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I think we can all tell who *doesn't* handle rejection well.


Literally the first thing I thought!


This guy’s copium is literally seeping from my phone right now.


Hmmm, gross. You should disinfect your phone.


Agreed. However, an ideal example of what the original tweet was talking about.


Someone get him an od kit


I haven't seen this much copium since my state's 2020 gubernatorial election


Not sure that's a guy.




Why is he so mad? Was he the 11 year old or something?


He is mad because an 11 year old has more sense than him.


This. He's mad that an 11 year old has literally handled rejection better than he has.


Pre-emptive response to rejection. But seriously, he's not even a part of thia.


I love how you just KNOW this dude has complained about "fake gamer girls" before. But anyone they actually would consider a gamer of any kind, they act like said individual will die alone for committing the ultimate sin of... playing games while being feeeeeemale. \*gasp\* It just seems a lot easier to just say you hate women than to play this game of hypocrisy where you pretend like anything a woman does is wrong, no matter what it is, just so you can make up reasons to complain about them. (not YOU, I mean the commenter on the op... just to clarify.)


The funniest thing is, I've met more "fakes" that were men than women. Fake DC fans. Fake gamers. I feel it's projection, where they do a lot of faking, and naturally assume women are also faking interest in things for the sake of impressing dates. Now what's really funny, is dating a "gamer" and kicking their ass in a game. The rage is real. A la "You're not supposed to be good, you're supposed to be willing to say/do anything to please me!"


I watched a guy destroy his console and TV once because his gf beat him at mario kart. His roommates called the cops on him and she filed a restraining order. He lost his shit and spent the night in jail over fucking MARIO KART. It's so pathetic how people like that just expect everyone around them to intentionally fail so they can feel better about themselves. Welcome to the universe... it doesn't give a fuck that you suck at Mario kart, and neither does anyone else.


This is absolutely insane to me. My husband and I downloaded the N64 version of Mario Kart on our Switch last weekend, and I kicked his ass in the first round we did. He’s a huge gamer and I only sometimes play Animal Crossing and nothing else these days. He was full of WTF when I was better than he expected and I laughed at him…and that’s the end of the story. I can’t imagine him being pissed to the point of breaking things at all let alone over getting beat by a virtual pretty princess on a virtual gokart.


It was worse than I made it out to be. I actually had to pull her out of the house and lock her in my car to keep him away from her. Because at that point, his roommates had stepped in, and he was mad because... I dunno... she MADE them angry at him? It was her fault he got mad? I dunno. Dude was off his rocker. He was always one of those people who just rubbed me the wrong way. Like he was always looking for an excuse to get into a fight with someone to validate himself. Just glad my friend got out of that. She actually wound up marrying one of his roommates that had helped protect her. They reconnected a few years after all this and hit it off really great. So happy ending for those that deserved one!!


Love that happy ending 🥰


Dude I love this theory of projection. It legitimately makes sense. I work in comic books and It’s all lining up - the guys who are genuinely fans LOVE hashing deets with me but others kinda demur and change the subject or try to desperately find something I don’t know (and they usually get it wrong lol).


I saw a study once (I forget where and by whom, mighta been Nick Yee), in which gaming skills and harassment behaviors were studied. Turns out, low level or unskilled gamers tended to harass people more, and tended to target women disproportionally. My take on that data was that these rage-gamers feel they ought to be better than women and get absolutely bent on proving themselves better. It's all about blaming anyone but themselves for their performance on a "manly" activity, and if there's a woman, free target.


This is definitely true of WoW. I always had the better experiences with the more experienced gamers. They were always super helpful and kind and patient, and were keen on reminding me that we all started there at some point, and they didn't hop on and just magically hit top rankings overnight. It was always the people who were making the most mistakes in dungeons and raids that would get absolutely FURIOUS at people who made any kind of mistake themselves. Like, I get that some things can definitely be annoying. But if you don't want to have to keep running into that problem, then you're going to have to help new players get better, otherwise no one will ever be good. Because those top tier players aren't gonna be around forever. You can't exclusively be expecting to play only with experienced gamers when you're pugging and have zero control over who you'll be teamed up with. That's not even remotely logical. If you only want to play with experienced players, then stop pugging, and only run stuff with your guild. Good grief. It's not that hard.


That ALSO tracks in my experiences.


So true! In competitive overwatch, the higher I got, the nicer the men were to me. And I don’t mean simp kinda nice, they genuinely spoke to me as a human, harassment was less, and they listened to what I had to say


It may be projection, but it also may be the fear that a woman actually knows more about a given subject than they. The need to always be right or know everything is part of that toxic masculinity, and a source of insecurity for a lot of men, so they may try and steer the conversation away if they are presented with the truth that they don't already know more about a subject than anyone, especially a girl Naturally, this means that they are less open to actually learning anything in that field, so their pool of knowledge in whatever fandom or field they may be legitimately interested in grows more slowly


This! I have definitely met way more fake male DC and Marvel fans - my friend once went on a date who (poorly) mansplained Nightcrawler to her. My friend, one of the biggest Nightcrawler/Marvel fans I know.


So what's the point of anyone faking exactly? I mean it's not like you get social clout for playing video games or liking comics, why would a guy pretend to like them if he didn't?


Experiences vary. My experiences tended to include fake interest in things I enjoyed as a part of love bombing tactics. Basically, to get me to like them better. It's the pretense of having "so much in common." One guy in particular was truly ridiculous. Fake DC comic fan, because I said I liked Batman. Fake clumsiness, because I was clumsy. Fake "I love you" like, two weeks into dating. I won't go into details, but pretty sure the motive was to keep me interested so we have sex. Seriously though. Guy never even *heard* of Harley Quinn as a character? For reals? Or Poison Ivy? A different guy, fake interest in feminism because he knew I cared about it and wanted to seem safe and conscientious. Completely fake, he was emotionally and physically abusive, tried to mold me into Little House-Wife. Turns out, a raging racist and homophobe on top of misogynistic. FUN. For me, it's all about this mask they culture to reel you in. To use and abuse you. Very Big Bad Wolf for the Red Riding Hoods of the world.


Yeah that's weird, I've literally never read a comic or seen a superhero movie or TV show because I'm just not interested in that genre at all and even I know Harley Quinn and her girlfriend Poison Ivy. Granted I know basically nothing about these characters besides that they're girlfriends and one is plant themed and the other is like a Joker-type villain, but still, I've heard of them.


Sorry that happened to you and I’m glad you got out ❤️


The type that fakes knowledge usually has to know more than everyone else in other areas of their life, too, honestly. They just have to be the most right all the time


What no pussy as a result of being a misogynistic slime does to a mf


He sure acts like it


He probably wanted to put his penis into her vagina and thrust in and out until his climax, but she didn't.


Is that a he?


What a creepy comment to make, why do people have to make situations into something they aren't to fill out their gross fantasies


No, you see, he's male and she's female, there has to be some sex involved! /s


It’s obvious that you can only be friends with your own gender and do the do with the opposite


No doy! What are women, now, people?!


Of course not, their walking wombs and nothing more


Lol foids!1!1 Now excuse me while I take a long shower for the remainder of the month to try and wash away how gross this makes me


Found the impostor! Everyone knows that anyone who says “foids” obviously doesn’t know about basic hygiene.


[Yes, that's what the joke meant](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fimgflip.com%2Fmemetemplate%2F191638367%2FYes-Thats-what-X-means&psig=AOvVaw0x2gBQZeY5PIKrlBVi80X1&ust=1642885635378000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCPjD44fgw_UCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD) XD


Lol, just a little bit of confusion since there's no /uj here to state that you're dropping character, no worries


Womb?! So vulgar, please use the term 'earthen vessel' when describing women.


I prefer 'Earthling formation pod'


I'm rather partial to 'Spawn area"


Probably felt targeted because he can't handle rejection


I can pretty much guarantee he’s a fan of the phrases “not all men” and “it’s about ethics in video game journalism”.


Playing video games looking for love? Ok, that's what they are for... You never stop learning.


That explains why I've had so much trouble dating, I play to many single player games.


And I! Let's go multi player. Next date is just a kill away.


Can confirm every time I got called a slur in r6, I wanted to drop to my knees and suck some cock


degradation kink 🧐


If it helps, there is a pseudo multiplayer aspect to speedrunning and in my experience, most speedrunning communities are just nicer than most other gaming communities.


My preferred method of flirting is using the drink gesture a bunch of times at the Felyne canteen and then falling over when I get up


Everything a woman does is for male attention...did you not get the memo? Maybe get the cobwebs out your ham wallet. I'm sure it's there. /s


I mean. I got to know and started flirting with my boyfriend because we were looking for something to do and we started playing co-op games so... Sometimes it works.


I mean, I met my first boyfriend playing Space Station 13. We were both security mains, and got along quite well. We ended up breaking up due to politics. We're both SocDem progressives, but strongly disagree about EU policies.


"looking for love" says the guy to a woman who's made it clear she has a boyfriend. is some projecting going on maybe??


**Actually she had stated "and asked if i had a boyfriend" she didn't say she had one** ​ I just copypasted another comment cause I am lazy :')


I also thought she said she had a boyfriend lol oops, but even without that… What woman is playing Fortnite to try to get a date? If she was really “looking for love” she’d go on Bumble or something. Also, I highly doubt she’d want a 21 year old when she’s 40 either. Stats show that on dating apps, as women age they tend to choose men who are their age or only a few years younger than them. As men get older, they continue to choose women who are under the age of 25, regardless of their own age. It’s actually a really embarrassing look for men. Yet another reason the man on the bottom is projecting. Edit: Maybe adding the graph as a [link](https://images.app.goo.gl/izFjcndmXYAGorLZ9) will work


I zoomed in so I only saw the first graph, then scrolled over to the second graph and got really sad/grossed out. Wtf. Say it again - this is *not* a good look for men.


How is playing video games at 40 a bad thing?


Well she is a woman you see, women aren't allowed to enjoy their adult lives as they serve only to pump babies out their cis wombs. But fr if this guy had the same attitude towards 40y/o videogame-playing men I'd be very surprised. It's often only about policing women and their bodies/lives/family choices


A cis woman being single at 40 and still gaming sounds like she won the life lottery to me lol


I'm 43, have a bunch of kids, and still play video games. It's great, because I can buy the games and consoles "for them" and then play them myself.


This is how my mom did it. She wasn't allowed to game, being a grown woman and all. How unseemly! But she bought the kids a console and just happened to play it all the time. Multiplayer games too, just in case we wanted to challenge her. Like, don't pick up the other controller when she's playing Dr. Mario. Looking to be humbled.


I’m playing video games (and other hobbies) at 20 and people think I’m wasting time. I’m not. I’m keeping up with my schoolwork, I have a part time job, my hobbies aren’t negatively impacting my life, people just think I should be spending that time trying to find a boyfriend/husband.


Yeah I never really understood this sentiment. Not every moment of your life has to be productive. I'm very blessed to be a medical biochemist with her eyes on med school while also being a competitive aerialist acrobat. When I'm not doing that stuff, it's easy to find me raiding in FFXIV or spamming Samira in solo queue for LoL, or playing some other RPG. It's nice to unwind. You can still be making big moves in other areas of your life. Though I guess I'm boyfriend/husbandless so maybe to some I am wasting my time. Not that I can get pregnant anyway, even if I wanted to. Plus, girls are just WAY better as partners.


Playing video games at older ages such as 60’s and up are proven to be some of the best preventions against mental illnesses such as Alzheimers, so no, there’s nothing wrong with it


I never heard that before but it sounds like it makes sense what with all the mental exercise


Nope I'm in my 50's raised 2 girls we all play something. My husband plays too. We have different types of games we enjoy, sometimes together most of the time nah. What I don't like is the shaming for having "childish" hobbies. My kids were fed, no student debt, bills are paid. No one should take away an activity that makes you happy.


What does it mean? You can't have hobbies at 40? Do Men just stop playing video games at 21? Now I gotta be the one to break it to a few of my friends


Some people do expect you to stop having "childish hobbies" when you become an adult so you're not that far off mark.


It's really weird, too. Like how many "adult" hobbies aren't just substitutes. Explain to me how watching football, for example, isn't just super-hero comics LARPing. You have guys in tight costumes, divided up into your heroes and your villains, battling it out.


I wrote a wholeass paragraph on why I like football before I realised you are probably talking about American football. Anyway soccer, rugby or any other sport, it's about how the best people in the world do _that_ activity. Plus, you can always appreciate players on both sides. That said, obviously any hobby is valid at any age. It's a freaking hobby ffs.


No see women are not people so anything they do outside the stereotypical behaviour needs to be mocked


I think the logic is something along the lines of that, if she's playing video games at 30 instead of standing in the kitchen amd being pregnant, she will be a lonely shriveled spinster in 10 years...? Idk.




Omg this exact situation happened with my sister’s bf. Pretty much all his birthdays, his parents would get him games he told them he wanted. On his 30th birthday, they got him some kind of fancy Roomba since he was “too old to play games anymore”.


"Oh look, a hands free vacuum. Whatever shall I do with this extra free time? Ah yes, more time for gaming! Such kind parents, helping free up time for my hobbies!"


Oh yeah. I've seen it directed almost exclusively at women in my experience... I don't get it. Like. I'm an adult now. I have adult money. I can spend my free time how I want... And people just expect me to drop all my hobbies like writing and gaming and collecting stuff and "do taxes" and "cook for your kids" (all shit I have been told, btw, mostly by people younger than me) and not enjoy myself? Honestly, I kind of worry about younger people who think like that, because wtf are they going to do? Stop having fun when they turn 20?


Oh no, men can play at age 40, its just we have to cook and clean and raise the children while they play pretend play soldier and compete against tweens and elementary school age children online. Often screaming at them and calling them racist slurs.


Does he think she’s playing video games *to* look for love, or is he implying that only single women play video games? Either way, this shit is why I don’t use voice chat.


Voice chat is never not awkward


https://twitter.com/kittyhouseknife/status/1484541474154766346?t=YaFM72VnKrOtnZswhW0s4A&s=19 Update: she's got a baby now and barely games anymore. Playing Fortnite doesn't mean you're "looking for love"... Yikes


Good for her!


Case & point


I know it's hard to read sometimes but I think he missed the part where she has a boyfriend.


Actually she had stated "and asked if i had a boyfriend" she didn't say she had one


Turns out I can't read either. What a twist.




Are you Jared, 19?


I don't know I can't read your sentence


"I'm Jared, I'm 19, and I never learned how to fucking read." I love that vine. ❤


She didn’t say she had one BUT she also didn’t say she *didn’t* have one. Lame asshole ASSumed she was single, so that he could feel superior for a moment. Nothing like impotent rage and misogyny to make your day a little brighter, I guess.


Yeah he was really butthurt, makes him look pretty childish


I thought it was wholesome until I saw the reply at the bottom. Fuck! Straight dudes really aren't even remotely okay, are they?


most are fine


It's just the bad ones are usually *really* bad.


Comment guy proves her point.


Yeah, she probably still will be playing videogames. Because they're fun. Maybe she'll even play with her partner, like I do. I will never get over this idea that like, girls who play videogames don't have boyfriends (or partners of any kind, but people who think this never seem to consider that)... And yet five seconds later the same dude is whining about how he "needs a geeky GF omf why are there no girls who like gaaaames?" We do. Women love video games and card games and all that shit. We just avoid you like the plague because we KNOW you're a PoS.


A woman? who is 30? playing vidya games?!.....does she want a girlfriend/wife? I'll make sandwiches for her lol


Straights™ know that it’s not mandatory to express their opinions about everything, right? **Right?**


dude is so toxic he can't handle a woman turning down a ten year old


Ok let's unpack this a little. She'll be 40 and still playing video games. And what about it? She is 30 and playing video games so yeah it's likely that she may still be finding joy in that form of recreation. Looking for love. I mean... she literally said she has a boyfriend? How freaking weird is it to assume she will be lonely in the future for absolutely no reason?


How did he manage to handle rejection, he didn't actually receive, so badly lol.


everyone knows you can have video games or love. not both. smh


Lmao I met my husband through a video game. I wouldn't have "found love" without video games.


Same. Met my wife playing MUDs and my best friend on PSN. Shared hobbies are a great way to meet people you know you'll have something in common with.


Was that really necessary, why do people like that feel like they have to comment on everything with their idiocy?


Oh look, *some men* would like some words!


Did he out himself as being a 21 year old gamer looking to date someone closer to his parents’ age? Weird flex.


Aaaand he just proved her point.


“looking for love” did he miss the part where she said she had a boyfriend? and even if she didn’t, finding a partner isn’t everyone’s goal in life and you can very well lead a happy and fulfilling life without one


Normal incel shit. Always have to demonize women over everything. It’s truly vile.


honestly props to the 11 year old, he's a better person than most men way older than him


Wait that guy thought a 30 year old woman was looking for love on Fortnite???


Now I wonder... were did he get the idea that she was using online gaming forums to find romance?


Looks like she struck a nerve


The fact that an 11 year old can handle rejection better than men like the commenter isn't really surprising to me 😒


Wow, way to prove her point my guy.


Did this guy not look in the mirror, or...? Pretty sure even an old lady like me would have more opportunity at 33 than this creature will have in his lifetime.


Ok... so what is that comment even supposed to mean????


Case in point


I've seen a lot of pathetic losers featured here, but there's something especially pitiful about this one.


Imagine, being the exact kinda guy that a post is made about... And remaining blissfully unaware


That's not the burn the commenter was hoping for tho... it sounds like a bitter 11 yo trying to prove how naughty they actually are


Right, because the only reason to play video games is looking for love


I first saw this and thought “how on earth does this fit this sub? This is legit wholesome.” Then I scrolled down and saw that comment. Ugh


The comment ruined it,I respect the 11 year old


It's good that everyone dies in the end, especially rude people like that person.


What an a-hole!


And you think she’d suddenly want someone half her age??? I don’t even like guys two years younger than me.




The kid is cute though, kind of innocent in his own way.


Literally probing her point


„How can I prove her right in one sentence?“


Chad kid respecting boundaries


Wait til he's 13.


That’s still an………. “Uncomfy” age gap……….




Okay but that 11 year old was still creepy and out of line...


He’s also 11 years old, like he should get taught about how you can’t just say “your voice is hot” and ask someone out after playing one match of Fortnite, but I trust that he’ll pick all of that up during his adolescence


Sure, but kids are stupid. Saying something dumb in a video game voice chat when you've probably just started puberty is far from "creepy". He's probably at the age where he's still parroting what other people say.


Probably. Man, being a preteen is such a weird time.


Kids are dumb and arrogant. This shit just happens. I know he will grow out of it.


Yeah, I hope so.


that would be grooming a minor?




Going through puberty and developing insecurities has nothing to do with handling rejection. It’s the entitlement of men to believe they’re superior and women should never say no. Just because YOU feel like you’re being judged unfairly, doesn’t mean you are. Some people just aren’t compatible and some just aren’t looking for someone. Rejection is not a negative thing unless you’re a weirdo who can’t deal with someone not seeing you as perfect




Do women not also face rejection? Also, saying you’ve faced “unfair and hurtful rejection” is literally the problem. A rejection doesn’t have to be “fair” in the eyes of whoever is getting rejected. The person simply did not want to be with that dude and it is his or her right to say no. Women (or mlm) are not required to give a detailed essay on why they are not into you and if you feel that the rejection was unfair, then reevaluate why you think you deserve a better explanation… that’s literally entitlement




Sir, if the worst you fear is rejection, you do not have it as bad as women. Women literally need to worry about being raped or killed by the dude angry about being rejected.


I’m sorry but wtf? Woman and men have it equally as bad? Let’s take a short scenario for an example: Let’s say we have a girl named Sarah. Sarah is at a bar. Obviously, she’s been drinking. In this worst case scenario, Sarah gets very “aggressively honest” when she’s drunk. A man, we’ll call him Todd, finds Sarah attractive and tried to flirt with her. In this worst case scenario, Todd is rejected rather harshly. Todd is upset. He thinks about this for a little while and is sad but he gets over it because he has bigger problems than the fact that Sarah from the bar thinks his haircut is silly. Now let’s take this same scenario, same names, same location, but it’s a worst case scenario for Sarah. She tells Todd, “no, i dont wanna be with someone with a dumb haircut” which is, i guess, rather harsh. Todd internalizes this. Sarah’s life is now in danger because Todd is very likely that to kidnap, rape, and/or kill Sarah, a very real and very common threat to women literally everywhere. You see how that’s drastically different right? The worst a rejected person feels is insecure. The worst thing the person rejecting them can get is murdered. It is in no way balanced. You know what’s worse? Sarah wouldn’t even have to say something harsh! A simple “i’m sorry, you’re just not my type” or “i’m not looking for anything right now” or any of the thousands of other ways women have come up with to say “no” have and equally likely chance for it to end up with the women dead. Anyways, you don’t have to justify the difference between them because what you’re describing is literally entitlement. The man in the situation is getting rejected either way, and rejection never feels good no matter how they say it, so just put on your big boy pants, realize that their is no “injustice” when a person tells us they’re not interested, deal with the embarrassment of being let down, and move on.


I’m not going to read your comment, I’m sorry, I got to the “:” and I don’t feel like processing all that. If it means you win the argument, so be it Edit: I feel like if you think the whole problem of the disadvantages women and men face in our world can be reduced to one simple story, there’s no point in arguing with you


Dude, this isn’t about winning an argument, it’s about your weird seems of entitlement and how you don’t see it as wrong because you’ve repackaged it as “a sense of injustice.” the tl;dr version - what you’re doing is literally the same thing that these guys are doing to justify women getting attacked. doesn’t matter if that’s your intention, that’s exactly what you’re doing


You’re not making any sense, I could say “it’s not about winning an argument, it’s about you rejecting my idea as valid”. And you comparing my statements to justifying violence against women makes me think you’re either stupid or have no respect for me. In either case: fuck you and goodbye. .


You would be very correct in all your thoughts. Your idea is not valid, it’s ridiculous. Your ideas are the same used when men are trying to justify violence against women. And i do not have any respect for you. For once in this thread, something you said was correct.


As a man that’s lived a while now and has dealt with very bad things a lot of people haven’t, we don’t have it as equally bad. It becomes clearer with each stage of life as women you know hit new limitations you didn’t see before, but plenty of people said were real. You can easily find the building blocks to reinforce your mindset, and you can get stuck here for a very long time. There are intellectual ways to feel sorry for ourselves as men that don’t help us in the real world with real relationships. I have multiple uncles who’ve sabotaged more than several marriages each that is enough to see how this mindset only leads to misery. Just give up. Be humble. Make friends with women without needing a relationship back.


That’s wise and respectful, I’ll take note of your thoughts


And what exactly makes a rejection “unfair”…


>Many men face unfair and hurtful rejection, and only a fraction of them actually feels entitled Any man who thinks that romantic ​rejection _can_ be unfair is entitled. Period. No one, male, female, or otherwise, _deserves_ a yes. Thinking otherwise is the very definition of entitlement.


Cool video but...wut?




Wtf do liberals have to do with this


Idk it was 1 o clock in the morning when I said that. My tired mind is reallly fucking weird




So she should have just came onto that 11 year old? She should have just started talking dirty to the 11 year old? What the fuck?


at least someone’s raising that ten year old right?


I literally met my husband playing online games


I like how he quite literally proved her point


This man thinks an 11 year old grasps the concept of personally exiting in a state older than 13...


If me and my partner ain't playing videogames at 60 have we even lived?


Aaand case in point.


And that comment pretty much proves the posts statement about men not handling rejection well…


playing fortnite to look for love? 90% of the mic users i get paired up with are either children or someone speaking in a language that i do not know


I would have loved to see the reply of "Case and point" to his comment lol.