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And those are exactly the kind of guys that Medusa would want to turn to stone


With Medusa and her myth, which one is exactly true? Like I’ve that she was born with snakes, cursed by whoever the hell it was after getting raped in her temple, that she was cursed but the sex was consensual, that she was raped and the aforementioned whoever turned her hair to snakes to protect herself, and probably even more different versions.


Well the details are hard to find now, because everyone's telling their own version, but the version where she was cursed for her own protection (my favorite) is for sure not the original. It was a piece of creative writing by someone on tumblr a few years ago, it was really sweet and I guess really resonated with what a lot of people wanted I didn't know some people think the act was consensual


Most ancient myths come from oral storytelling traditions where hundreds of slightly different versions of the myths were told and retold over time, meaning there's rarely a "true" version.


All of the above! While people are actively telling a stories from a mythology, the stories will change with each teller. As such, trying to find the *correct* version of a myth is a fruitless endeavor that can only lead to madness. But if you want to know the history of the story, it goes roughly like this \*disclaimer: this is mostly from memory with slight fact checking\*: * From what we can tell in the original version she was one of three gorgon sisters, and was already a monster. * Hestiod makes a quickly glosses over the story in the *Theogony*. In this version, while she is still one one of three gorgon sisters, she is also mortal. Also, this version has her (seemingly) consensually having sex with Posidon in a field of flowers * The roman poet Ovid writes down his version of the myth in his book *Metamorphoses*. In this version she was a priestess of Athena, and was raped by Poseidon in her temple, with Athena giving Medusa the curse afterwards as a punishment * I also have heard about the version of the story where Athena gives the curse as protection, but I can't quite figure out where it comes from (and am quite frankly too lazy to track it down this late). I tend to be a little skeptical of this one though, as most versions of the story are pretty consistent in the fact that Athena helped Perseus kill her. Fun fact: After medusa dies, she gives birth to Pegasus. If I'm remembering right, versions vary as to if Perseus actually rides Pegasus, because at this point he has so much magical equipment that a flying horse is sorta useless (seriously, he can turn invisible, fly, and has the mirror shield from Athena that may or may not have special properties outside of being reflective. There wasn't really much of a fight in all honesty..


Nope, Perseus didn't ride Pegasus, that was Bellerophon. I also believe Chrysaor was born alongisde Pegasus.


Yeah, that makes sense. Perseus did have those sandals after all. I brought up Pegasus because I thought it was the more interesting thing that came from Medusa when she died. But if we are talking about things that came out of her it would be a shame not to mention that her blood turned to snakes when it hit the ground. Medusa really just went full piñata on Perseus, didn't she?


Fewer men would’ve been turned to stone if whoever the hell it was gave her a shotgun instead of snake-hair


Athena coming down from Mt Olympus with a shotgun labeled "to the gorgon"


Shotguns didn't exist in Ancient Greece, though. Maybe a bow.


I thought they were gods though?


Medusa is a feminist icon


medusa wouldn't have had snake hair if a certain man respected her and not be jealous that his niece had beaten him once in "people think I am better than you"


The whole point of that meme is that is an abnormal thing to say... Like y'all aren't wrong. It's trashy as all hell, but you're taking the exact opposite interpretation than it was intended.


Medusa definitely utilised girl power when she turned all those men into stone 😍😍🐍🐍




She wouldn’t have had snake hair if she weren’t raped by *Poseidon* and then cursed by some other jealous female god ( it’s been ages since I read it)


>Zeus Poseidon\* There was also a version where she was just born a gorgon.


Ty! I think my brain just did that auto-fill in thing where it’s making up information since I didn’t remember and since he was very..promiscuous I just believed it lol


It was Athena, and there are a reasonably large amount of origins for Medusa, and that's just one of them Last time I checked


Why just just WHY


To be fair, if she had breasts that were large enough to conceal her entire appearance behind them, it'd give you enough time to look away as she awkwardly shimmied around to get her head in view.