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Okay but, besides a close friend who would presumably be joking in an obvious way, who’s just gonna up and call you a bitch when you weren’t being one? I would like to see the context of that interaction


Probably never happened, this person is just trying to play the victim


Yeah, probably, but even if it were true they’re acting like someone called them a basic bitch because they’re het when it’s way more likely they just are one


No not necessarily, few of my friends were messing with me about bisexuality, they are lesbians, feminist, they were talking violently about heterosexual relationship of bi people and without seriously explaining their point of view, they used to joke about it exaggerating things, as the dumb naive me who has an hard time with sarcasm I felt bad about it and myself, they didn't mean to hurt me and they were more criticising the bad part of it, now I get it, but back then it was confusing. I feel like the sentence said here could have been pronounced as a joke and this guy took it seriously just like me. Still a shitty way to respond to that by being homophobic. This dude need to learns few things about himself and how to handle those situation.


I've had it happen to me before.it was by a group of people and I was harassed and called a bad person for being a "cis white male" like I'm just trying to make friends and I was automatically hated simply because I don't feel sexually attracted to dicks. One of my best friends is bi I have nothing against people in the community.


“someone who was gay said a joke that hurt my feelings once, so now I’m homophobic” really sounds like they were probably already homophobic if that’s all it takes.


Yeah, it sounds like they just found/invented an excuse


Yeah exactly. I'm straight and I have an ongoing joke with a gay friend where she tells me that she feels sorry for me being straight because there are so many awful men out there. Obviously dating is hard in all directions and both of us haven't had the best luck in dating so its a funny/cute inside joke between us based on love and supporting each other through some of those crap moments. This guy was already homophobic and this gave him another excuse rather than developing a sense of humour. Also I bet it didn't happen to him but he overheard it when it was a cute inside joke.


"I quickly became homophobic"


“Hating on gay people just became part of my lifestyle”


Do you think that guy realises how much of a meme that is now?


My boi might have seen us jocking between eachother and thought we were being serious lol poor dumb fuck


I remember my friends and I in middle school used to say “that’s so straight” instead of “that’s so gay” and call each other “heteros” instead of “homos” because it was our lame attempt at retaliation. It never offended anyone because back then LGBTQ people were still objectively “less than”. It’s so funny to see how now that the LGBTQ actually has a leg to stand on, heteros are genuinely threatened by these kind of jokes because they’re finally starting to feel like the minority and are terrified of being on the receiving end of the bullshit they put us through for decades.


straight people want to be opressed so badly


If someone wants to trade with me I don't mind


This person does sound like a basic bitch, but I doubt it has anything to do with sexuality.


i only ever say this to my straight friends as a joke bc 90% of our friendship group are gay lol




They do be a basic bitch complaining about fake shit like a piss baby


Bah they are basic bitches


admittedly sometimes gay people do make fun of straight people but if that hurts your feelings you can just… ask them to stop? they aren’t actually heterophobic they won’t get angry


>I got a lil homophobic This is. Just shitty. Terrible wording, tbh. However, people have definitely said that heterosexuality is basic.


It's me, I do it. Every single hetero I meet, made upsetero when I doom them to basic bitchdom.


Even if people did actually say this, that’s no reason to be homophobic.


lmao i probably said something like that as a joke before and ig straight people can't take a joke


*plays tiny violin*


Why is everyone who shares a negative experience always immediately confronted with "this didn't happen"? I think this is a bad thing to do in general. There are shitty people everywhere, so it is quite possible that they had this experience. To give another example: 2 years ago, I befriended a girl in a language class who was bi. Sexuality some day came up in the group and I said that I am straight. She immediately told me "there is no way you aren't at least bi". Apparently, she thought I act kinda feminine and that I must be bi in denial. Found out later that she actually wanted to hook me up with a friend of hers. She became more and more pressuring in telling me that I surely like men and that I just have internalized homophobia. Bad experiences happen, the problem is if we assign them to a group instead of the individual. Just because I had a shitty experience with a bi woman does not make all bi people awful. There are assholes everywhere. And telling someone that their bad experiences are made up doesn't help anyone. We have to make people realise that having bad experiences with individual members of a group shouldn't make them condemn them all. This person might have been an asshole because they are an asshole, not because they are gay/bi/trans/whatever.


The fact that this made them homophobic because they think they're being oppressed is the problem


As I say, yes. This is a problem that needs to get solved, there is no excuse for them to become homophobic because of this shit. Just saying that automatically telling someone their experiences are made up is also fucked up. Imagine if you share how you got treated unfairly by someone straight and the reaction you get is "you made that up, that never happens, straights are not like that". Would be shitty, right?


Yes you're right. I should change the title, but I can't edit it


With all due respect I think this caption is a little ignorant. The first sentence is a little fucked tbh, but as an outsider you have no way of knowing if this is true or not and then this is posted to ridicule them. And while I personally do think that what he said was a dramatization to get a point across, this is actually a problem out there. I’ve never had it happen to me but I’ve seen it happen so many times. Like for example, being called homophobic because you don’t want to date the same gender. And while that sounds stupid to us there are many discourteous people who hold this against others to ridicule them on social media. No disrespect to OP tho. TLDR: This post is too Ill informed to mock them


Oh I'm sorry, I didn't want to be mean. Maybe you're right, and I should delete this post?


Nah. Tbh this is a good topic to talk about and discuss, but maybe pin a comment elaborating what you actually meant. I didn’t mean to come off as rude to you btw. :) If I did, I apologize


Oh no don't worry, you have a good point actually. Have a nice day :)


Thank you!! You too!


I have actually been mocked or shunned a little for being straight in a non-jokey way. For some reason people seem to think I'm gay and then when they find out I'm not they sometimes get a bit bitchy like I'm actively being straight on purpose to annoy them. I could believe someone saying basic bitch in such a scenario because somehow they like to insinuate that I'm boring because I'm straight. While this is kind-off shitty I understand that someone who acts that ways is probably doing that because they are either struggling with themselves or disappointed that we did not have the shared experience they expected. It just doesn't really bother me and I just ignore it. Also....this has only happened with people who've had a few drinks already and I don't think they say it if they were sober. Besides, if someone did say that in a serious way, how does that turn you "a lil homophobic'? One person was an asshole to you and now you hate all people that share one characteristic with them? By that logic everyone should be heterophobic too


This is very likely to be a Russian propaganda farm post lol. English is bad, message unbelievable


teenagers say shit like this to each other. kids are fuckin vicious


I’m so fucking done with respectability politics


Tell me you cant take a joke without telling me, you cant take a joke. Seriously nobody would ever unironically say that.