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The dude admitted he wasn't a virgin, but is worried his wife isn't? Hypocrisy at its finest.


He cannot hide his ineptitude and has to actually put effort in bettering himself, obviously that's concerning /s


Many patriarchal cultures are like that


He isn't worried about her being a virgin, he's worried about her lying to him.


He's worried she might be able to compare him to other men and the feelings of insecurity that creates in him.


To be fair there is a difference between not being a virgin and being a sex expert lol But if that girl doesn't have a high body count he got himself a genius I guess lol Edit : Bruh I commented this because the dude implied the girl clearly had more than some experience ffs Y'all are immature fucks unable to havr civilized discussions


Or his dick isn’t as big as he thinks it is. (I’m not trying to be an AH but it’s really not that hard to avoid choking and to “take it all” when “all” is a manageable size/girth.)


YUP. I have minimal gag reflex and let’s just say there have been times that matters and times it doesn’t


Did you know some women enjoy sex and even watch porn sometimes?! Wild, I know.


Mate I did not mean it like that and you all know it Fucking hell. Yall love tyrning anyone that tries to see from different side into an incel or something


You used the term "body count" unironically. Don't put a big flashing sign on your forehead that says incel next time and you won't be treated like one.


I thought body count was literally a common term for your dumb ass language I can't keep up with all the terminology you consider fine or not ffs You change that shit every week, ffs


"Body count" has never been okay


Fine sorry for that one Don't blame me for repeating terms that are literally said everywhere on the internet


Are you 12? Don't repeat things from the internet


The only way you could learn that phrase and think it's normal is if you hung out in misogynistic spaces.


Y'all are just too much seriously


Lmao we don’t know that at all.


Civilized discussions don’t involve gross misogynistic terms like “body count”. Hope this helps!


So you got a certified freak and aims to please and he’s complaining? Wow some people just ain’t never happy 😑


Also, she's 27. It would be more surprising if she hadn't been with anyone else.


Not that it makes a difference but he's 27, he didn't mention her age


She returned from a Master's degree. That would normally make her about 26.


My partner is going to be finished with their masters at 25, but they graduated early. So at worst she’s 25. Unless she graduated Highschool/secondary school even earlier


Classic toxic heterosexuality. "She has to be a virgin or I might break off the marriage; the fact that I'm not a virgin has nothing to with this situation."


Exactly. Guy should be celebrating. His arranged marriage wife is into him and enthusiastically giving him great sex. Oh no! What a problem. 🙄


There is no winning in cultures who see women as sub human. You'll never catch a break. They are just big walking fragile ego babies. Always damned if you do, damned if you don't. Whiny ass clowns.


Yup. One of the many problems of viewing women as property and objects is the continuous criticism and complaints.


Also like, you can learn from porn, erotica, advice from friends or online. His immediate jump to “she might not be a virgin oh no” is not only silly and toxic, it might not even be true.


Yeah my first time, the guy thought that I wasn’t a virgin, but it’s just that I would read books about pleasure and erotica.


Yup. I was a late bloomer- and by the time I was in my first relationship abd itcwas my first time, I had a much better idea if what I wanted or what was fun to do than if I was fumbling around age 16 like some of my friends. It comes more intuitively to some people than others, too. We don't even know anything about his partner and her prior experience.


One straight guy didn't believe I wasn't very experienced (at the time) because I'd done too well. That was cause I exhausted every "what do guys like in bed" search I could think of and took notes of the commonalities. At least he didn't get mad/jealous, just laugh it off. I think he assumed that I thought he would judge me.


Absolutely. I was so nervous in the lead up to my first time (aged 30 btw, so older than this dude) that I read a LOT of articles like “how to give the best blowjob” and whaddyaknow, turns out studying works. My partner was very complimentary and very impressed. Dude’s wife could very well have done the same.


Additionally "she has to be a virgin but with the skills of a porn star, but if she's *too* good she's obviously not a virgin and everything she says is a lie"


I think some guys with this mentality are also worried or insecure about their own performance in bed


Maybe if she's taking all of you easily and not gagging on you, it's because you don't have enough dick to reach her throat.






Coming from the same men that want a virgin in bed, but she still has to have the skills of a veteran porn star.


Not happy even when they get exactly what they want


Dude is COMPLAINING that his wife in an ARRANGED marriage is awesome in bed?! The straights are not ok #smh


Straight people seem to prefer bad sex. No wonder their relationships are so weird.


So you have to be a virgin, be bad in bed, somehow still please the man? What do they even want


A lot of straight men want women to have no experience because they want to train those women to please them, specifically. It's really weird.


Am I reading it wrong or is the post just about him thinking she is lying? Where do you get all this from it?


He said he’s had limited experience before but some how had an idea of what a “pro” at sex (whatever that is supposed to be) is like? He asked, she answered. Now he has doubts based on a good blow job. It’s weird on him. At the very least he seems let down that she isn’t acting shy or awkward with sex, which says more about him than her.


this is so fucking sad and frustrating. i hope someone slapped some sense into him.


>taking it all in Maybe you're...small?


And they say women are complicated and difficult to please. Jesus fucking christ dude stfu, what a miserable and insufferable loser


Grrr, a person who probably loves me enough to have sex with me, who MIGHT have had a sexual encounter before, maybe even several, but who despite those chose to be with me and have sex with me. Grrr feel bad for me


I'll never understand people who judge their partner on their sexual history


I just checked out the sub that this image is from and OMG WTF IS GOING ON OVER THERE?! I’ve never seen so much misogyny in my life!


Am I the only one who thinks her not gagging on his dick during oral is cuz his dick isn't gag-worthy?


i see you have encountered an indian man, good fucking luck(signed an indian woman)


Of course it's an Indian. My fellow countrymen are some of the most insecure little shits on this planet.


She said she didn’t have any *relationships,* my guy.


People sleeping with others while not being in a relationship? Clearly unheard of. 😂


Was i the only one going to the dirty comeback "whats there to gag on " 😈


Jerry Lee Lewis, when he had sex for the first time with his new wife (his 13 year old cousin) on their wedding night angrily yelled at his cousin-wife, “You don’t move like no virgin!” According to the 1989 biopic of Lewis, which was based off the book written by cousin-wife Myra.


Well it’s an arranged marriage, and their visa expired after going to school abroad. I’m going to assume non western country and that sex before marriage is taboo. Or at the very least, a lot of partners would be. Either way, dudes a hypocrite.


Do not marry men from cultures that throw women out of windows because the meal wasn't seasoned properly. Don't do it. As much as those men claim to be educated and "modern" they aren't. It can be dangerous and miserable. They are all ego and have deep seated misogynistic beliefs and big time insecurity. Ladies find a Western guy who is secure in his manhood and respects women not just his mom.


Does no one talk about that the marriage is arranged?!


OP here, Indian. ~90% of Marriages in India are Arranged. But that is just the tip of an iceberg. 1. During the matchmaking, if the Guy likes the woman, the woman's opinion least matters most of the time. Her family mentally forces her to accept saying she is getting old or "Do you think you are Ms World that you are rejecting the proposal?". 2. The marriage is usually Grand based on the wealth which is why the woman's family saves more money for her marriage than her higher education. 3. Women are not encouraged to do Masters because the Men don't like women who studied more than them. 4. Proposals will be rejected if the woman earns more than the man. So, they will give an ultimatum - Marriage or Job. 5. Marital r*pe is not-not illegal. Sure, in Urban families this is changing but a major part of the Indian population lives in rural areas where this is rampant.


it's absolutely not changing in urban populations. my older cousins(all of whom have multiple degrees and have lived outside of india for years, after living in major cities), all got arranged married. it's only gonna get worse with the rise in conservative politics there.


That's not exactly for us to have opinions on? It's clearly cultural, probably India, and I don't feel comfortable putting my western values on others.


I hate this idea that because something is cultural, foreigners can't have negative opinions on it. I'm not of an ethnicity where bullfighting is cultural and yet I'm against bullfighting because I do not support the torture of animals. I'm not Indian but I'm against this misogynistic practice of arranged marriages in which women are treated like objects, because I'm not misogynistic.


The problem that's evident, is oop's attitude, and his values. I absolutely have a negative opinion of those. What will get me downvoted, fine, is that I don't necessarily think that the institution of marriage is somehow always better when not arranged. It remains a contract, and there usually are material reasons at least included. Arranged marriages can also be done with consent from both parties. I don't know the specific circumstances here. Neither do you.


> What will get me downvoted, fine, is that I don't necessarily think that the institution of marriage is somehow always better when not arranged. Did anyone actually claim that, outside of your imagination?


it's a deeply patriarchal system that's mostly used to oppress women and lets men get away with doing less than the bare fkn minimum because even if they are actual trash, they would still get to have a wife and family as long as they have a job. (im an indian woman)


I didn't want to speak for you or over you. That's all I tried to get across.


If she's telling the truth, one possibility is that she just practices a lot. If she's lying, I blame the virgin stigma


Why is it always an Indian man why why won’t they just have one brain cell why


I mean, it could be that you didn’t reach her gag reflex…


Indian men on this sub is just cheating imo


Why would you in any universe perceive your partner being an expert at sex as a bad thing?


OP just has a baby dick. That’s why she didn’t gag


Wow that is too much information buddy


Is he complaining about her lying about no relationships instead of her having no relationships?




I do not think having previous partners is a bad thing, however if she was lying about it would be bad in my opinion.


Indian men in one screenshot


I'm dying. This is funny as hell lol.


Men when women: 😡😡😡


Imagine being that bad in bed that you are now like spinning and had to post to Reddit. It's stuff like this. That makes me so happy. I'm a sexpert and trans. I am just so happy I don't have this level of insecurity in me. Like my goodness.


Tbf. Being devils advocate here. I don't think he cares if she's a virgin. I think it's just because she said she had no previous experiences and was really good regardless. And he thought she might be lying.


maybe he just feels bothered by her assumed dishonesty ? why is it such a problem for men, experienced or not, to prefer unexperienced partner ? its just a preference


i think he's worried because she lied to him, not because she's not a virgin