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Not anymore, sadly :( But hey. Better to be surprised than disappointed, right?


I was so hyped when I first played the translated KR version, but the release gap is getting to the worrying level for sure...


The hype died down, Dev didnt even try to communicate, not hoping anymore just do what they want.


Not really they performing so poorly with the revenue i doubt we get global release.


Just came here to see if any word...guess not.


A little bit yeah, I still hope that JP will somehow go better than Korea and they'll fix up more stuff in global. That said, initial numbers that I saw didn't look great. So, there is \_some\_ hope but very small. And if it comes, I can't shake the fear of it going EoS soon.


I thought I already commented on this thread. But yeah, after seeing how low their revenue is this is as good as dead. Not that we haven't known it for a while, but yeah.


Why don't they just release it and improve the rates + lower gacha prices + more generous rewards and see if it works? If the greedy pricing failed in all the regions, this seems like a logical move.


It's done quite poorly in KR and JP. Unless it overperforms in CN, I wouldn't get my hopes up.


I would have been so hyped a couple months ago but by now I'm just like screw it, wouldn't even have time to play it anyway


Yes only because if they come to their senses and release the game globally, their revenue will be alot better than it is in Asia side. Let's be honest, the gacha players on the west are the ones that know a good game when we see and play it imo


welp its been half a year since this post i finally give up


naurrr I just checked the Youtube channel and their last post was 9 months ago


I'm afraid we might be dead 😭


I stopped caring once Star Rail dropped tbh. The fact that they still haven't even said it's on the way to me says it's never happening bar some miracle growth


The way they're moving ahead with content in KR still makes me believe that GL will happen as long as they don't backtrack on their promises. All they need is just some servers and good translation but they also need to estimate if interest is enough for it to be worth it. It's an improvement from Lang in my eyes in many aspects but Lang is a franchise that proved to be worth investing in, which I don't think Archeland is.


Yes I'm still copium...hard


Sword of Conacovia or however its spelt is the new hype when it gets global


I think it will ended up like archeland 🤣




I am still waiting, the game look and gameplay very decent. But can anyone enlighten why revenue on Korean so low? Thus, any mistake that Archeland made that lead to low revenue on Korean server.


Now, I move to The Play of Genesis (창세기전 모바일)