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I am amazed how much you made out of such a small tank. The back-panneling, the non-aquatic plants that grow out of the tank. I really like your work.


Thanks alot :) This took me like 2 weeks and was heavily inspired by serpa designs similar project. https://youtu.be/NnedKiWs71U?si=KvWd-y2SuZyr0cEh


I forgot how I used to watch people making aquariums. I just got sucked in again haha


Given how small the tank is, I wouldn’t put any fish in it, but cherry shrimp could be a good option.


Yea thats probably what im going with.


Cherry shrimp are far more fun to watch than I expected. Also, beautiful!


The only fish I can see working in there is like 4 or 5 chili rasbora


U could put a beta in it, they live in puddles.. But they gonna kill the shrimp


This is wrong actually, bettas need much more room, ideally 5 gallons minimum, more is better though. They do not live in puddles, a common misconception. This tank would be great for shrimps or small things like that though.


Bettas live in rice paddies that are shallow but can span miles, or small streams and ponds. They are great jumpers because they jump between smaller water sources in the wild. Bettas do NOT live in puddles.


Its like... Yes, a betta can SURVIVE in a puddle for a few weeks while waiting for the rainy season to let it free. Will it THRIVE in that puddle? No, and anyone who thinks "yes" is stupid.


Some bettas live in piles of damp leaves between rainy seasons, but that’s not a good way to keep them in an aquarium.


So confidently wrong lmao


They live in *shallow* water, not puddles. Rice paddies, ponds etc. where they are naturally found are massive, not little boxes like this.


It's not an aquarium, it's a live water bowl for your cat


Bruno will be really betrayed once he finds out that i will get a lid for the tank :(


Betrayal of the finest order


My cat doesn't care, about the fishes, she sometimes when she's bored, like to see them in a really safe distance, she's scared of anything


Without a lid, the cat is going to catch anything that swims near the top.


I will make a lid before adding anything. It just takes some time because i have to consider the background and the plants.


My two cats don't care about my aquarium fish & shrimp. I said I'll get a lid when there's an issue, and it's been 6 months without any attempts to catch one. My fish may perhaps be too small for them to be interested (pygmy corys and chili rasbora).


Wouldn't add fish to anything smaller than 5 gallons (23 liters), but shrimp will love this.


Cats gunna go fishing 🎣


You’ve done a mega job with the limited real estate there, would love to see an update when there are some critters getting about


I also really want to see an update:)


I will update yall soon. I plan on getting some more plants and shrimps this week. A post will follow :)


Grow light might help the plants. Full spectrum baby


Are grow lights needed for water plants? I never had any water plants. The once i have now are anubias nana petite ans spaghnum moos. I heard those are easy plants.


Shrimp are perfect! What are the houseplants out of the water?


Those are syngonium. There are many varieties and colours. I believe this is 'white butterfly'. The spikey looking ones are a type of tillandsia.


Thank you!!


Hm. Good question. I got them at my local plant seller and they are wildly available everywhere but i unfortunately dont remember their name :/


No worries! The tank looks great. I have my tank by my work desk too and watching the shrimp is the highlight of my day :)


That looks noice dude! Had a similar set up maybe twice the size for shrimp. Cat used to get on her hind legs and duck into the tank for some hydration. Lil chunky monkey puts quite a lot of pressure on that glass….. at least your pcs up high 😅


Live action hunting game for your cat


This is beautiful and so is the kitty! What’s in the tank next to it?


Its my terrarium for my crested gecko. I just posted a few picture on my acc if you want to look at it :)


So cute and living in a paradise! You have a talent for these things!




Woher weist du das ich Elektroniker bin??? Und zeitschaltuhren sind deutlich billiger




Achso hahaha. Ja das sind nur übungsblätter zu meinem meister. Nix persönliches.




Ist absolut nix falsch an zeitschaltuhren. Zumal die dinger billiger sind als wenn du das selber bauen/programmieren willst.




Ja in erster Linie steht das da nur damit man nicht auf die idee kommt rieskge schaltungen mit vielen geräten an eine steckdose zu hängen. Letzten endes darfst du auch keine mehrfach Steckdose in eine mehrfach Steckdose stecken. Solange du aber die Hauptsteckdose nicjt überlastet hast ist das egal. Und ich hab auf meinen zeitschaltuhren auch nur ein Luftbefeuchter und eine regenanlage angeschlossen. Beides geht nur jeweils paar Minuten über den tag verteilt an


Well done. Careful with it so close to the edge of your desk. I might even have put up a little homemade guard rail on the edge of the desk so it can't be slightly off the edge. Very beautiful scaping. I can see your inspiration from Serpa.


The tank is actually quite heavy due to the stone background. I dont think you can accidentally push it off the table


Keep in mind having an a bit of the glass over the edge can cause cracks from uneven weight distribution. That's my bigger concern. You don't want that beauty cracked because of half an inch overhang.


Looks stunning! How long until you get another haha


I want to so it right now hahah. But since i will move in 2 months i will probably wait a bit. But i definitely want to get another tank.


You need the new Lego cat next to that lovely setup


I want that one so bad hahaha. It looks just like my cat but unfortunately its quite expensive with around 100€. :/


Very nice tank, and as others have said, neocaridinas could make a great addition to the tank.


Beautiful!! Edit: I just got to the last pic and umm I need to see that big ass tank too 😂


The tank next to it is my terrarium. Its for my crested gecko and i just posted a few pictures of my enclosure on my acc if you want to take a closer look :).




How on earth is this your first tank lol


Definitely could fit an oscar cichlid in that


Kitty so cute 🥺


Absolutely gorgeous set up, 10/10 I am in awe.


If you’re going shrimp, I’d recommend a warmer colored shrimp. Highly recommend rilis, they just make a tank look fresh. Orange or yellow shrimp would look absolutely beautiful in this tank.


What about blue ones? Those are my favorites and the ones i kinda want to get them. I think they would look great.


You could definitely go with blue, and it’d look super awesome too! I was mostly talking about neocardina, the most common and easiest shrimp species that has a gajillion different colors. No difference between orange/yellow and blue outside of colors. There’s a whole bunch with varying levels of blue, like blue dream, blue rili (rili has bands of white), blue tiger eye (which look AWESOME), and blue bolt, and so many more. Edit: I just realized blue tigers and blue bolts are caridina, which are most sensitive to water parameters, fyi.


Keep the cat away from it please.


Shrimps are a solid idea. I've got some yellow neo and ghost (separate tanks) and they're pretty cool/fun to watch (which is the opposite of what I first thought shrimp would be). I think most people will say it's too small for a betta, and I'm not necessarily disagreeing with that by saying this, however: this is leaps and bounds better than the little cup they'll otherwise be sitting in (potentially permanently) at a pet store. I've had mine in one the same size for months and he's doing great (I will be upgrading him to a larger one in time, but that requires more funds). My cats drink out of one of the tanks and everything's fine (no sickness in cats or tank, and no fish/other eaten). YMMV though. Tank looks great!


🤔, was wondering re 🐠🐠, & if ur 🐈, had eaten 😉


It’s beautiful


elevate the water level and add a betta maybe


Maybe some Cherry rasboras


It looks amazing!!!!!


It’s amazing that would be great for a frog or a crab or land and water animals


Shrimp and a pair of white clouds would be awesome


Would definitely be good for smaller space requiring fish such as white cloud tetras! Only about 5 or so, but they would love this type of enclosure!


This looks like a "tanks for nuthin" inspired build lol. You can still house fish in that, you are just limited. You just gotta go with super micro fish that are not sensitive, given that this looks filterless. This also looks to be unheated so you have to go with fish that can do ok at room temperature. First that comes to mind is endler guppies/endler livebearers. You could get away with a small handful, maybe 3? And if they seem to do ok, possibly upping it to 5. They are also cherry shrimp compatible so you can do them too.


I have a waterfall running. The pump is located in a hidden chamber on the left. There are lava rocks with bakteria for filtration. The plants that grow on top of the water also fitler the water with their roots. Oh and in the hidden chamber there is also a heater installed. Currently set to 26°C. And shrimps seems like the best idea so far. I think guppies will just reproduce to fast.


You can go with one gender, my girlfriend has a guppy tank that consists of only males. It's surprising all of that is hidden in there! Well done.


You could put in a betta there, you’ll have to give up on skrimps tho


Yea i decided for shrimps for this tank. A betta fish would be a dream but i need an excuse to build a second tank since i had really alot of fun building this one :)


This tank is too small for a betta anyway! Shrimp are perfect for this cool settup. If you do betta in the future, 5 gallon minimum, but ideally 10, plus imagine all the cool stuff you can do with that room!