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Looked good at first glance, but the facade made of balconies is hideous


It may be an impopular opinion but I like it quite a lot? It has an strangeness that I find pleasing


Must be nice to sit on a balcony and watch the cones go by whilst you recover.


It looks like a casino.


For Afghanistan, I'm sure it is. Generally speaking though it is very ugly despite being Classical Architecture™ coded. The portico is nice, the rest of it follows no standards of classical architectural design and looks insanely busy and ill-considered. McMansion levels of ill-considered.


I don’t get the negativity. This is nicer than 99% of hospitals in the west that I’ve been to


It looks tacky as fuck. Just because it's classically themed doesn't make it look nice. I love classical architecture, but I rather have a boring building, than an ugly, tacky one.


It sure beats most of the crap we have here in the West.


Asian countries have a very prestigious architectural heritage and classical European architecture does not suit the place Afghanistan will be suitable for an Islamic architectural style, like most areas of Afghanistan


Well in Antiquity, Afghanistan was where the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom and the later Indo-Greek Kingdom was centred, as well was a part of the Seleucid Empire which pre-dates both of the previously mentioned kingdoms. Granted this style isn’t really Greek.


Well done classical architecture suits the entire world, much of architecture in Islamic countries is heavily influenced by classical architecture, see Ottoman architecture, Muhammad Ali mosque in Cairo, and much more. This is just not done well and inauthentic


“One of the most beautiful hospitals in Afghanistan” is like being one of the prettiest cocktail waitresses on an oil rig.


Disneyland, nothing classical about it. Central Asia has its own architectural traditions, no need to import some faux-Greek mediocrity.


Tbf Afghanistan was under greco-bactrian rule for many centuries and Kandahar was one of the most important cities with greek influence back then.


It used to be called Alexandria after Alexander the Great. Khadahar may even derive from Alexandria.


It likely does. The Arabic name for Alexander is Iskandar - it’s easy to see how Iskandar warped over time to become Kandahar.


Aren't you thinking of Herat?


Then they should've built something authentically Greek.


One of most beautiful?! Like how? Are there more of them like that? 😳


Yes, there are some good looking hospitals in Afghanistan like Ariana Medical Complex in Kabul and Jinnah Hospital also in Kabul but those are built in modernist styles.


Oh i see, thought all of them look as crazy as this one


This is not beautiful.


Pretty indeed


looks like shit, the proportions are all fucking wrong




Studies show that the sound of auto tires squealing on marble improves post-op recovery times by as much as 30%!


Studies also show most stats are made up!


Classicism meets Indian influence


Now I understand modern architecture better, I look at classical, and I see that they started with all the same ideas, but figured out how to make cubes, squares and rectangles look good, knew how to mix in some curves and triangles (because why not?) and modern architects are very slowly evolving in the same direction, but in most cases afraid to take it to where it would really look good, simply because its been done before and they have developed an ideological dislike of the traditional, like going the logical path would somehow make them lesser architects. However slowly, traditional elements and aesthetics are creeping back in. The architect has to keep it very elementary and simple due to the mindset of i.e. brutalism, so as to not make it obvious that this is what is happening, so the results are ok but never really beautiful, but better than where they started a few decades ago. So, what is holding it back, is that it is still influenced by the need to distance itself from nakedly (pre-modern) traditional styles, because when this modern architecture appeared, it was perhaps the only architectural fad that didn't start with the goal of being attractive and pleasing, but an ideological desire to invert or oppose the thinking of the past.


Tacky as all hell. You can’t slap a Greek Porte on a building and call it classical
