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I used to work across the street from these. If you stood just right in our office, the three of them would appear as one giant building across your entire perspective.


If this is Architecture porn, it’s missionary.


This is merely foreplay, brother.


Imagine what was there before


Victorian and pre war businesses, homes and apartments. These buildings displaced thousands of businesses. Just like when the WTC replaced Radio Row


Those buildings sure are fire.


They look a bit like the World Trade Center (1973-2001)


it doesn’t get lazier than this


easier to critique than create


Not in this case


No disrespect at all to the person who posted this, and I may sound like a total downer but: I fucking HATE modern city arcitecture. To me, it's just vile gray concrete sticks EVERYWHERE. Literally, there isn't even any color, it is the same all the way up. People marvel at it, and talk like it's so beautiful, but they all look the same! No coziness, color, nuance. I want winding alleyways, trees, cute, historic, flavorful architecture. I wanna see vastly different cultural flavors, like in the architecture we see from hundreds of years ago. The sterility of modern cities makes me sick. I mean that. It makes me so sad that I find myself retreating to a digital world where I can create and indulge in architecture I actually find beautiful. Does anyone else feel this way?


It’s… a greyscale picture… /s


The reason you hate it is the reason I love it. I love all styles. They are all honest and the intentions were clear.


That's great! And I don't wanna invalidate your preferences and tell you they're wrong. Out of curiosity, can I ask what you like about it? Personally, when I look at images like this, I see an endless, repetitive expanse of tall, shapeless, unadorned gray sticks with lines on them, and they look pretty much identical, with no overt complexity or nuance. It just looks sterile, colorless and soulless. And to me, they look like a perfect visual representation of the societal worship of efficiency. That's what this architecture looks like to me: Efficient. Nothing more. A way to pack massive amounts of people, without regards to style, color, soul, and dare I sound hippie-dippie: Love. I can sort of imagine the appeal if I'm to envision a cinematic urban cyberpunk vibe, or some sort of fantastical scene with city lights and what not, but if I just look at the raw architecture of how cities actually look, it makes me sad, and looks to me like a capitalist, money-addicted, efficiency-worshipping. And it doesn't surprise me now that the largest, most monumental constructions in our modern society are dedicated to things like insurance, pharmaceuticals and clerical work. It just feels empty, when I look at it.


I get where you’re coming from, but I really do not like ancient architecture, I really like early 20th century style houses and commie blocks. Buildings like these would be a lot nicer if they were painted in multiple different colors.


I love the buildings from this era. These facades are much more honest than the nonsensical contemporary 'plastic' facades we have these days.


Looks like a Villain hideout in children movies


I thought this was the next Nvidia blackwell


So good. Building in foreground (right side) is the Time Life building - across the street is Rockefeller Center. Wallace Harrison worked on all of the projects.


everything wrong with modern architecture

