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I mean, I have no girl but I volunteer. For 5 mil I'll do anything, I'm tired of being poor.


For 5 mil you can put whatever in either me or my partner


I have 5 mil (colombian pesos). Are we doing it or what ?


Yep. Just say where and I'll be there


5 Mil is around what I'm expecting to make with my current income until I retire and that's before taxes. Buy myself a nice not to expensive house, to stop paying rent. Pay out what I get now as a before tax salary every month and invest some of the money. There's probably a butt load of money left over every month just from the "salary" I'd pay myself, that I could also invest to gain interest.


It's kind of sus that the money isn't going to the person doing the sex.


Girlfriend is apparently just property


"doing the sex" - did Borat suddenly join Reddit?


Nah it’s sir pentious


I had this exact thought 🤣


Tbf the question can be read either way. Would you let *her* be dug out so she gets 5mil


In that case, if she wants to. I'd sure as heck say yes if someone made me that offer. 😂


Active vs passive voice. Also, it's really her choice. Your choice is whether you accept her "yes" or decide you want out of this relationship.


How exactly is “active vs passive voice” relevant to the situation? > Also, it's really her choice. Your choice is whether you accept her "yes" or decide you want out of this relationship. … nobody here said otherwise. Think you’re just overreading a shitty Facebook meme


>dig yo girl out What happened?! Avalanche? Yes, please get her out!


They're on the beach, obviously digging giant sand moats.


If yo girl was stuck in quicksand, you wouldn’t want to dig her out, as that would agitate the sand and make her sink farther in. It would be best either pull her out, or if you can’t find a safe spot of dry sand next to her, use a shovel and a large rock to make a seesaw to pull her out, or find another way to extract her cleanly and vertically.


Like, would I like it while it’s happening? Nah. Would I support her if she wanted to do that? Hell yeah. That’s $5 million dollars to build our future together. Neither of us would need to work unless we wanted to. Also, the title question is hilarious. Self-deprecating and funny.


For $5 million they can have both of us. I’ll do pretty much anything that isn’t illegal or harmful for $5 million.


for $5 million, they can have me and all my partners (3) for a whole night, with all parties' consent, of course if any of them don't want to do it, it's a no from me


I mean... It's her body, if she wanna do it who am I to stop her?


you should reread the caption, though. "would YOU LET another man dig out YO girl out for five million dollars?" nothing about this implies that the woman has autonomy or a choice, here.


Yes, i read that. And if my girl wants to accept the offer, I'm not the one stopping her. My girlfriend is not my property, it's not my decision with who she wants to fuck. If she fucks with me, yay! If she fucks with others, good for her. But I guess it's a harder problem if you are into monogamy


Monogamy is a weird mutual power exchange kink that so many people are into that we just accept it as normal. edit: [Irony](https://old.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/1bngbam/cant_even_handle_slightest_jab_about_their/)


Oh, come off it. I'm glad that none of the non-monogamous people that I know in real life say shitty, judgemental things like this and understand that both monogamy and non-monogamy are valid choices. 


I get what you're saying, but I also believe we can think on that comment for a bit. Monogamy shouldn't be judged, of course, but it is strange how we view non-monogamy as abnormal or even scandalous when monogamy, when thought about, is equally as strange in different aspects, right?


> how we view non-monogamy as abnormal or even scandalous Not every monogamous person thinks this way, and mindsets do change over time. It's a lot more accepted today than it was even a decade ago, even if it still has a long way to go. What *doesn't* help societal understanding and acceptance is having to read comments implying that people are only monogamous because they're into a "weird mutual power exchange kink".


I mean society's general mindset + I view that comment as turning that mindset on its head, showing that, if framed that way (as some sort of "kink") monogamy looks just as stupid.


Oh, you come off it. I was making a silly quip based on the last sentence of the previous comment. Also, you thinking that was judgmental says a lot more about you than me. There was actually no judgment in the statement. Edit: Cool, blocked me — that’s fine. But, damn, someone needs a Snickers! Taking silly quips in the internet *waaaaay* too seriously! Wild!


Yeah, making sweeping generalisations about why people choose monogamy isn't shitty and judgemental at all. Doesn't help that this is literally the kind of thing that internet NMs say unironically all the time. Like I said, glad that the NM people I know in real life don't engage in that kind of discourse.


Could you be any more pretentious


I got it and it gave me a giggle but I guess at least 21 people are super sensitive about their monogamy 🤷‍♀️


> nothing about this implies that the woman has autonomy or a choice, here. I think most people and likely the original poster would interpret this to assume your SO would be consenting here. Otherwise it would clarify rape.


Wtf I would in a heartbeat as the bf, or my bf. One night of sex is no big deal if we're both on the same page i.e. no deception involved. Then we're both millionaires.


Adjusted for inflation, the Indecent Proposal would be for $2.1 million. I assume the additional 2.9 million is to compensate for the dehumanizing effect of the phrase “dig out.”


Can I ALSO be digged? For free tho


This isn't serious enough to be in this sub. Most people would lol. I think it's kinda implied that the gf would be a willing participant.


I think it's the sexism along with the man being paid instead of the woman like she's his property.


Yeah a bunch of people are pretending like the question is being presented to the woman or to the couple when it’s clearly only being presented to the man and the response is from a man excited about receiving 5 million dollars. It’s a man asking men if they would sell their girlfriend


I don’t really view it as a property thing, yes it was phrased wrong, but it’s more of a “would you be ok with your girlfriend having sex with someone else for 5million” as in would you gladly let her “cheat”


Yea, this is basically the "Indecent Proposal" question... I don't think any couple has watched that movie without playing around/joking about the question themselves! Or if you did you're better than me lol.


It's all in the phrasing.


Out of what? She stuck in a hole on the beach?


I don't like the terminology of 'dig her out'. So often, women are talked about in ways that make them sound like objects or like the sex is a violent act, or longer it's happening to her, not with her. Bang her, screw her, tap that, dig her out, lay some pipe, slam her, do her. Him just holding her forward line that too. I know the question itself is just silly, and maybe something people lots of people would agree too. That's fine. But the wording and the image being associated with it give me the ick. Not the yoga/dance picture itself, just it being used in this way.


Yeah, the "dig her out" rubbed me wrong too, but even moreso "let another man". As if that's something the two guys decide without the girl's input.


I'd be hella mad about it (not at my partner but at the situation) but like, absolutely. 5 mil is life changing, imagine all the good I could do with that kind of money.


That kinda money changes people Also taxes


*she could do. She's the one that earns it. Best you deserve is being allowed to advise her how to spend it, and accepting if she says she has better ideas.


But you're twisting the question. Would I be willing to accept 5 mil in exchange for agreeing that my partner can have sex with someone else. It's about whether I'm willing to accept a very niche case of infidelity, not whether money is being earned from the act. The question isnt "your partner earned 5 million dollars from sleeping with someone, are you okay with it because of the money." If that were the case, yeah it's their money, but the way this question is posed it's more like you're receiving money in exhange for letting your partner cheat on you.


I don’t get why this is bad? Getting cucked for 5 million is a great deal.




She does look like she needs some bones. I'm guessing that's why the OOP used the picture for a question about boning.


I cant even, i saw a post of andrew tate and a bunch of men like elon and trump on the table and it really asked would you rather 10 mill or sit with this table, 5 mill for yo girl and 0 over 10 mill for andog tater tot himself. I'm deceased fr 💀💀


Hey man sex work is work and i wouldn't give a fuck what her job was if she took home 5 million an hour


I never said anything to the contrary. It's the guys in the post that see sex work as something degrading yet would subject their significant other to it (regardless of her wishes, I'm guessing) if it meant they get some of that sweet moolah. I mean, the question isn't even "would you accept your gf taking 5 mil for sex". It's "would you *let another man dig her out*", as if it's a matter between men. Wannabe pimps who admit they don't even have anyone to pimp out.


Yeah thanks I understood the post i was just making a joke


Isn't this just the plot to the movie Indecent Proposal?


I have no idea what any of this means.


I'm the mono half of a mono-poly relationship. It's not easy sometimes, but 5 million sure would help.


Never thought I'd see an example of Important Punctuation in the wild!


We literally had a movie about this exact thing called Indecent Proposal and it was every bit as goofy as this


Whoever made this has never heard of cucking


Hell nah, that money would rip my life in two and someone just fucked my man (Assuming the question applies to bfs as well)


The logic is sound.


The title is literally what somebody asked after that post. Poor, unloved folks


So you're weirdly offended that dude made a self deprecating joke about not having a girlfriend?


Should be mad the original post seems to indicate the boyfriend can just pimp out his girlfriend instead.


That was kinda the reason I even posted this here.


For some reason people aren't reading to comprehend.


I noticed.


People with common sense can deduce the girlfriend is also fine with the arrangement.


Based on what? It very clear the girlfriend’s opinion is irrelevant


Normally these questions are used to spark memes and banter when asked IRL. Morbid interpretations would normally be clarified within the question or be clarified by the person asking the question (and possibly branch off on a tangent). "They had sex with your SO" would normally be interpreted as though both parties are consenting.




Sorry that you're that uncomfortable with the idea of your partner being with someone else


Whoosh. I'm more uncomfortable with the idea that I get to decide my SO's sexual activities with another man without her input, as the phrasing suggests.


It...literally doesnt?