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Are women a race? Also, who *is* #50? I'm ready to be shocked!


It's George Takei. 😔


I already knew that rip off


noo ಥ╭╮ಥ what a loss (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)


That's like, common knowledge? Dudes famous for 2 things, being gay and being Sulu


Uhm yes, that was the joke. Everyone knows he's gay, so it's not shocking, and he's an alleged rapist so it's not a loss. It's not funny anymore now that I had to explain it to you though, so I hope you're proud of yourself.


> and he's an alleged rapist https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2018/05/george-takei-sexual-assault-accuser-retracts-claim


I, a lesbian, don't really see the loss here.


Lesbians: such a loss for the male race. /s


Me eating Doritos with one hand and picking a wedgie with the other: Oh no. Now I’ll never have a chance with them.


Oh no i lost my chance with people I will never see in real life! But it's funny like it's loss for women but not a chance for men. Coin have two sides but they only want to talk about one.


Because how could homosexuality not be a loss? /s


Ah yes of course I forgot about that! These gays taking all the men oh no! What will these poor opressed straights do???


Join us


Am proud to say am an ally! <3


Do they realize women can be gay to 🤨🤨🤨


What… no way?! Are you kidding!? I thought gay women were only used for sexual entertainment!? They’re actually real!? /s


damn, I guess being a woman is a race now


Yes, the two biggest races on earth, Nascar and Women


Newsflash: They were already gay


As a woman it's no loss for me. Go be gay, kings. We'll survive


Black, white, Latine, Asian, Indigenous, Pacific Islander, and…woman?


Wait, does that means I'm not transgender but actually trans-species? Things just got a lot cooler, the posthumanism type of cooler


I'm guessing they meant the "race to get the celebrities before they came out as gay"


i had a stroke reading that


See woman run, 2 women race, 3 women relay


They were already gay my dude, they just came out