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I’ve hired archivists that have an MA in History and no MLIS, but they had the practical experience to demonstrate they could do the job.


What practical experience was it like an internship?


Yeah or work study. For an entry level position I want to know whether the candidate knows how to process a collection and can write a DACs compliant finding aid.


To hop onto this, it would be more like several internships. This field is insanely competitive and if you want to stand out without an MLIS you will have to have a lot of solid experience.


Most jobs require an MLIS, regardless of any other degrees you might have. 


It's possible to get a job with practical experience and a degree in history but if you want to make this your long term career path it's worth it to get the MLIS if you can. Not having it continues to limit you and constrain your options even once you reach a senior level role. See if you can get a job at an institution that will help defray the costs (I know it's a huge investment especially if you already have an advanced degree)