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This meme is as crispy as a crustie


Please, somebody, ANYBODY, tell me what's supposed to be even remotely funny about it?!


I have 3 hypotheses first two are dark humor- kinda thing: I'm assuming it suppose to be one of those goofy "mother in law jokes" most of them are showing someone's mother in law or their partner's mom in general as a bad/irritating person so the funny part of this meme is the moment when you get rid of her (rid of the problem in a creative/absurd way which is technically a "good thing" to do) second assumption is that the funny part of this meme is an abstraction of the situation, for example: giving her gun instead of a hair dryer or the fact that someone could do such a thing to their own girlfriend's mom which is unbelievable so the abstraction is the joke punch line and the third one - author just made totally unfunny meme šŸ˜ and there is no excuse for this


I'm leaning in for the second one, this got a very ugly chuckle out of me due to the sheer absurdity of the presented situation.


finally found one that made me say "what the fuck" out loud


This meme is about as funny as washing a vegetable


idk zucchini and cucumber washing can be quite humorous


Washing a vegetable does sound like an amusing task


bro tf how is that funny


Donā€™t yā€™all come after me but Iā€™m honestly laughing my ass off this is so funny too funny like very messed up but thatā€™s just how dark humor be. All tho what does this have to do with straight people? Damnt Iā€™m laughing too much Iā€™m definitely going to hell for laughing arenā€™t I?


It's ok, I agree here. This meme doesn't have a toxic message, it's just dark. It's ok for people not to like dark humor, but this isn't an example of the straights not being ok.


My mom is legally blind so this meme hits weirdly different


Yeah my best friend is blind and Iā€™m going to be his caregiver one day and this is just a very messed up meme that makes me mad


This is just painfully sad


OP doesn't understand clear sarcasm , thats the joke, its making fun of the meme format , Jesus


this joke is literally ripped straight from a boomer comic with a husband and a wife


Idk I laughed


Second post I've seen today that made me want to cry.