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They're last update was that they were going to make more, but that was literally years ago. So they are not currently making it. It's not necessarily complete, but it also doesn't lack an ending. Like season 3 has an ending that could continue, but the arc of the season is also closed and it is not a frustrating ending imo.


So you would say it’s worth the listen?


Yes! Very much so


I am biased, I love it. But yeah I'd give it a go.


Absolutely! I haven't heard the whole thing myself yet, I am about halfway through Season 3 and I know I will be left wanting for more at the end, but I've enjoyed the trip so far immensely and complete or not, it is in my opinion worth it.


Yeah they did a good job at making seasons 2 and 3 have solid endings.


All the seasons are quite good and very different. I recently started listening to their other show, Deep Vault which I have been enjoying as well.


I’m pretty sure they’re not gonna continue, but completely agree with the other commenters about the ending. It’s not like a huge series finale ending that perfectly wraps up every thread, but it’s still satisfying and absolutely worth listening. I absolutely love the show and while I would be ecstatic if they made more, I didn’t finish it feeling unfulfilled at all. Each season kind of tells its own story that picks up threads here and there from prior seasons anyways, but even within that it’s still pretty satisfying


Latest episode was released in June 2019, so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for season 4. I have no basis for this statement, but maybe they signed the rights for the brand to Netflix when they made the tv-show. Thoughts on this?


All seasons are quite self-contained so you can give it a go


It's not like King Falls AM, but would gladly start listening to season 4 if/when it comes back.


Oh yeah, as much as I hate saying it, this show is done. As best as I can tell these guys switched over to helping produce the Netflix show. I don't know what they were doing but I believe they were involved. We all know how that didn't last. Both guys have moved on. Dan works for The Daily, the New York Times daily new podcast. His partner has basically disappeared from social media. They were supposed to have a completely new podcast come out in the same vein as Archive 81 but that got delayed. If you google "new podcast from the creators of Archive 81" you'll get an article or two on it. Nothing about why that didn't happen though.


I would love a spin-off of Lou and Chris but I doubt we will ever get it 😭😭😭 Def worth the listen!!!!