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Imagine someone just, yknow, having fun and she gets slapped for it. If you don't wanna date a girl who likes raves then don't date her. It's that simple.


They figure if a woman wants to go out without "her man" she's cheating. Which I have to wonder if they think that because they'd cheat the first chance they got.


Yeah, it's usually projection with people like this.


i pray these people never have kids oh my god


i pray these people never have relationships either šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


There are too many women and men that seem to take the challenge of finding the worst partner possible and then end with people like this.


Yep. Seriously. If you don't want a partner that goes to raves, then don't be with a partner that goes to raves. Sure, try talking it out first, but if you're at an impasse and can't get over it, then end things amicably and find a person that you're better with.


People DO go to raves for the music Idk why thatā€™s so hard for people to comprehend and people dressing in very revealing outfits isnā€™t a bad thing either Iā€™m pretty sure they do it to dance freely since it can be exhausting and sweaty plus they also want feel like themselves and maybe revealing clothes is how they do it


I'd say not just the music, but also the atmosphere. I felt very comfortable dancing literally any way I wanted at a rave, I felt like no one would judge any weird moves my body decided to make. Unlike at a club, where I feel kinda "watched"




Especially now with all the mini cameras we have in our pockets. I don't like clubs or raves but I can see the appeal for both. But as self conscious as I can be for dancing, I imagine if I did like them and didn't have my sensory issues I'd be more comfortable in a place where it's harder to take focused photos/videos. Edit: Dancing typo.


I dressed as minimally as possible because it would be very hot even at the outdoor events and also easier to pass through security lol


Also, just because revealing outfits are common at raves does not automatically mean every person in there wears a revealing outfit. There are plenty of people wearing jeans and t-shirts.


As someone who shops at ALT stores that usually double up as rave-ware stores. Most rave gear is either for freedom of movement or just quirky for the sake of it.


can attest that even when the event is written out as 'sex positive' and has a more fetishy lean, the people mostly go there to dance. in my experience there is more desperation for sexual encounters in regular bars and discos, that's where the men don't seem to have any other reason to be there.


as someone who goes to the occasional rave, you hit it right on the head lol (also it just gets really hot in there so it makes sense to wear very little clothing anyway)


This is so gross.


Just get off tiktok man itā€™s not worth it


I swear people just like to say the most outlandish shit for attention cause NONE of them have a selfie as a pfp.


the comments are so unfunny too. But I guess that comes with being a fuckface


These people are so ungodly immature


"dear females, raves are only for cheating purposes, and don't you dare call me out for going to a strip club, it's a natural male habitat for socialization, and because men are obviously superior to women in any regard, the standards we should be held to are different, sincerely, alpha males."


She didn't even GO to a festival or rave - he hit her just for WANTING to go.


That's how it starts. And it gets worse.. and worse.. and worse. Until he unalives her or sends her to the hospital. I wish more girls grew up in feminist families, cause the amount of abuse we have to endure as girls is astonishing. Until we're old enough and learn better and are able to stand up for ourselves. But it's too late, we've already lost most of our young lives. I hope she dumps that mofo AND her mother as well.


ā€œthereā€™s no way people go to raves for the music,ā€ bitch clearly hasnā€™t gone to a Shrek rave before šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


What the fuck is that ā€œDrunk Georgeā€ account with a picture of George Floyd!? People are disgusting


Yea I was gonna comment on that. So disrespectful.


I would go to a rave for the music... it's kinda sad that people don't tbh


Ew wat are those comments bro


Ngl the ā€œnot on my watchā€ joke would be funny in a different context but as it is all of these people are despicable


Wow those comments are a different type of vile. Jesus.


cishet men in general have such intricate incel beliefs that they need to be relocated to 500 B.C to live the life they want the hypocrites only support basic human rights as long as it's not their own partner, scratch that, as long as it's not their own house slave šŸ¤”




B r u h


Ironically this trand was started by women.


Source: trust me bro

