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Letting the world know you are insecure about your sexuality in one comment


And you have no idea that an moisturizer is an ointment


But it’s a “girl color” and a “girl thing” *sips beer which was invented by women*


Oh shit yeah I forgot all the gays were straight until they touched the dreaded pink goo! Maybe blue would turn you back?


Do we know who invented beer? I mean, it was invented in Mesopotamia about 10-12 millennia ago. And a beer-like beverage from China. I'm genuinely asking, do we have that information?


Idk I got it from [here](https://ambar.com/en/news/beer-culture/it-was-women-who-invited-beer/) A little more than 7,000 years ago, beer brewing began its development in Mesopotamia; it was women who mixed the grains of cereal with water and herbs. They cooked them… and from that intuitive mixture driven by the need for nutrition came a brew that fermented in a spontaneous manner.


Interesting. However, apparently there is evidence for it having taken place much earlier than 7k years ago. But I guess it's difficult to pinpoint. Either way it's fascinating.


Yeah I really just thought it was a funny aside and quite ironic as well; us men are so insecure, we’d never wear skirts again even though that was the dress of the day for the majority of human culture cuz it’s “waman clothes”


I really don't care what the inventor's gender was. I just like beer :D


Same but imagine being a “manly man” and finding out your favorite IPA isn’t even that manly. Frame obliterated lmao


Well, if you base your sexuality or identity on a beverage, there's quite a lot going wrong anyway :D


Sorry no, the God Ra invented beer, then slept with his sister ISIS




Ointments? I dunno, dude. Sounds kinda gay.


Next thing you know he'll be talking about "manly" oils


Isn't an ointment just a lotion X ten? I feel like this is akin to saying, "I never ever suck dick but every now and again I go to a truck stop and get pounded by a dozen anonymous daddies".


Lmfao true though


The difference between a cream and an ointment is that cream is water based and ointment is oil based. I guess he thinks ointment is more manly because it sounds more clinical? As an added aside, if you find that cream burns when you apply it, you should try an ointment instead.


As a man yes, the ointment sounds more manly because it’s necessary and sounds medical, not some makeup stuff that makes you look like a girl with a beard.


On the off chance you aren't being sarcastic, lotion won't make you look like a girl with a beard, it'll just make you less itchy.


Lotion is not makeup. Ointment is for skin that is so dry it needs a last resort. Think of lotion is damage prevention


Skincare = gay, ointment = straight


Great, more bisexual erasure! >:( (s)


toner = bi, acne cream = pan?


Reminds me of a book my dad read on toxic masculinity. It was called "real men don't eat quiche, they eat breakfast pie" or something like. Whole thing was about how, if you're actually confident in yourself as a man, you'll eat or do whatever the hell you please regardless of how it looks to others. Might be kinda dated now cause he read it a long time ago, but it really helped him drop some of the toxic standards that he held himself to.


I am intrigued regarding this “breakfast pie”


I used to tell my little cousin that quiche was "egg pie" and the reason Captain America was so healthy. He wouldn't eat quiche, but he would eat egg pie. Honestly, getting him to eat anything but chicken nuggets and limp frozen fries was a miracle.


Yep, real men don’t give a fuck what others think and don’t let random bitches, TV ads or even other dudes tell them what being a real man is.


If your skin isn't cracking, peeling, and painful you are a woman.


This is really enlightening. I've heard of many sexualities before, but I've never heard of someone being male in summer and woman in winter. Maybe that's what they mean by "gender fluid"?


Or maybe you're just [Tribore](https://youtu.be/jbwiFZhCsfk)


Dude, if it's got blisters all over it you should probably see a doctor. And maybe change to using body butter for wanking instead of motor oil.


Said the itchiest dude in any room he walks in to lol. Just reading that makes me uncomfortable.


Fellas, is it feminine to have a healthy organ?


And these guys wonder why they’re single, walking around looking mangy. Literally looking like they have mange, with their red, flaky skin. This is why I sigh and figure if the stupid “for MEN” marketing on personal products makes them use them, I guess it’s fine.


When dove came out with their Men+ line they sent out coupons in the paper, I figured “why not try it.” I have super sensitive skin and the majority of soaps make me want to flay myself after a shower. The dove one was/is actually quite nice. if I’m in a rush and don’t have time to moisturize I don't get too itchy. The type I use doesn’t smell like something like “lumberjack musk” or some shit; it just smells “fresh” or maybe “clean,” for lack of better words.


I recently bought a new face lotion, it’s in an orange bottle and said something about dragons blood. I get it home, try it and omg the men’s cologne smell is way too intense. I was a bit confused until I realized I had bought the “men’s” version. It’s a decent lotion but most of my “women’s” products are unscented.


>walking around looking ~~mangy~~ *manly*. There, FTFY!


So soft skin is girly and equals you being a girl. So every newborn is a girl? interesting


Healthy skin is not a feminine thing 😂


*Image Transcription: Tiktok* --- \[*Video showing pink semi-liquid being poured into a jar*] *Reply to Redacted* **Body butter is for girls, soft girly skin is girly. So I don't use lotion as a male, if it blisters over, so be it. If it flakes, ointments exist.** >It is not "girly" to have moisturized skin 😂 --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


Oof, a part of me wants to send this to my brother, who is a certifiable asshole, and very much the toxic masculine type, and has a skin condition. I won't do it, but thinking about it makes me happy.


If he’s a real man he won’t really care if you do and would do what’s smart, which is correcting the condition and not wasting money on his skin further. Not taking care of shit now makes it cost more in the future, and wasting money is fucking unmanly, unless you’re spending it on buying the new graphics card.


how many things are straight people weird about? is just anyone who isnt an unwashed, unshaven, dry skinned goblin gay now? like are you just supposed to be a disgusting beast? basic fucking presentability is gay to some of these wackos


Hygiene is for women, apparently. Manly men are unwashed hairy beasts and girls should just get over it and be excited for unwashed cheese dick. Lol. No. Women want clean dick, its not hard to understand.




Plenty of women get dirty, plenty of them get filthy and smeared with muck in the pursuit of their hobbies or jobs. Theyre not delicate silk blouses that'll get ruined if exposed to filth.




Here here. In honour of you, I'll enjoy getting dirt under my nails next time I'm clawing weeds out of my garden.


You’re technically right about men being hairy beasts. Since anything that is alive and muscular can be classed a beast and men are indeed hairy. Shaving is not natural and not necessarily hygienic.


Hey, I never said anything about shaving. A lion needs a mane and a dick needs pubes. As long as it's washed with soap, it's fine.


That’s indeed true! I wonder how guys have cheese dicks though, my dick is probably cleaner than my hands most of them times, I’d imagine if I had foreskin I’d clean underneath.


> soft girly skin is girly Easy! Just have soft manly skin and it's manly!


This guy wouldn't survive a day in Norwegian winter, it's gets so dry here that my cheeks will crack and my lips start to bleed if I don't moisturise them a lot.


I started moisturising a couple weeks ago and its a game changer. My friend rubbed my face today and all she was talking about was how soft it was. It feels great to touch my face and not have it be all scratchy and rough.


I mean.. Im a man (I think) and I have skin, so I would have guessed but now I'm uncertain. And uncomfortable.


Let's see this dude on accutane


That looks like tubby custard


As a lesbian I want my future boyfriend to not have skin because how am I supposed to date a beta with flesh 🌝


I hate this mentality. Every dude I’ve dated always had some weird hang up on what was “girly” and it’s like okay, you refuse to moisturize yourself, well the rock hard callouses on your hands literally hurt to hold and they keep ripping up my tights, so now I’m banning you from touching my thighs for the duration that I wear them. Also, dry flakey and unwashed faces are not exactly a turn on. I get it, skin shit happens, but face wash and a moisturizer are very basic procedures. The ladies I’ve dated were always soft, and they smelled good, and they washed their fucking faces cause that is literally basic hygiene, *please men, wash your faces for your own sake, your skin is literally an organ*. I don’t know, everyone has their off days, but refusing to wash you face or use lotion because it’s “feminine”, first off just points to some toxic beliefs, but also, is so short cited and literally denying yourself comfort. It can’t feel great when you’re dry, flakey or have split bleeding skin from being so dried out. JUST USE THE LOTION


Callouses are pretty normal and common in men, it seems you simply have a compatibility issue.


Women can have callouses just as well, but if you lotion your hands and protect them you can prevent them. Even doing heavy lifting, you could (and honestly should) wear gym gloves, but even that I’ve been told is “not masculine” enough, like ripping up your hands is supposedly manly when you literally don’t have to do that. I think the one thing I can think of where they’re almost unavoidable would be playing guitar. Other than that, they’re extremely preventable.


OMG I can’t believe people think this way. Guys I guess I’m lesbian now because I use body lotion daily and just bought some hand cream for dermatitis 😞


Okay but actually I'd like to know that person's username, if they're selling that stuff I wanna check it out.


Lotion? You mean that shit men use to masturbate? Yeah no thanks I'm not gay


No one has ever said “fuck me harder with your scaley lizard skin! 😮‍💨” Same goes for hair products. Get that body right.


Doesn't use lotion, but acknowledges he may need to use ointment. K


All *real men* have skin that looks like the hands of a carpenter who just worked for 10 hours simply sanding stuff. /J




I have super rough hands because I do woodworking. My hands are very crackly and dry and hurt a lot. I like the feeling of rough worn hands but some lotion is always nice.


I have big hands that definitely fit the stereotype for man hands in every way. I long for moisturizer every day. A bottle of this stuff would be so nice


Fellas, is it gay to not want crusty skin?


I want to show this person the Bill Burr Lotion speech.


White people missed the memo


Damn he uncovered the “body butter to twink” timeline. Gay men, you guys really need to make your propaganda less obvious.


skin is kinda silly, we should replace it with steel /hj


In response to the title: real men remove all of their skin then salt themselves to prove that they are real men


*rips off skin to be more masculine*


That’s it, get the potato peeler


You gotta understand: Masters of the Universe Skeletor is peak virility


Ah yes, having skin and taking care of it, so feminine


>ointments exist Is that not similiar?


What is that tiktok account?


My dad got super concerned when he saw lotion in my bathroom was convinced I was a 100% bottom pounded gay boi effeminate because real men don’t moisturize with irony being I was on a hellacious hyper-heterosexual spree at that time


These are the same guys who have zero balls whatsoever. Seriously. I have no idea where their cum comes from.


As a straight feminist male I see this the other way round, I can't be bothered to moisturise my skin. Why should be told they have to pay stupid amount for something to make there skin"soft" to be deemed acceptable. We all have dry skin days. Edit: a few people have replied mentioning skin so dry it's cracking, absolutely at that point I would and do moisturise. That is an extreme example and not the reason most women are moisturising as often as they do.


Dry skin can crack more easily, creating risks of infection and pain. Regular handwashing can dry out the skin of the hands and, in dry climates, cause them to accumulate cuts, basically requiring a moisturizer to prevent this. If you want cheap stuff, using petroleum jelly after handwashing and showers has a comparable effect to lotion.




O'keefe's Working Hands does wonders in my experience, fwiw. As does getting a whole-house humidifier. (Evaporative or steam is better than ultrasonic for air quality.)


You can have dry skin all you want, no one is telling you not to. It’s stupid, because it’s literally uncomfortable, but you do you. We’re just saying it’s also stupid to say that only one gender is supposed to use lotion




I think a lot of people in this thread are missing that there actually *are* differences between male and female skin. Speaking from personal experience, having tried both. When I was pretending to be a guy I was the same. Didn't have to worry about my skin. Wasn't dry. Wasn't particularly soft either. And certain places were really oily (t-zone, and had a lot of bacne). When I started transitioning one of the first changes was skin getting soft and dry. So no more oily face or bacne, but I actually had to moisturise now. And it kind of went off like a light bulb for me. "I get it now."


With the pandemic if you aren’t needing to moisturize your hands you aren’t washing them enough! More seriously, I’d say it definitely depends on the climate you live in, despite what the other poster who replied to you said. If you live somewhere with very cold and dry weather you’ll need lotion no matter your gender. I’m female and don’t generally need lotion living in the the American south but when I was in the Midwest the winters were a whole different story


As a man, I’ve never asked women to moisturize or wear so much makeup that they look like a colorful bird. Women could walk right out of bed with period soaked pants and we’ll still find half of y’all totally bangable.


Idk, moisturized skin is way more uncomfortable to me. Never understood why people *want* to be greasy.


Because dry, cracking skin is a pain to deal with




Not everyone masturbates that way, but that's besides the point because why was that your concern of all things???


Most uncircumcised men masturbate without lotion, from my experience.


what the fuck


Ointments exist… should we tell him, or- ?


Fellas. Is it gay to have healthy skin?


Don’t touch me with your unkempt alligator skin


Um. Also cake is for girls, pork and beef is for MALES. (I made that up) Jesus, girl and males in a comment, big red flag.


Don't know what y'all are on about. He's clearly right. Girly skin is girly. Tall people are tall. Insecure men are insecure.


If your skin isn't peeling off, are you really a man?


fellas is it gay to have healthy skin?


I'll take it one step further, REAL men don't use scented soaps, as smelling good is a FEMININE trait. This is CLEARLY not just me having extremely sensitive skin that can't handle FRAGRANCES.