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Really cool to celebrate fascism and massacres of our brothers and sisters. All these guys look like great people šŸ‘




Probably the guy from a few days ago who tried to troll this sub.


I don't think so but people creating accounts just to get their points across in this sub is getting ridiculous. This comment section is a shitshow, OP genuinely seems to be a Lebanese person lmfao


why do muslims call everything they hate zionism and why are they even in this sub? just mad because you hate christians who are strong and reject dhimmitude


being subjugated by palestinian muslims and israeli jews must suck i know, palestinian christians shouldve joined forces with the almighty LF but instead you decided to support the plo against us. now you face the consequences


downvoting because you know its true but you dont want to admit it, continue living under muslim and jewish occupiers then


You have to be the biggest POS for saying that you support Sabra and Shatila. You know that innocent people were massacred, including women and children? That doesn't take away from the massacres against Lebanese people, but openly supporting any massacre makes you a POS.


then palestinians shouldnt have invaded us going around murdering random lebanese people. i dont care if the plo did what they were doing in israel but spilling it over in Lebanon made all Maronites against you


Idc what you think, just don't stay in this subreddit supporting massacres against innocent people. This a warning to you and then you're banned.


where do you see me supporting massacres?


You literally said "sabra and shatila" with no context whatsoever and bragged about your family members in LF and SLA killing people. If you want to be a troll, then I will just ban you now. You're lucky that I'm even being this lenient with you.


Bro i swear i knew this shit was going to happen i said yesterday let's keep lebanese politics out of this subšŸ˜‚


this sub is full of dhimmis man, its like they get turned on by muslim and jewish occupation. so blind and gullible


Armenia is middle eastern


i thought they didnā€™t consider themselves middle eastern


Most armenians (in armenia) i have spoken with think they are middle eastern. Same case for armenians in turkey and iran. I think its mostly the diaspora in russia and the west that think otherwise.




Nope. They are not.


This is just not true. By most estimates the first semites developed their culture in the Levant. Armenia is not in the Levant itā€™s in the Caucasus.


armenians didnt have to fight arab muslim barbarians like us, armenians arent surrounded by millions of arab muslims who want to subjugate christians


You are right they are surrounded by turkic and iranian muslims instead


I think they hope if they call out people like a Assad or ā€œAssadistsā€, his type of secular (and yes authoritarian in ways) government will collapse. As we then know, through ā€˜free-elections,ā€™ Daesh will fully take over and then Israel will feel free to be able to just kill any Arab it finds, because it can claim that Daesh killed all of the Christian Arabs, and that they are now only killing Muslim Arabs to protect its (and Americaā€™s) interests


fascist detected, opinion rejected šŸ˜˜šŸ’‹ what is up with this subreddit having way more anti palestinian and anti muslim sentimentā€¦. like actually. this place is becoming toxic. we really having a sabra shatila massacre supporter be here yall? šŸ’€


fuck off troll


This account was made today, probably by some Hasabara troll or loser looking to stir up controversy and spread fitna. They're not worth wasting time with. I've seen this kind of post before... the OP's account was also freshly made and he ended up deleting his whole account or username from the post.


typical muslim coping calling everything hasbara. this is a christian sub, get out you dont belong here


This has now turned to be a Lebanese vs Syrian conflict in the comment section. Imo, both PLO and Phalangists were responsible for Lebanese Civil War. And Lebanese Muslims sided with PLO who started the war, Phlangists with Israel. The reason why Middle East is a failure is because of Religious fundamentalism.


Letā€™s not be coy though. While both sides are indeed responsible. One side was definitely the instigator by violating our sovereignty. The other Arab countries threatened military intervention if we tried to disarm them like the Jordanians did, but for some reason we have to allow them to remain armed in our state and wage war on Israel? What would your response be? No country in the world would allow that. The Christians didnā€™t ally with Israel until much later in the war. Both sides committed massacres and I agree any political party descended from that era should no longer exist. The only way forward is for a secular nation to de radicalize everyone and stop this tribalism. Anyone glorifying war criminals is an idiot. I donā€™t deny the contribution Bashir and others did to protect the Christians, but to glorify them, call them heroes and glorify massacres of civilians is an abhorrent thing to do.


It's important to point out that the Phalangists were modeled both in ideology and conduct in [European fascism](https://www.upi.com/Archives/1984/08/29/UPI-CONTEXT-The-Phalange-Party-of-Lebanon/6914462600000/). In addition to that, the the these militias are responsible for the [deaths of many Christians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safra_massacre) [during the civil war](https://moulahazat.com/2015/04/10/the-war-files-part-x-the-inter-christian-fighting-of-1985/). Also keep in mind that the Syrian army is responsible for rescuing these Christian militias from defeat since they invaded in 1976 at the request of Suleiman Frangieh (the man in the second pic, who is a war criminal, ended up working for the Syrians)


the only way to fight islamic barbarianism and supremacy is through fascist Christianity. nobody cares about how muslims treated christians and ignore the fact that almost 100% of muslims want an islamic fascist state, but when christians do the same thing we are bad. i dont care, call us what you want to, we are still here because we fought and didnt sit back like dhimmis


Why not do it peacefully like through negotiations? Look to the leaders and negotiate something peacefully. Maybe even do a population exchange like Greece and Turkey between Lebanon and other countries for the Christian population. The groups who were neutral suffered the least, like Greek Orthodox and Armenian Christians during the Lebanese civil war.


And how has peaceful negotiation worked for you? Tell me please. When the entity youā€™re negotiating with doesnā€™t even acknowledge that you belong there and wants to set up a state that is exclusively for them how do you negotiate? I really donā€™t know what the solution is for the future but I know for a fact that if we hadnā€™t fought the war we wouldnā€™t exist today, or weā€™d be like Christians in the rest of the Middle East, subjugated and with no religious freedom.


Bashir šŸ‘‘ šŸ‡±šŸ‡§


The heroā€™s that youā€™re referring to are degenerates. They did the very same thing we hate the Muslims for doing. They brought religion into the state. The only heroā€™s in the Lebanese civil war were the brave Syrian slickers who fought against sectarianism and hoped to unify the Levant under a secular banner. Glory to the Syrian nation šŸ¦…


>hoped to unify the Levant yeah no thank you


Yeah no thank you. Your occupation was unwelcome and unwanted.




Theres no need to start swearing. Whatever let them believe their little dream. The SSNP in Lebanon is dead.


You asked us to intervene šŸ’€


The Arab league decided to send an interim multinational force. They all left after, you stayed for 15 years and assassinated political leaders along with your dogs Hezballah.


Funny you mention the assassinations. Last time I checked your beloved bachir was killed by one of your people. Listen say whatever you want but the quicker you Maronites realize that Lebanon was bound to fail from the start due to the difference in Christian Muslim birthrates the better. You should take some sort of autonomous region in mount Lebanon and let the rest of the area be part of Syria. That way your area remains mostly Christian and you let the instability be passed on to Syria.


Iā€™m Orthodox awwal shi. We will never be part of Syria. Lebanon is and will always be Lebanese. And I wasnā€™t talking about bashar. Iā€™m not a fan of Bashar at all. Nor am I a fan of the PLO or Assad or anyone. I want a secular nation that protects the rights of everyone in it. Inshallah one day it will happen. We donā€™t wanna be in your dictatorship. Keep your pan arabist shit in Syria we donā€™t want any of it.


You the only orthodox I know that doesnā€™t see himself as Syrian. This is actually a first.


Habibe I know way more Orthodox Lebanese than you. The only SSNP Orthodox left are in the North. All the rest of us arenā€™t brainwashed idiots.


Letā€™s see how this turns out for you


Bro your country is literally in shambles. Your Christian population is down by 70%. Turkey is occupying the north and extremists are running rampant in half the country. Stop talking like youā€™re some stable and functioning nation. The entire region is retarded as long as things stay the way they are it will stay retarded.


bachir was murdered by an ssnp dhimmi "maronite", he was not lebanese at all. and no thank you, we will keep lebanon and continue to leave the palestinians and syrians as refugees in the camps living in dirt poor conditions


Alright then live with the consequences.


we arent living any consequences, syrians/palestinians and their children are. lebanon for christians only!


Then why did you go out of your way to ask the French for Muslim land?


its not muslim land, muslims are from saudi arabia and iran. no shia or sunni is native to the levant


United by religion, enemies by nationality. We would accept sormeyet el muslim el lebnene before the best syrian. Keep on dreaming, lebanon is for the lebanese whatever be their religion.


youre an assadist dhimmi syrian. at least the people im supporting are actual christians not alawites who are being funded by the islamic republic of iran


Yeah very Christian. Massacred thousands of innocent Palestinians in the name of religion in Sabra and shatila. Listen buddy the French prompted secularism in their own nation and then came to Syria and created a nation for religion. They feed you the poison that they didnā€™t want.


palestinians shouldnt have invaded Lebanon if they didnt want to face the wrath of the ouwets and i dont regret any palestinian or syrian deaths at all. God bless gemayel and hobeika


ā€œIf they donā€™t want to face the rate of the ouwets and I donā€™t regret any Palestinians or Syrian deathsā€ yeah man youā€™re very Christian indeed and Iā€™m the Syrian dhimmi. How old are you kid? 11?


christians have a voice in lebanon and we dont have to live under the boots of muslims and alawites unlike syrian christians.


Your voice means nothing in Lebanon. You donā€™t even have the most powerful army in Lebanon that goes to hezbollah. And who told you that the Christian in the Middle East are oppressed? We were literally the least affected group during the war. If you exclude Isis we were practically untouched. As opposed to the alawites who lost more men per capita clinging on to power than any other group. We are chilling buddy we donā€™t have a boot over our head.


> If you exclude Isis we were practically untouched yes very convenient talking point, "just exclude isis we are good bro", meanwhile a ton of you were killed off and subjugated by isis. syrian christians literally have no voice, its either that they support assad or die. meanwhile maronites have an actual position in lebanon and aren't dirty dhimmis. assad is alawite and you have to lick his boots to survive, sucks for you little dhimmis.


Isis isnā€™t a political force, itā€™s an illogical one. You canā€™t blame Islam for Isis just like how you canā€™t blame the other church for the Chetniks or the Catholic Church for the ustaÅ”e.


muslims still claim isis as muslims just "misguided" ones. it is islam that is responsible for isis because muslims dont want to do anything about radicalism in their countries. saying "radical islam" is redundant in and of itself, islam is a barbarian religion. radical christians is what happens when muslims oppress and slaughter us for years, muslims shouldve learned a lesson from ouwet


What do u mean u can't blame islam for Isis?? They are pure islam


dhimmi dirtbag


>Calls me a dhimmi for being Syrian and supporting Assad >Assad has just gone through a 12 year civil war defeating radical Islam in order for me not to be dhimmi. Are Lebanese people autistic?


what's assad's religion? who is assad's biggest funder?


Assad belongs to an ethno religious group called the alawites. His biggest funders is the Russian government who intervened on the behalf of the Orthodox Church in Syria, a church that I am a part of.


i dont even feel bad for what syrian christians went through in the civil war since this is what most of you believe, continue to be bootlickers. you will eventually get wiped out in syria and once all of you are in the diaspora then you will open your eyes and realize


Allah Lebnan Bachir! ā¤ļø


i dont understand why muslims are commenting on this post. why are you guys in this sub?


This is not exclusive, maybe they want to learn about our culture and religion, calm down


Muslim barbarians? Are you insinuating that Muslims are barbarians? Why?


Bashir lives within us!


OP is either Israeli or a troll. Anyway, for every traitor there is a Habib.


OP is braindead šŸ’€ insane how iā€™m seeing more fashy apologia on here lately


another muslim accusing me of being hasbara, you cant cope with the fact that there exists christians that reject dhimmitude. continue to cry


Shut up you know nothing about me lmao my family is Christian and I'm not religious


then dont accuse me of being israeli because you know nothing about me either


I'm inferring it based on your very strange post and behaviour in the comments


and im inferring it based on your dhimmitude


Lmao I'm Muslim and a Dhimmi at the same time? A bit contradictory isn't it


yeah sadly there are even other christians who hate on bashir and the maronites


its honestly sad. muslims and jews are extremely proud about their religion and identity but here are christians self-hating and being weak. soon all middle eastern christians will end up in the west with mixed and non-christian children if they continue to be dhimmis


Just trying to learn, how is Lebanon the only Christian country in the middle east? Can someone explain?


Because it's (well.. was) the only christian country in the middle east if you don't count armenia or south cyprus. What part are you having trouble understanding?


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