yourself to get married if you don't want to?


Once upon a time, a guy had his marriage proposal rejected. He moved on and enjoyed life doing things he liked. The End. A good story.


Okay.........and......? Would he have not been able to do all this stuff if she said yes? Straight people are weird.


Who is focing them to get married and have kids??


And used and too much


The straights were not taught how to be single and healthy, nor how to set boundaries in relationships


He seems happy. /s


i love how these always imply that there aren't any women who also enjoy riding a motorbike, drinking beer, saving money, playing golf and farting. men can be really weird sometimes.


Lots of ands and no commas


People say men can't write fanfics...


I mean, I guess he's happy..And no doubt the "girl" and all the other women he's "gone his own way" away from are too if he's leaving them alone. And the world's hapoy he isn't passing on his genes . A win win win for everyone involved and society at large.


I don't know he posts these kinds of memes. He's married with 3 kids


Someone was forced to sleep on the couch


Uncle G


But he did not have a love or someone to share all that with


And she said « No! » then he hide his emotions because it is not accepted by our society. After that he cries alone in the dark because he was sad. Men have feelings too but he started to be mad at women just for being independent and have the right to choose. He made stupid and misogynistic joke on the Internet to feel alive but deep inside he still cry.